The Winter Fairy
Queen Leuvis goes in search of Elena with her demon minions scattered all over Winterfell. Hades and Zagreus controlled the legion of demons.
Winterfell erupted with hot lava volcanoes, a great mighty division forming an enormous whole of something deadly. Leuvis's dragon emerged and roared out with flames.
Hades and Zagreus ride the dragon searching for Elena in all directions. With the Leuvis demons behind them. A great battle gets really heated up between Elena and Queen Leuvis.
“Elena did you hear that sound?” Uriel tells Elena as he waits patiently to hear another sound.
“Yes I did. It is Leuvis's dragon.” Elena tells Uriel still in a shrink form.
“What? How on earth are we supposed to defeat a dragon?!” Uriel tells Elena, getting really surprised and shocked.
“I know it sounds crazy but trust me I got this but first let's get back to our normal size; sustum mustum sanctum!” Elena enchants turning back to their normal size.