Stage 21: A Call for Aid

Lixin froze at the sound of urgent knocking coming from the door. Knowing that exploring the house was now out of the question, he got up from the sofa. Suddenly, there was another series of knocks, more incessant than ever. This caused him to speed up his pace as he approached the door.

Once he opened the door he saw the same NPC who had come to collect Peter earlier standing before him, panting heavily as if having run a marathon. He was surprised to see him, and wondered what could possibly be the reason for his return. As soon as that question crossed his mind a lightbulb went off in his head. He realized that this was probably the prelude to his next storyline quest.

"Fortuitous Fish! Thank goodness you answered the door," the NPC said between breaths. "Peter warned me that you might otherwise be occupied."

"Did something happen to Peter?" Lixin asked, quickly getting into character. He hoped his performance wasn't as dramatic as he thought. "Is he okay?"

The NPC nodded vigorously. "He's fine, but he needs your help with something," he replied, giving him a knowing look. "He asked me to fetch you."

[Cora:]New Quest has been Created!]

Storyline Quest created: The Mystery of the Golden Scale: A Young Koi's Journey.

New Challenges Part 1

Peter is in dire need of help, and you are the only one who can be able to offer it to him. So he has sent his shopkeeper Chris Farrow to escort you to him. What are you waiting for? Make haste!

Objective: Go to the tea shop and meet Peter.

Reward: 50 EXP & 50 Bronze Coins

Item: Newbie Potion Pack & ?? & ??

Lixin almost smirked when the notifications popped up. It was just as he thought. This was the start of a new quest. "Lead the way."

"You don't need to grab anything before we depart?" Mr. Farrow asked worriedly.

"No," Lixin replied with a shake of his head. He felt this was the NPC's subtle way of ensuring he had all the items he needed for the quest. "I'm all set."

In response, the NPC nodded and motioned for Lixin to follow him.


As Lixin followed the NPC through the town, he was enthralled by the sights around him. Although he saw it in the cutscene it seemed more vivid.

The small cove town stretched out before him, dreamlike. The sun cast a golden glow on the glittering waters of the bay and seemed to grow brighter as it set into the horizon. He could hear a bard's lute playing in the distance, singing a sweet but ethereal melody. Everything about this place, from its colorful buildings to its fairytale-like atmosphere, captivated him.

Lixin closed his gaping mouth, took a deep breath, and whispered a soft "Wow" under his breath. No wonder Zeyu wanted them to start here — this place was too stunning.

It was straight out of a storybook, perfectly fitting for this game which replicated fairytales. He'd have to be careful not to get too carried away and start gawking-- if it weren't for the NPC prompting him to hurry up every few seconds he probably would have.

However, as he continued walking he noticed something odd. There were barely any players around. Besides one or two the rest of the people were NPCs. It felt strange since Zeyu told him that this town was the most popular.

He figured they could be out completing quests, but he was expecting to see a throng of players everywhere. But, before he could think about it further, they arrived at the shop.

It was identical to what he saw in his Persona's memories. Just like Peter's house, Lixin would bet he knew this place inside and out.

However, as if the NPC wanted to prove him wrong, Chris ushered him to the back of the building. This is a place his Persona has never been. At first glance, it looked like a normal yard filled with lush shrubs and tall evergreen bushes. However, to his surprise, one of the bushes was hiding a secret passage.

As Lixin stepped inside, he was met with an incredible sight of what appeared to be a potion lab filled with herbs hanging from the ceiling and walls. There were notes taped to the walls next to bottles of different colored liquids displayed along shelves. There was also a giant pot bubbling and boiling atop a fire.

It was like stepping into a mysterious witch's lair, and if not for the smell of tea in the air, he would have thought he did. Yet his wonderment was abruptly interrupted when the shopkeeper called out Peter's name and announced they were there.

In the blink of an eye, a door Lixin didn't notice opened and Peter came out looking haggard. "Fortuitous Fish, thank goodness you're here. I need your help with something."

"With what?" Lixin asked curious about what was going on.

However, before the NPC could respond, terrible screams could be heard from the room he had just left. With an anxious expression on his face, Peter turned to his shopkeeper and asked, "Chris, can you please check on Mrs. Earhart for me?"

"Sure thing," Chris replied halfway out of the room.

As soon as the NPC departed, Peter turned to Lixin and asked, "Fortuitous Fish, were you able to learn how to operate the secret power of Atropa?"


"That's excellent, my boy," Peter replied with a small smile. Lixin could see how proud he was of his charge, glinting his eyes. "It will be useful for what I need you to do."

What's going on?"

"Take this before I tell you," Peter stated solemnly as he rummaged in his pocket and handed him a silver bracelet.

"I was planning to give it to you for your birthday but with everything that happened I forgot. But I know you will need it. I also added some items inside that I know will be useful."

Even though Lixin was unsure of what the NPC meant, he smiled and thanked him. It was only when he wore the bracelet and was once again bombarded with notifications that he understood.

[Cora:] [Quest completed!]

[Cora:] [You have gained: 50 EXP]

[Cora:] [You have gained: 50 Bronze Coins]

[Cora:] [You have gained Armrief's Bracrlet !]

Armrief Bracrlet: This bracelet was finely crafted by dwarfs. Although it appears to be nothing more than a gorgeous arm ornament, it is much more. [Spacial inventory can hold up to 20 non-perishable items.] *Charms can be added to increase inventory space.

[Cora:][Would you like to equip the Armrief's Bracrlet? Yes/No!]

'So, aside from weapons, other clothes are not automatically equipped. Good to know,' Lixin mused before mentally telling the system yes.

[Cora:] [Armrief's Bracrlet has been equipped!]

[Cora:] [Inventory has been activated! Just say 'Open Inventory' to use it!]

[Cora:] [You have gained a map!]

[Cora:] [You have gained a Newbie Potion Pack!]

"What will I need all of this for?" Lixin asked, keeping up his concerned act.

"My friend Francis and his wife Delia were picnicking. It was his anniversary gift to her. He left her for a few minutes to gather some flowers when he heard her scream." Peter began in a downtrodden voice. "She was bitten by the venomous Locomoose Snake. "

Understanding where this was going, Lixin asked, "Is there an antidote?"

"There is but I'm missing an ingredient. I need leaves from the Mucuna Prurien tree. That's where you come in."

[Cora:]New Quest has been Created!]


Author Says:

Lixin: What do you think Peter wants me to do?

MomoCatt: Probably kill the snake. Don't you know you can fight poison with poison?

Lixin: I don't think Peter will have a Level two newb like myself fight a giant snake.

MomoCatt: What said it was giant? And hey if you do have to kill one, we can use its meat for Snake Soup. I heard it's a Cantonese delicacy.

Lixin: ….

[I would like to thank my favorite villain (Patreon) Shadow Master for coming up with the NPC's and Bracelet names ^-^]