The Winter Fairy


At Devdrands…

Elena and Elevina manage to escape before Leuvis attacks them. They teleport back to Devdrands without the blade.

“I told you not to give her the blade! I knew it was a trick! Winterfell is doomed for sure now.” Elevina said bitterly, falling down on her knees.

“I won't say so.” Elena said bring out the angel's blade she had kept hidden.

“I…is that? How? I saw you giving it up to Leuvis.” Elevina said in surprise, staring at Elena.

“Yes, you're right but Initially I had made a replica of the blade and gave her the fake blade instead. I told you to trust me.” Elena said, giving out a smile.

“Thank goodness. I'm glad you're okay.” Elevina said, getting up to hug Elena.

Everyone sees Elena and Elvenia unharmed with the angel's blade in Elena's hand.

“Well did you defeat Leuvis?” The winter fairy said moving towards Elena.