The Winter Fairy


Queen Leuvis almost had Elena killed by her dragon but luckily for Elena she was able to escape before Leuvis's dragon could get her.


Somewhere in the alternate universe…

“My king, the balance between chaos and order is being disturbed as good Vs evil face off to become victories. If things don't get back, I fear our whole world would be destroyed for good.” The unknown voice said unexpectedly.

“I see…Go over and save her. She's the key we need to create the eight kingdoms. I sense she's in grave danger. Now go and save her Elohim” God himself said to Elohim.


Back at Winterfell…

“My queen we have searched everywhere but Elena is nowhere to be found.” Zagreus said, looking at his father.

“Yes, my queen we have sent your Archdemon, but it somehow seemed she disappeared. It also seems like the light supernatural aren't here anymore. Take a look.” Hades said, scrolling his eyes in a deserted area.