Stage 7: When Karma Comes Knocking

November 23, 2083

Lixin felt a lump growing in his throat as he stood, transfixed, in the living room doorway. Strings of shimmering golden bulbs illuminated the room, reflecting against a giant banner that read Happy Birthday. This was under a ceiling adorned with balloons and streamers of varying hues.

Continuing to look around, he spotted a large table off to the side filled with delectable delicacies, with a fish-shaped cake as its centerpiece. It touched him that his mother remembered his love of aquatic animals.

At the thought of his mother, he finally noticed that she and his stepfather were standing in the middle of the room. They had huge grins on their faces and were surrounded by the rest of his family. Although a birthday party wasn't on his list of things he expected to come home to after therapy, he really didn't mind.

He just needed some time to process everything. Because for him someone who never celebrated his birthday once in his life felt like something straight out of a dream.

Although it sounds outlandish, he was telling the truth. When he lived with his father, the man made it a point to ignore him on his birthday. It got to where Lixin attempted to forget about it himself.

However, that all changed when he moved into his stepmother's house. His birthday started to be celebrated in ways he didn't want to think about.

Lixin almost came to hate his birthday because of that woman. But he was determined not to let what she did to him taint the party his mother had thrown for him. As he looked around at his family, who were beaming with joy at being able to celebrate his 16th birthday with him, he smiled widely filled with gratitude.

"What are you just standing there for?" shouted Zeyu, beckoning him over. "Come in so we can party!"

Lixin's eyes lit up with delight and he made his way to the center of the room. Casting a grateful look towards his mother, she responded with a loving one of her own; he went around the room, greeting all the adults before heading over to hang out with his cousins.

At first, he just stood there making small talk with everyone, but his cousin wasn't having that. Zeyu pulled him and the rest of the teenagers into a mock dance battle. Although he was a little shy during the first two songs, he got into the spirit of things. He had a blast dancing and singing along to the music with everyone.

Soon enough, a game or two was being played. Despite never having played them before, his cousins taught him everything he needed to know. Lixin was astounded by how much fun he was having.

It felt like all his worries had faded away. He felt so free, in every sense of the word.

"I'm so hungry," someone suddenly exclaimed an hour or so later.

Lixin felt the same. There was nothing he wanted more than to head over to the food table and grab a plate to satisfy his stomach after all the partying. However, as he was walking over, he saw that his mother was already there, lighting the candles on his cake.

Suddenly the lights went out and the familiar tune of "Happy Birthday" filled the room, with everyone joining in to sing. Stepping closer, he clasped his trembling hands together and closed his eyes. After the song ended, he made his wish.

'I wish this happiness would never end,' Lixin wished as he blew out the candles.

As the light flickered back on, Zeyu approached him and asked, "What did you wish for?"

He chuckled and replied, "If I tell you, it won't come true."

"You still believe in that superstition?" his cousin asked with a sarcastic huff. "Don't you know your wish can only come true if you tell somebody?"

Rolling his eyes, he ignored his cousin's words and popped a piece of cheese into his mouth. As he was about to grab an empty plate, he was interrupted by his mother.

"Darling, let's open the gifts first."

"What gifts?" he asked, surprised. He had almost forgotten that there were presents too.

A collective groan followed his question, and someone jokingly said, "The gifts we got you, duh!"

As everyone laughed, Lixin couldn't help but feel grateful for all the care and attention his family gave him. He finally realized the true value of celebrating a birthday.

Everyone cheered as he opened his gifts. It filled him with delight, looking at all the thoughtful presents from various family members, who had spared no expense in getting him something special.

But it was his mother's gift that he appreciated the most. She gave him a photo album with pictures of himself and her when he was a baby, with the promise that they would fill out the rest of the pages together. Lixin hugged the album to his chest as he thanked her, hoping she could tell how much he loved it.

His mom then smiled and said, "Now that we're done with gifts, let's have something to eat."

Before anyone could leave, Zeyu stopped them.

"Wait, Lix hasn't opened my present yet," Xu Zeyu declared, taking out an envelope from his pocket and handing it over to his cousin. "Here, open this."

Knowing his cousin, Lixin expected to see a check within, but what he saw stunned him. It was a receipt. He couldn't help but look over at his cousin in bewilderment.

"Read it!"

Examining the receipt that his cousin Zeyu had given him, he was astounded to see that it was for a game pod.

His cousin chuckled at his reaction, scratching the back of his neck. "I noticed how excited you got when the news broadcast about Watashinojinsei-dan Online last month, so I convinced my mom to buy us both one so we could play together."

Lixin's heart leaped as his gaze flicked from the slip of paper in his hand to his cousin's face. Perhaps this was God's way of telling him to get his vengeance.

Since he saw the news announcement a month ago, he was certain that his stepmother's investment would flop if he wasn't there to help; however, he had neglected to consider that he wasn't the only person who could think up unique recipes out there.

He knew those women well. If they had the guts to steal his recipes and claim them as their own, why wouldn't they do the same to somebody else?

Because of his therapy sessions, he believed it was better to just abandon any grudges and move forward with his new life. But now that an opportunity for revenge has been laid out before him, how could he resist such a temptation?

This could only be Karma at work, showing him what he needed to do. Who was he to deny it?

Lixin smiled, overwhelmed with gratitude. "Thank you so much, cousin."

Without thinking, he reached out and tenderly patted his cousin's shoulder. Everyone in the room froze at the sight, overcome with emotion by his action. Especially his mother, who started tearing up at the scene.

Zeyu's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he choked out a barely audible "You're welcome". He couldn't help but think that it was worth repaying his parent's triple the cost of the pods within a year for that fleeting touch.


Author Says:

MomoCatt: Happy Birthday!

Lixin: Thank you. It was the best one I ever had.

MomoCatt: I bet! It seemed like a great party.

Lixin: It really was. My family gives the best presents.

MomoCatt: I got you one too. It's a case of Purple Papaya Berry Iced Tea. The perfect drink for a celebration.

Lixin: It looks delicious.