Chapter 8: Breaking the Ice

Kai’s P.O.V

To call…or not to call…wasn’t that the question?

I sat frowning at the sleeping figure on the opposite bed, meanwhile waiting for the security to deliver my DoorDash order as I kept shaking my legs in agitation. I was lowkey hoping that the sound of the knocking would wake him up, so I wouldn’t have to, but with my luck…that didn’t happen.

The security knocked only once and that too in such a ‘polite’ manner that it was hard for even me to catch the sound. Sighing, I got up from my bed and accepted the package before setting up the breakfast on the little table we had to the side of the dorm room that acted as the ‘living’ area and got out two plates.

Finally, I went over to Night’s bed and placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking him slightly so I could wake him up.

“Night.” I called out to him, keeping my voice low so I don’t wake him up suddenly. “It’s time to wake up.”

“Ughhh…mom…five more minutesss…” He groaned in a soft voice, pulling the covers tighter over his shoulders as he settled deeper into his pillow.

I don’t know why but that made the corner of my lips tug up in a small smile…before I remembered why I was calling him in the first place.

“Night!” I shook him once again, this time more firmly. “Get up or you won’t get any breakfast.”

“Huh? Breakfast…where…” Night was immediately awake and aware, looking around with groggy eyes before they landed on me.

“Come on. Get up.” I moved aside to give him space and adjust to the environment as he sat up, rubbing his eyes vigorously to get rid of the last vestiges of sleep. “I got us breakfast. Do you want some or not?”

“I’m up! I’m up!” Night stretched his arms before giving me a suspicious look. “You’re acting weird…”

“I’m not.” I frowned before shrugging. “Fine. I’ll just eat alone.”

“Hold on a second!” Night caught a hold of my arm. “I never said I didn’t want any, I said it’s weird of you to ask me for breakfast. What’s up with you?”

“Well…nothing.” I told him honestly. “We’re going to be roommates from now on, so I thought it’d be easier if we could just be friendly with each other at the very least. I just wanted to make up for any misunderstandings we had with the Ruby situation. I know she keeps troubling you because of me.”

“So…you no longer think I tried to hit on her?” Night asked almost hopefully.

“I never did.” I told him. “My friends just made it seem weird. Besides, I believe you when you said you liked men. And Ruby is known for making the first move on others.”

A wide grin spread on Night’s face as he threw off the covers and finally got out of bed. “I’m glad that’s sorted out.” He said. “Gimme a couple minutes; I’ll be right back.”

Nodding, I went over to the table and took a seat while serving up some of the food onto my plate. I had ordered us some blueberry pancakes, bacon and hash browns along with some Starbucks coffee, however, now that the food was here, I was worried if he would like any of the stuff I got.

Why was I doing all of this again? Well, because all through the week I had found him doing little things for me that no one had really ever done before. He had removed my books from my bed and even pulled the covers up for me as I had fallen asleep while working on my assignments. He even got me dinner sometimes and helped me out during some of the club activities while preparing for the website and the promotions for the Campus Hotshot contest. I was really grateful for the little gestures because even though I had been friendly with my previous roommate, they hadn't exactly been this caring or attentive.

And besides, I did want to clear the air with him about Ruby. I know she was trying to hit on him to try and make me jealous, but getting Night involved in whatever she was scheming wasn’t a good idea. She even kept on visiting us during lunch break, trying to get Night’s number or make small talk and he always looked extremely awkward during those moments. In many ways, I felt bad that he had to go through some shit because of me.


Night’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked up to find him taking his seat. He had freshened up, but still chose to stay in his pajamas. Maybe he has an afternoon class?

“I didn’t know what you’d like to have, so I just ordered the stuff I usually have for breakfast.” I told him. “You can tell me what you like, so I can order it for you next time.”

“Oh? Rich boy!” Night smirked at me while taking a sip of his coffee. “Should I let you know if I want to be your sugar baby as well?”

“Fucker!” I groaned, frowning as I leaned back in my chair. “Can you not make everything so…”

“Sexy?” Night winked at me before bursting out laughing.

So much for breaking the ice! Night really doesn’t spare any chance he could to hit on me! And why did that make me feel flustered? His stupid flirting techniques weren’t supposed to be working on me…right? I was straight! I was into girls, not men.

“Shut up, pretty boy!” I snapped. “Now you’re just getting on my nerve. I shouldn’t have been nice to you.”

“Oh? Now the Student Council Vice-President is just being biased.” He retorted. “Shouldn’t you be nice and welcoming to all the freshmen?”

“I’ll be nice to whoever I want to.” I groaned, before deciding to ignore him and digging into my breakfast.

Night seemed to be like those pests that kept on bugging you more the more you paid attention to them. So if I didn’t pay attention to him…it’ll be fine right?

The sound of an incoming message had Night reaching into his shorts to pull out his cell phone. From the corner of my eyes, I saw a smile spread over his face as he looked at the message.

“Who is it? Your hookup?”

Fucking hell! I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud!

Night raised his eyebrows in amusement. “And why are you asking? Jealous?”

“Stop being ridiculous!” I almost chocked on my food. “I wanted to make sure you didn’t bring them over to this room. If you want a fuck fest, do it somewhere else!”

“Oh, don’t worry, if I want a fuck fest, I’ll take them to my condo.” He shrugged casually.

“Condo?” I felt my heart beat a little uneven at his words. “Then what are you doing in this dorm if you already have a condo?”

“It’s too far from campus.” Night shrugged again before shoving his phone at my face. “Here. My friends are going to the club tonight. Wanna join us?”

“Why?” I frowned, ignoring how my insides tightened when he showed me his phone so easily. Was he usually this trusting with people?

“They’re your friends. Should you go hang out with them yourself?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

“I would love to, but it seems they got your friends to agree to come to the club as well.” He said. “Cole and Devon are joining as well.”

Well, if my friends are also going, then it should be fine, right? I wouldn’t feel awkward or out of place if I went with him.

“Fine.” I agreed. “It’s Friday anyways…why not?”

“Great!” Night immediately began texting back his friends. “I’ll let them know!”

I nodded, focusing on my breakfast. But I couldn’t help glancing back at Night sometimes. After all…he looked good when he smiled.