Serpent - Part Two.


To say that I have the location of where the egg is hidden memorized is an understatement. I close my eyes and that is all I see – the map of where we are to go. That used to be all I see, now there is Lizzy's smile, but the point is that I know the egg should be in this exact spot.

The current problem is that we are standing at the spot where I know for a fact the egg is supposed to be located, but all we see is a massive mountain of an ice block and nothing else but miles and miles of flat ground covered in snow.

"Are you sure you brought us to the right place?" Lizzy asks, as she looks up at the ice mountain in front of us. Slightly annoyed with the predicament we are in, I glare down at her. "Just asking." She defends herself by looking up at me, but quickly returns to staring at the dilemma in front of us as if she will see the answer if she looks at it long enough.