A jealous Jun

The group followed the police to the hospital and they continued to cover the story while also explaining to the police why they had gone to that house in the first place.

The detectives were glad that they had been sensible enough not to go in because if they had, they would have tampered with the evidence and possibly contaminated the crime scene.

The parents of the missing girls were also interviewed by the princess. They had received calls from relatives and concerned citizens who had seen the news so they rushed to the hospital. They were so thankful to Chi Lian and her group who had found their daughters and they thanked them in tears.

It was a big relief when the doctors said they were hopeful about the physical recovery of the girls but mentally, there was a lot of work to be done.

According to the police, the kidnapper had confessed that he had taken and tortured the girls simply because he did not like the way they looked at him.

What a joke! Chi Lian thought. How can someone abduct and torture everyone that they assumed or imagined looked at them sideways.

He was an evil man that simply looked for a flimsy excuse to do evil.

On the way home, Mama Chi could not stop crying. Her tears were plenty like a leaking faucet that just refused to be shut off. In her words, she could not imagine the pain and suffering those girls had endured at the hands of that monster.

"I hope he burns in hell." she concluded.

She was not the only one with such hopes.

Many people in the empire who had watched the news were in allegiance with her. So many were calling for the permanent incarceration of the kidnapper and complete isolation from society.

Others were calling for his execution and a petition was even being signed online. What would happen if he was given a short sentence and then released? Wouldn't he go after their daughters next!

"At least the girls are now safe." Papa Chi comforted her.

"Yes, thank God Chi-Chi and the others found them. " Mama Chi smiled, "I have all that money for the orphanage, maybe I should use some of it to do something for the girls."

"I think that's a wonderful idea." Papa Chi encouraged and hugged her.

To brighten up her mood, Chi Lian needed something extra sweet. She passed by her favorite bakery sweetie things and bought two cakes, one strawberry and one chocolate.

She intended to share some of it with Jun Muyang as a thank you for the food and also for taking care of Mei-Mei while they were at the hospital.

She had sent him a text asking him to check on the baby when he got home because she would be getting home late and to her surprise, he agreed to do it.

From the camera footage, she could see that he was still at her house and Mei-Mei was climbing his body up and down like a little spider monkey.

Watching that footage calmed her heart. As a mother, she could not imagine what she would do if her daughter went missing.

She wanted to get home as soon as possible and hug her daughter tightly.

Which is exactly what she did the moment she stepped into the house. She sat next to Jun Muyang on the sofa and squeezed the little girl tightly in a hug. She drunk in that smell of baby powder and milk.

"I saw the news on your web TV, are you alright?" Jun Muyang asked softly.

She loosened her hug and took advantage of his worry to throw herself into his arms. Call her shameless, she didn't care.

She needed to be comforted as well, seeing such an ugly situation had injured her heart.

Sensing that her mood was turbulent, he wrapped an arm around her and Mei-Mei while letting her cry for a few seconds.

"It's okay." he comforted her.

Mei-Mei who was not okay with watching her mother crying joined her and suddenly he was confused on who to comforted more.

Luckily for him, mama Chi saved the day by taking Mei-Mei from Chi Lian.

"You should head upstairs if you want some privacy." she suggested.

"En_." Chi Lian pulled on Jun Muyang's arm and led him upstairs to her bedroom.

Papa Chi and the two brothers frowned and looked on in disapproval. Why was a grown man going to Chi-Chi's bedroom?

Chi Wei tried to follow them but Mama Chi pulled him back by the ear and slapped him softly on the head.

"If you have decided not to get married that's your business but don't ruin things for your sister. She already has a child, she needs a good man to start a family with. I approve of of that young man as her choice." She looked at the three troublesome threateningly. "I am warning you, if you make things difficult for my daughter I will deal with you ruthlessly."

As she walked to the kitchen, Chi Wei grumbled. "She didn't have to hit me so hard."

Papa Chi who was wearing the biggest frown amongst them all was torn between following his daughter or following his wife.

Knowing that his wife could be ruthless when she wanted, he decided to follow her to the kitchen reluctantly.

His carefully raised cabbage was about to be eaten by a powerful pig and he could do nothing about it.

In the bedroom, Jun Muyang was awkwardly standing next to the dressing mirror with his hands in his pockets.

With this level of nervousness, it seemed as if he had never been inside the bedroom of a woman before.

"Take off your coat." Chi Lian softly said and her eager hands reached out to help him.

She was blushing red as a ripe tomato as she helped him. In her mind, she picture herself doing this every day as Jun Muyang's wife.

"What in the world is running through your dirty mind right now that you are blushing so much?" a smug Jun Muyang asked.

N_..nothing." she denied vehemently.

"I don't believe you." he shook his head. "Your thoughts are written all over your face, its so easy to read."

"Chhh...." she pouted and rolled her eyes as he laughed.

With that bit of tension smoothed over, he walked around the room, looking at pictures of her at different ages and observing the decorations in her room.

There was a dressing table with a few cosmetics, mirror, work desk where a computer sat and well made bed with all white everything from the sheets to the pillow. It was nothing like he expected and she could see that in his eyes.

"Were you expecting pink walls and teddy bears?" she asked while holding back her laughter.

"No.." he denied.

His denial was useless because they both started laughing. Her loudly and him softly.

"Come and sit." she patted the bed and invite him to sit next to her.

"Do you invite every man to casually sit on your bed?"

"No, just you. You are the first man to grace my bedroom with his presence. My brothers and father excluded of course."

He took a sit on the soft bed and a moment of awkward but companionable silence ensued.

"Are you okay now?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes, I am still sad but crying and hugging mei-mei for a while helped a bit."

"This is why I told you to make sure that your security is top notch. There are some evil people in this world. Have you contacted the security company I recommended?"

"Not yet, I was busy today and it slipped my mind."

He frowned at her and she looked away. He pulled his phone and made a call.

"Wenzhe, send four bodyguards from heavenly dragon to my residence tonight. They will be here for an assignment, and make sure that two are female."

"Eh_ I could have taken care of that tomorrow," Chi Lian explained in shock at his take charge attitude.

"I hate tardiness, now you don't have to worry about it. And I don't have to spend my valuable time worrying about you heading into dangerous situations unprotected. One of the female body guards is for you and the other for your daughter."

"But I would prefer a young, handsome male body guard, I think_"

Before she could finish that statement, she felt a coldness on her neck. She looked at him and he was giving her an "I dare you to complete that statement" look and she shut up immediately.

"Female bodyguards are also good." she nervously changed her words and laughed awkwardly.

Jun Muyang came closer to her, pulled her face close to his and said , "You said no other woman was allowed to come close to me because you want to woo me. What makes you think that I will accept you having other men so close to you before I decide to make you my woman?"

"But_but," she tried to explain that a bodyguard is different and failed.

Her heart was beating so fast that she was afraid it would explode through her chest at any moment.

As if this level of closeness was not enough, he pulled her forward and she fell on his chest. He wrapped one of his arms tightly around her waist and said,

"I warned you when you started this, I can be a very jealous man at times. I would hate to see any other random man spending too much time with you."

He run his fingers through her hair, "So, Chi-Lian , before you woo me properly as you desired, make sure nothing male, or female can come between us."

Chi Lian replied like a squeaking mouse, "En_"

She could not think straight, not with him being so close and smelling so good. His nose was now in the crook of her neck and his breath tickled her.

"Kiss him." T4 encourage her.

She closed her eyes and pouted her lips, hoping he would take charge and initiate a kiss.

Nervously, she swallowed saliva and waited.

"What are you doing?"

His question was like having a bucket of cold water splashed onto her. She opened her eyes and pulled away from him in embarrassment.

"Your face is so red, were you hoping that I would kiss you? Tsk tsk tsk, Lady Chi, I knew you had dirty thoughts about me." he chuckled.

The door swung open and a frowning Chi Wei entered.

"Mother has said that you should both come down for dinner." he said as he glared at Jun Muyang.