Chapter 73: Off For Good

Kai’s P.O.V

Everything happened at once. I was hauled out of the way of Rick’s line of sight, and I almost tripped over my feet. By the time I had steadied myself enough…I heard a sickening thud of a sound from right behind me, and Rick’s cry was cut short.

When my mother screamed again, it was not out of anger, but of fear. I whipped around to see what was happening and stopped breathing for a few instances when I saw the blood on Night’s forehead.

Rage blinded me, boiling in waves, making me see red. My body moved before I could think.

I pounced at Rick, going ballistic as I sent punch after punch at his already bruised body. “You unmanly coward,” I seethed. “Trying to catch me unaware? Asshole.”

I don't remember much about what else I said, but I assume it was a colorful string of curses accompanying each hit. I basically lost all control, and Kia and my father had to pry me off of Rick once they saw he was unconscious and losing a lot of blood.