Stage 26: Lesson Learned

Lixin trudged forward, his feet feeling like lead, as sweat dripped from his brow. Despite his exhaustion, he sped up when he saw a sign depicting a cup of tea in the distance.

He never imagined feeling like this in a game. It must be because his Fullness dropped below 40%.

When it was just below 50% it was bearable. However, now that it was lower, he stumbled more frequently and walking became an arduous task.

He didn't even want to think about it getting lower than it was now. He would probably have to crawl if it did. It wasn't something Lixin wanted to think about.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed a -5 coming off of him. This was followed by an annoying notification that warned him that his stamina was depleting like it was something he didn't know. Sighing, he exited the screen before opening his inventory and grabbing an STA Potion.

Lixin swallowed the yellow liquid in one gulp without changing expression. He'd long become used to the tart taste, especially since this was his fifth one in minutes.

The potion really didn't help much. Even if he used it, his movements were still slow and sluggish. He barely kept up with the NPCs around him.

'I'm literally like a fish if it was out of water,' Lixin mused as he slowly made his way to the tea shop.

After what felt like forever he finally arrived at the shop. For a while, he didn't think he would make it back in time, but he did with twelve minutes to spare.

As Lixin pushed himself to walk the last few steps to the back of the building he couldn't help but wonder why his Fullness had decreased so quickly. Suddenly, something clicked in his mind.

'Perhaps this was another beginner's lesson – one where I'm expected to learn the importance of ensuring I have enough food on me at all times,' he mused.

The majority of his quests so far had some teaching component, so it made sense to him. If he was right, he learned his lesson well. He would definitely make sure he had food on him at all times. There was no way he was going through this again.

Taking that into consideration, Lixin made his way to the backyard of the shop, where he spotted Chris. He could tell that the NPC had been waiting anxiously for his arrival. This is because as soon as he saw him, relief spread across his face when he saw Lixin had returned unscathed.

"There you are Fortuitous Fish. I didn't think you would return in time," the NPC said.

A chuckle could be heard from Lixin as he stated, "Me either."

A smile spread across the man's face as he motioned for Lixin to step into the hidden room. As soon as they entered, Chris sprinted off, calling out to Peter and informing him that his ward was back.

He wasn't even halfway into the room before Peter ran over to him looking worried. After giving him a once over and seeing that he was alright only then did the man ask about the leaves.

"Did you manage to get the Mucuna Prurien leaves I asked for?" he asked expectantly.

Nodding, Lixin retrieved the items from his inventory and handed them over to Peter. The NPC's eyes lit up with gratitude once he saw the freshly plucked leaves.

Taking them from Lixin's hands, he inspected them, making sure that they were the leaves he needed. Once he was sure he looked at his ward beaming.

"Nicely done, lad. With these, I can save Delia."

[Cora:] [Quest completed!]

[Cora:] [You have gained: 60 EXP]

[Cora:] [You have gained: 60 Bronze Coins]

[Cora:] [You Have Leveled up!]

[Cora:] [You are now level 3!]

[Cora:] [You have gained 5 skill points!]

It took everything for him to keep a straight face as he was bombarded with a multitude of notifications. He realized he would have to get used to them. For now at least.

However, he was glad to see that he had finally reached level three. Although he still wished he could have killed two more Meinless, since the experience he got for completing this quest would have counted toward his next level.

"Oh, before I forget, here," Peter said as he handed him a piece of paper. "My friend Francis wanted me to give it to you if you brought the leaves on time."

Lixin wanted to ask what the paper was for, but before he could speak another notification appeared:

[Cora:] [You have gained: a C-Ranked Armor Voucher]

Any disappointment he had about not leveling up before arriving disappeared. Getting a C-Ranked Armor Vouched takes precedence over a couple of points of EXP.

Because of his research, he knew all about the game's ranking system. Which ranges from SSS to F.

From what he read on the forums most rookie players get only Rank D or F armor when they are in the beginning stages of the game. So for him to get Rank C armor was out of the ordinary. He couldn't wait to tell Zeyu about it. He would bet anything that his cousin would flip his lid once he found out.

Lixin marveled at the voucher for a moment before being shaken from his thoughts when Peter spoke. "My boy, you look beat. Why don't you rest in my office while I care for Delia?" Peter said as he led him to a small door in the corner of the secret room.

'Office?' Lixin thought confused, wondering why the man would set up an office down here in this place.

The NPC informed him, seemingly sensing his confusion, "This door is connected to a stairway that will take you to a door attached to my office. I've also left something on my desk for you. It will help you regain the energy you lost while gathering the leaves for me."

When he said that, Lixin realized that his office in the tea shop was connected to this hidden room. Which would make it easy for the man to come down here without being noticed.

"Alright, thanks."

"No thanks needed, my boy," Peter told him as he opened the door for him. "Now go on, once I cure Delia I'll come up and we can talk."

[Cora:]New Quest has been Created!]

Storyline Quest created: The Mystery of the Golden Scale: A Young Koi's Journey.

New Challenges Part 3

Peter was so concerned about you, yet he knew you'd triumph and get the items he needed. But because he anticipated that you would be exhausted following your ordeal, he had Chris make lunch for you when you return. You must be exhausted from all that exerting work. Consuming food ought to help with it.

Objective: Eat the snacks Peter prepared for you and rest while you wait.

Reward: 70 EXP & 70 Bronze Coins

'I knew it. The next quest is about teaching me how food is crucial to this game.'


Author Says:

MomoCatt: I'm curious about what sort of lunch Peter made for you.

Lixin: I'm also interested.

Momocatt: Do you believe it will be superior to the food I prepare for you?

Lixin: Most likely.

Momocatt: Wow, don't ask for a piece of my pumpkin pie then.

Lixin: That's unfair!