Chapter 2: Hello…Dorm-mate

Kai’s P.O.V

He raised his eyebrows questioningly and I realized I was standing completely still like an idiot as the elevator doors opened behind me.

“Sorry.” I murmur under my breath while balancing Cole’s weight on my shoulders.

But I must have underestimated his weight because the moment I turned to get into the elevator, I tripped over my own legs and almost went crashing down onto the floor.

“Watch out!”

The next thing I know, I’m being hauled up into a standing position with a hand on my waist as the man from earlier rushed in for my rescue.

“Thanks.” My voice came out more of a whisper as I looked up at his face, meeting hazel eyes that looked more green than brown from this close.

There were a few golden specks thrown in those orbs as well, but what I noticed most was just how handsome he was. His skin was all clear, a light golden in color that became even more prominent in the overhead light.

“No worries,” his lips tilted up in a slight smirk. “Consider it returning the favor for earlier.”

For a second, my mind went completely blank. “Earlier?”

“For shutting the stall door.”

And then it clicked.

I stopped short just before passing the stall. I couldn’t see what was going on inside from this angle, but I was still able to see his hand palms down on the stall wall. He wore a silver ring on his index with an intricate design on it…and even though I had no business being curious, I still couldn’t move my eyes from his hand…from that ring…until I reached out and shut the stall door as carefully as I could; preventing anyone else from enjoying the show they were putting on.


I was out of his hold and inside the elevator in record time as Cole groaned on my shoulders for being dragged around so roughly. I wasn’t paying attention though, because at that moment, my heart was beating fast enough to burst out of my chest.

Holy fucking hell!

He saw me!

He saw me peeking at him inside the washroom stall! Fuck! FUCK!!!!

Why can’t the ground just swallow me whole?

But just when I thought I could get over the embarrassment, I saw him enter the elevator right after me, a small backpack slung over his shoulder. I instantly froze on the spot.

“Let me help.” He came to stand on the other side and before I could stop him, he was taking Cole’s free hand and placing it over his shoulders.

I would have complained further, but as some of Cole’s weight lifted off of me, I couldn’t bear to complain exactly, especially when the guy was doing me a favor…and my best friend was heavy as hell.

“Thanks again…”

“Night.” He told me. “And you are?”

“Kai.” I moved away a bit further. “Kai Hunter.”

“Cool.” He gave a lopsided smile as the elevator doors closed. “Which floor?”


“Oh?” He looked at me a little startled. “I’m going there as well.”

“Visiting someone?” I asked after a moment of silence.

I don’t know why I was being curious, honestly. I didn’t like getting into other people’s business nor did I like it when other people got too curious about me. But still…

“Oh, no. I just moved into this dorm.” He said. “I’ll be sharing a room with a dorm-mate.”

“I see.”

Once the doors opened on the sixth floor, Night and I dragged Cole over to the other end of the hallway to his room and I knocked on the door a good few times before we finally got a response from Cole’s dorm-mate.

“What the fuck!” Samuel, the fourth year med student who was Cole’s dorm-mate, opened the door with an irritated look…which turned murderous as soon as his eyes landed on Cole. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Sorry, Samuel.” I gave him my best apologetic look. “Please just hold the door open so I can get him to bed.”

“Be careful of my books!” Samuel gave us a sour look before moving out of the way to let us in.

I turned to face Night, offering him a grateful smile. “I can take it from here. Thank you for your help man.”

“No problem.” He let go of Cole’s arm and I groaned once again as his entire weight fell on my shoulders.

Turning, I took Cole inside carefully, trying my best not to step on any of the million books that were sprawled all over the floor in heaps as I all but threw him onto his bed. Flexing my shouldered once his weight was off of me, I helped Cole take off his shoes and pulled the covers over his body before making a run for the exit.

Samuel got irritated easily if we stayed over at his dorm more than necessary, which is why Cole rarely had anyone over. Thanking him on my way out, I made my way over to the other side of the hallway, to where my room was…only to find Night standing right outside the door, with a keycard in his hand.

I was about to ask him what he was doing, but then I saw the two large bags by his side and the fact that he had just opened the door with the keycard.

Hold on a fucking second…did that mean?

Holy shit!

Rushing over to my room, I held the door open with one hand just as Night was about to close it shut.

He looked up at me startled, his hazel eyes wide as he looked me up and down before releasing the door.

“Can I help you?” He asked in confusion as he stepped back from the door, letting me enter the room as I shut the door behind me.

“I’m staying here.” Checking my pockets quickly, I took out my own keycard and showed him the number on the card. “This is my room.”

“Oh?” A slow smile spread over his lips as he eyed the card before his eyes met mine. There was something about his gaze that unsettled me…made me feel this tingling sensation inside my stomach that I couldn’t quiet name.

All I knew was that I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it one bit…

“Then I guess I should reintroduce myself,” he gave me a lopsided smile, holding out his hand for me to shake. “My name is Night Winters, Freshman in Faculty of Communication Arts. Hello there…dorm-mate.”