A defense mechanism - Part Two.

The sound of birds wakes me from my sleep, so I peel my eyes open, but what really gets my attention is the aching in my shoulder and the numbness of my arm. I try to move, but Elizabeth tucked herself into my shoulder with her leg over my thigh. This is unreal. All it takes is an apology and she plasters herself on me.

I try to move her over, since it is time to get going anyways, but she startles awake and jumps up confused as to why we are so close together. Her hair is sticking out in a few random spots, while her eyes go wide in shock.

"What are you doing?" she asks, her chest rising heavily from the confusion.

"Trying to pry you off me." I grunt as I shake off the numbness in my arm.

The feeling slowly starts to come back, but the sensation of the nerves starting to work again is slightly unpleasant as small prickles shoot along the skin of my forearm, hand, and fingertips.

"Why were you sleeping next to me to begin with?" She snaps back, but I glare at her.