Stage 5: A Step in the Right Direction

Four Days Later

Lixin felt overcome with emotion as the plane touched down at Beijing airport. He couldn't believe that he had actually managed to escape from his father and stepmother's grasp, and yet here he was, free at last.

Tears welled up in his eyes at the thought of starting a new life—one that would be so different from his previous life.

But it wasn't all a joyous experience. Lixin remembered too vividly the humiliation he suffered at his stepmother's hands. He also remembered how he was used by his stepsister and his previous failed escape attempt that ended in him being engulfed in flames in the bus crash. His whole body shivered at the thought.

Gathering himself together, Lixin saw that almost everyone had left the plane by now. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed his carry-on and stepped out of the plane towards his waiting mother, fighting against conflicting emotions as he took each step.

As Lixin entered the bustling terminal building, his heart sank. There were so many people everywhere. It made his skin crawl.

The trauma of what he endured at the hands of his stepmother left him with an intense fear of touch. He thought that having his skin melt away would be even more horrifying than what he had already experienced. Strangely, he wasn't afraid of fire.

Lixin realized that the real reason he was so upset about his touch phobia was that he let that woman break him. Before the rage could once again surface, he heard someone call out his name, diverting his attention.

Turning his head toward the sound, Lixin saw an older woman with curly black hair and expressive eyes smiling warmly at him. At first, he didn't recognize the person, but then he remembered the picture his mother sent of herself and smiled. This was his mother.

His tension evaporated as emotions flooded within him as he watched her walk over to him. Although they had never met before, he felt connected to this woman in a way he hadn't with anyone else. He understood that this was the bond of mother and child that he had read about countless times before.

Once she reached him, Lixin could tell that she wanted to give him a hug but didn't for fear of making him uncomfortable—the detective must have told her about his recent aversion to touch.

His mother spoke gently, just as he remembered from their phone calls. "Welcome home, my son," she said with tears in her eyes. "I've been waiting for this day for a very long time."

Lixin couldn't manage to say anything; he merely nodded, letting the woman's soothing words wash over him. He felt something stir deep inside him that he had long forgotten: hope.


As the driver put his belongings in the car's trunk, he and his mother sat in the back seat in uncomfortable silence. There was a sense of awkwardness between the two, neither knowing what to say.

Lixin was nervous; fearful thoughts of his new family not liking him and being more awful than the one he just left flooded his mind. While his mother was joyful. She had been waiting for this day for a long time.

But her happiness dimmed when she remembered the horrible suffering her son endured while with her ex-husband - although it was a relief that he was now behind bars for kidnapping and theft. If only her father had some connections in America, to make his sentence longer.

'That would be exactly what he deserves,' she thought before the alarm on her phone reminded her of the stop they needed to make. "Sweetie, before we head home, we need to stop at the hospital first."

Lixin looked puzzled. "What do we need to go to the hospital for?"

"I have scheduled you for a checkup, and you need to get fitted with an X13," she replied.

He remembered then that they'd discussed getting him one during one of their calls. It was a translation device that programmed the brain to understand any language after just 6 months before dissolving into your bloodstream.

His mom got hers five years ago so that if she ever found him, she could talk to him easily. That was why she spoke English so fluently.

However, if he wanted to adapt to this unfamiliar country, he would need to know Chinese.


Two hours later

As he left the hospital, Lixin was amazed at how quickly the X13 allowed him to comprehend his surroundings. He could understand traffic signs and snippets of conversation he heard on his way back to his mother's car.

His curiosity prompted him to inquire why more people didn't use this device for language learning. However, the $100,000 price tag answered his question. Still shaking his head in disbelief, he gazed out the window, reading street signs as they drove by. Though he could understand them, they still appeared as jumbled letters and symbols to him.

Just then, the sound of a loud honking caused him to look up—and be taken aback by his new vista. They had just entered a gated community filled with extravagantly large houses covered in sparkling white marble facades and lined with exotic trees. Even though Lixin used to live in a big house, it couldn't compare to these mansions that shouted affluence and wealth.

As they pulled up to one of the houses, Lixin's mother turned to him and smiled. "Welcome to your new home, sweetheart," she said, her voice filled with warmth and pride.

Lixin's heart skipped a beat. He felt slightly hesitant, but as he glanced at his mother's expectant face, he smiled. "It's beautiful."

"It's been in our family for three generations," she said as she got out of the car. "And one day it will be yours."

Stepping out of the car, he marveled at the house's beauty. He couldn't believe this was his new home.

Lixin's mother opened the door, revealing a stunning lounge area with white walls, hardwood floors, and beautiful artwork and sculptures. He was pleasantly surprised by how gorgeous the house's interior was.

When they reached the dining room, Lixin realized his mother hadn't been showing him around when he walked into the room, only to see it filled with people. However, there weren't any old people but his family.

The room contained his grandparents, uncles and aunts, and all of his cousins. They all welcomed him warmly, but none of them tried to touch him. It looked like someone warned them beforehand.

Like when he first met his mother, there was discomfort in the air. It was like they didn't know what to say or do. But he couldn't blame them, since he felt the same. However, his tension was shattered when the elderly woman seated at the head of the table spoke with a warm, sweet voice.

"What are you doing just standing there? Come and sit next to your grandmother," the woman said lovingly, patting the empty seat next to her.

Lixin obliged with a small smile, casting a glance at his mother before doing so. When he saw her encouraging nod, he took his place at the table next to his grandmother. Once he was seated, his grandmother introduced him to everyone. Despite being embarrassed by her stories, the family couldn't help but giggle along.

The surrounding atmosphere was lovely. It felt like Lixin had known them all for years, yet they had only just met. Despite their short time together, this place felt like home.


Author Says:

MomoCatt: I bet you are happy. You're finally away from those people and your dad is in jail.

Lixin: I still can't believe this is real. But I have to admit I'm a little nervous.

MomoCatt: Why?

Lixin: I'm nervous that they might be the same as 'THOSE PEOPLE.'

MomoCatt: It's understandable you would be anxious. Why don't you drink some of this Valerian tea to calm your nerves.

Lixin: This time I will take you up on that offer.