Setting up my system

(AN: this is chapter 2 of reborn as Naruto done right by me I have a lot of ideas but idk which one to choose so I'm just ganna wing it and put them together. ALSO IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE STORY COMMENT HERE AND ILL DO MY BEST TO ANSWER YOU)


Opening my eyes the first thing I saw was an unfamiliar ceiling and a bluish green screen with the prompt

[Select difficulty]

[easy]- live like a real life video game with infinite lives with a quick save option and weaker enemies so you can crush your opponents as well as instantly unlocking all system upgrades and services.

[medium]- one life with few checkpoints and enemies are at their original strength with limited access to system services and the system being at level 0.

[hard]- one life with no saves or checkpoints you die you die that it. The system starts at level 0 and no access to system services until you upgrade your system to a high enough level. Also enemies will be 2-3 times stronger than their original selves.








Hmm i don't want it to be easy with no challenge but I also I'm not going to face a super madara and multiple overpowered otsutsuki. Wait didn't that goddess say something about wiping the otsutsuki all out "shivers" the power needed to do that is well unfathomable. We'll still I'm not doing hard so I focused on normal and with a 'click' I got a new prompt.

[difficulty selected {normal}]

[select system type]

[basic system]- a system with no soul or consciousness has all the features of a normal system.

[normal system]- a system with a basic AI that can answer questions and give basic tips on the system uses and services.

[advanced system]- the system will find a suitable host to integrate with to add them as their consciousness but the system has to be upgraded for the secondary host to be of any use.








The best choice would be an advanced system it my not be activated immediately but I probably won't need my system before I get to the age of 12 that's when they graduate from the shinobi academy I think.

'I want the advanced system'





[system type chosen as {advanced system}]

[Searching for suitable secondary host…




Secondary host found]

[Integrating system to secondary host 1%…..45%.....95%…100% integration successfull]









So that's done I guess as there were no more prompts and the screen disappeared. Just then I was knocked out of my musings as I heard the door to my room opening and the old hokage walk in. I tried my best to move my body but no matter how much I tried I couldn't do anything than flapping my arms uselessly. 'Fuck I'm a baby this is going to suck so much'

"So that's sensei's and auntie Kushina's kid huh." A voice said.

"Yes kakashi, that's minatos son he sealed the nine tails in him with the reaper death seal." A gravily old voice answered the now named kakashi.

"I see hokage-sama may I request to be on his protection detail." Kakashi asked after a few moments of silence the old man answered with a;

" I'm sorry kakashi but the shinobi force is already at an all time low after the kyuubi attack I can only spare one anbu for protecting him, and your needed on the kumo front once they get word of this from their spies they're going to be poking and prodding our defenses."

"I see may I ask who will be protecting little Naruto."

"I'm giving bear this job he didn't loose anyone to the kyuubi's rage so he shouldn't harbor any hate for the boy."

"Does he know who Naruto really is?"

"No no one but those who already knew know and we will keep it that least for now we are weak and if iwa learns of his father they will attack us and even tho they are weak as well after what minato did to them we can't hold both them and kumo off. Anyways let's go back to my office I need you for some missions."

"Yes hokage-sama" is what I heard before a door closing and than silence. I mentally sighed at my inability to do anything.

A few minutes later and a woman opens the door and came in front of me as I got a good look at her I noticed she had a twisted smile and eyes brimming with hatred. She was holding a kunai just above my heart.

'Is this the end I just reincarnated I can't die yet, shit shit shit! Help me I thought there was an anbu protecting me' I screamed in my mind only letting out crying with my not fully formed tonsils making me incapable of speech. Just as the knife was about to plunge into my heart it was stopped by a hand.

'Yes yes yes yes I'm saved hahahahahah' but my excitement was thoroughly destroyed a second later by bear talking to the woman. Only to be replaced by a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"Calm down my love you can't kill him if you do the hokage will execute us." The female than looked at bear and calmed down and took a breath and let it out.

"Thanks for reminding me honey I'll be sure to thank you later" she said with in a seductive tone. "Shat can I do to him then?"

She asked.

"Well I didn't say we can't hurt him just can't kill him also nothing to the face it'll be to noticeable." He answered back. Then they both turned back to me and the sinking feeling in my stomach amplified by ten times.

And so my 5 years of torment began.