First kiss

April pov:

A few more moments passed between the two of us before I could realize what the incidents happen that seemed like a quick flashback. Suddenly went through my mind as I wondered how and why that happened to us? In an instant, I was shocked to feel that our lips were pressed together. I don’t know what can be done, and what should I say?

At this point, even my earthly body trembled at the extreme awkwardness I felt. I feel like I'm going to run out of breath because of the excessive speed of the heartbeat I feel in my chest.

And when I regained consciousness, I quickly got up from lying on top of him. Even though my vision was a bit blurred, I still managed to stand up even though my whole being was enveloped in intense nervousness. When I finally got up, I saw it also get up from lying on the ground, I don't know why I feel like my chest will explode. I calmed down, and hid my true feelings in fury. I lost my concentration even more when our eyes suddenly met.