Stage 1: The Fiery End to a New Beginning

Everyone was resting peacefully inside the three-story Monoblock house except for one person who was lying wide awake in his bed. Liu Lixin had been waiting for this day for years and it was finally here. His heart raced as he listened to the sounds of the house.

Once he heard the rhythmic snoring coming out of the master bedroom, he knew it was time. However, despite every effort to remain calm, he couldn't stop the fear that had begun to take hold of him.

A sense of panic swept over him, and he began to have doubts about his escape plan, wondering if it was already doomed to fail. He had never been a great actor. What if they had seen through his ploy? No, that shouldn't be. He perfected the act of pretending to be a perfect broken doll.

But just the thought that they might have noticed something sent chills down his spine. Because he knew if they caught him, the hell he was in now would seem like a vacation spot. Though he feared the consequences of being caught, he wouldn't let that stop him from trying to leave this place.

After slowly peeling back the bedsheet, Lixin slid his feet onto the cold hardwood floor and stood up. The creaking of the wood made him pause, listening for any sign that he had been discovered.

Once he was sure it was safe, he tip-toed across the room and opened the closet door. Reaching inside, Lixin felt around until his hands found the hidden panel. He pressed it gently until it clicked open, revealing an array of items he had been collecting - a bag filled with essential supplies, some money, and a few keepsakes.

Grabbing the bag, he opened it and grabbed a pair of sneakers and a sweatshirt he stole from his father. He didn't have any normal clothes of his own. His stepmother made sure of that. Even when she took him into town as a reward, he would have to wear things that were meant for indoors.

Lixin slipped out of his pajamas, revealing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt he stole from his stepsister's closet. It wasn't as if that bitch would miss them anyway. Especially with all the clothes she had.

After putting on the sweatshirt, he swiftly slipped on the sneakers, keeping an eye out for any movement. Once he was dressed, he re-zipped the bag before carrying it with him to his bedroom door.

With the patience of a turtle, he opened the door and walked down the hallway, careful not to make a sound that would wake his family. He really couldn't explain why the sound of everything felt so magnified when it was night. It was only when he reached the bathroom and closed the door behind him that he felt safe to release his breath.

For two years, he had searched for a way out. Lixin had just been about to give up hope when he learned the bathroom was the answer all along. One day, while he was brushing his teeth, he learned that the security sensors they had set up didn't work in this section of the house. He knew this because a cat had gotten on the roof and it had triggered nothing.

Fortunately for him, he was present to witness how it escaped. He would use it for himself.

Heaving open the bathroom window, he tossed his bag onto the roof and hurriedly followed after it. With each step, he feared he might slip and fall from the slick tiles. However, with fervent determination, he managed to make it to the tree without taking a single misstep.

Once he was safely on the ground, he ran as fast as he could, the cool night air filling his lungs. The sound of his heartbeat beats like a drum as he runs. The night air is freezing, and his breath curls out of his lungs in thick plumes, but he doesn't feel it.

All he could think about was being free. Pulling out the watch he had tucked into his pocket earlier in the day, he saw it was 3:15 am.

Whenever he had the chance to explore outside, he kept an eye open for anything that might be of use. Eventually, he discovered a bus service that runs from twelve in the evening until five in the morning, every half an hour.

Anxiety surged through his veins as he began sprinting down the street, desperate to make it in time. His heart raced, his breath came in ragged heaves, and sweat trickled down his back as he pushed himself harder and faster.

Lixin couldn't miss that bus, he just couldn't. His father wouldn't wake up until seven or eight in the morning, and his stepmother would probably sleep in too. His stepsister, on the other hand, was a different story.

She loves to go out and have a good time, usually not coming home until the early morning hours. When she returned home, she was usually intoxicated and liked to walk into his room and taunt him.

But once she finds out he's not there, all hell will break loose. Pushing himself harder at the thought, he continued the trek to the bus station.

He raced around the corner, his heart pounding and his feet aching. As he arrived at the station, he could see the bus in the distance, its bright lights glowing and the engine rumbling closer. Was he too late? He watched anxiously and as it pulled into the station, relief washed over him.

Lixin sprinted up to the ticket booth, removing some money from the bag on the way. He kept his head down as he handed over a fifty-dollar bill, snatching the ticket out of the agent's hand before darting over to the bus. Climbing on board, he stumbled to the back of the bus and fell into a seat, his breaths coming out in ragged gasps.

As the bus rumbled to life, a weight seemed to lift off his chest. With each yard the bus traveled, he felt a wave of joy. Tears of happiness glistened on his cheeks as he gazed out the window, knowing he was escaping the clutches of the very people who had terrorized him.

Wiping his eyes, he clutched the bag against his chest. He began zoning out, thinking of what he should do once he reached the next town.

Staring out the window, he became lost in his thoughts as the bus trundled along. Suddenly, a cacophony of honks pierced his consciousness. He jerked his head forward just in time to see a bright red pickup truck barreling down the highway towards them, its headlights blazing and its horn blaring.

As the bus and truck collided, time seemed to slow down for him. Lixin watched as a twisted piece of metal flew through the windshield, hitting the driver squarely in the face and killing him instantly. As the driver's body fell on top of the steering wheel, it jerked to the right, sending the bus into a series of spins.

The driverless bus spun into the railing, crashing into a barrier before continuing on, and then tumbling into the darkness below. He screamed as he was thrown out of his seat, his body slamming against the side of the bus, as it hit the ground with a violent thud. The bus skidded for a few yards and then came to a halt.

Everything went black. He couldn't see and he couldn't hear. All he could do was feel. He felt the shards of glass digging into his skin; the blood trickling down his head.

He thrashed against the confines of the bus, desperate to make his escape, but the moment he saw the fire, he was paralyzed by terror. Flames surged and engulfed the vehicle, and his last thought before the bus exploded into a fiery abyss was that he should have known he would never be free.


Author Says:

MomoCatt: After all you've been through, let me offer you some tea.

Lixin: Thanks, I could use a cup. What kind do you have?

MomoCatt: Red Hot Cinnamon Citrus Tea. You'll like it. It's hot like the fire that killed you.
