Morans's Revenge - Part One


The past few days have not been very adventurous. We stayed in hotels that looked like they could fall apart if the wind blew a little too hard and bantered back and forth about random things. The man says that apple pie is much better than cherry pie. I strongly disagree. Cherry is the best of pies. There is no argument about that.

If things keep going at this rate, we are set for success, but something at the back of my mind is telling me that we should be expecting company. Bad company. Victor seems to be on edge as well, as if waiting for someone to jump at us any minute. No one in particular would be looking for me, but Victor is easily spotted for those who know how to look for a dragon's heat signature. But then again, no one should be looking for him as well, unless someone knows we are retrieving the egg. There also shouldn't be anyone that knows, unless there are spies, which according to the Balachko brothers, there are.