Chapter 3

The train is packed with passengers. There is no room to breath. But this is the good part.

I somehow managed to get in front of that man with my back behind him.

The train is packed, so nobody's gonna pay much attention to what's happening in the surrounding either.

And many of the passengers are just busy with their phones... This is one of the times when I'm grateful to technology.

In front of me is a window, and I'm fully surrounded by people.

Behind me is a seggs* monster (ps: author is afraid of censorship) and around me are clueless people, unaware of what's about to happen to me.

The man should be making his move anytime soon as the road is clear.

The thrill of doing indecent things in public secretly and not getting caught is amazing.

"I guess I should do some exhibitionism play in public next time too."

—I thought.

My mind was filled with excitement and thrill but just then, I sense some touch on by buttock.

"Here it comes!"

That man started off by gently touching my butt through the skirt with the back of his palm.

I took a look at his face from the reflection on the window and he was looking away from me, to his left.

I guess he's trying to figure if it's safe or not, as he can just make an excuse that it was an accident.

He is only touching my buttock, that too with the back of his hand through my skirt!

I pretended to fall back due to the turbulence* (Correct me if I'm wrong) to give him a nice feel of my butt line.

I can tell it from the reflection on the window, that he was definitely surprised by that.

I slowly take a peek behind and look at him, and then turn my face back pretending to be clueless.

Just so he does not suspect that I'm doing this on purpose. I want to play it safe too.

A few moments later, he finally turns his hand and gently takes a stroke of my butt.

I fidget in surprise, I thought he was going to play safe for a while more.

It's a relief that he didn't. He slowly lifted up my skirt and took a feel of my butt with his hands.

I can feel his hand on my butt through that thin underwear, and I'm sure he can feel my butt too.

He makes his next move slowly by moving his index finger down my butt line through the panties and below me crotch.

And this is when the good part starts because now he would finally realize that I'm wet!