Stage 35: Strange Encounter

Upon finding the chapter describing the Huánghé Realm, Lixin flipped through the book until he found the page it was on. He was surprised to see that there was way more information on it than there was for the Kakodaimōns.

The picture was even better. Instead of a rough sketch, there was a detailed painting of the Huánghé Realm. He stared at it in awe, admiring the intricate details of the landscape and the vibrant orange colors of the sky.

As Lixin stroked his fingertips across the picture, he wondered how someone could come up with such a beautiful place. 'I really want to see if it's really like this or just an exaggeration.' However, he could be patient. After all, he would have to travel there anyway.

The first step in navigating the Huánghé Realm was to research it. So Lixin ignored the image and read the writing beneath it. What he read was nothing short of fascinating.

Taken from Walter Cabot's travel record, an explorer invited to the Huánghé Realm three decades ago.

"The Huánghé Realm is a vast and expansive realm full of mystery, beauty, and wonder. It encompasses different landscapes that range from lush yellow forests to otherworldly rock formations. Everywhere one looks there is something new and delightful to take in.

Inhabiting it are the Cyprinus - similar in form to humans but with peculiar Koi features such as silver bodies and distinct scales - varying between gold and black, or orange and white. They also have special abilities and can manipulate water.

Perseverance is an essential part of their culture and way of life. Their natural world is a magical one, full of plants and creatures.

The Koi are highly intelligent and adept at using weapons. They are also very religious and worship gods called Diis Aliis through prayers and offerings.

Led by an all-powerful Dragon King, their society is hierarchical in nature. However, it isn't corrupted and everyone works together for the betterment of the realm.

The realm is divided into two distinct regions: the Sky Domain located around Keming Mountain - the tallest mountain in the region - which is often cloud-filled and home to many species of birds; and the River Domain boasting stunning vistas, wooded hills, and winding rivers dotted with villages connected by an intricate network of canals."

'Diis Aliis. There was that word again,' Lixin thought after finishing reading the information. However, before he could think about what it could mean a ding sounded in his ear.

[Cora:] [Quest completed!]

[Cora:] [You have gained: 90 EXP]

[Cora:] [You have gained: 90 Bronze Coins]

[Cora:] [Racial Attributes have been discovered!]

[Cora:] [Racial Attributes tab has been unlocked! Please navigate to the status page and check it out!]

[Cora:] [System Alert: Now that your Racial Attribute has been activated you have gained a weakness!]

[Cora:] [Racial Skills have been Unlocked!]

[Cora:] [You have Learned Bubble Flight!]

[Cora:] [You have gained 50 Water Lily Seeds!]

Lixin was so taken aback by the notifications that he almost couldn't believe his ears. 'Racial attribute? Weakness? What the fuck?' Without hesitation, he opened his status window.

Sure enough, there was his newly added tab. Clicking on it he saw that there were two other tabs inside. One being Racial Skills and the other being Race Information. Having the feeling that his newfound weakness was in the information tab he clicked on it to see what he could find.

He was right, the information tab contained weaknesses of the Cyprinus race. It wrote:

Although the Cyprinus race are strong beings they are vulnerable to heat. To combat this they need to eat Water Lily seeds since they are native to their origin. You should be warned that the seeds are less effective if you are at a temperature higher than 37 degrees Celsius (98°F). If their body temperature rises above that level, their condition will deteriorate until they can barely move at all.

After reading what was written Lixin frowned. Not only did he have to worry about his stomach, but he also had to check his body temperature. Who knew being a fish would be so challenging?

"Hopefully I got a cool racial skill at least," Lixin muttered as he clicked on the Racial Skill tab.

He was pleasantly surprised when he saw he had more than one skill. There were four of them with three grayed out. Selecting the one that wasn't he read the description.

Bubble Flight LVL 1/10: This skill will allow you to traverse the air easily. Fly freely through the air alone or with friends and explore as far as possible. *-10 MP every minute. (Can only carry one other person.)

Lixin breathed a sigh of relief after reading it. Flying would definitely be of great use to him, especially if he needed to get somewhere quickly. However, he would need to build up his MP. With the way his stats were now, he would be dependent on potions if he used the skill too often.

After checking his body temperature which was a cool 10 Celsius (50°F) he closed his status window. It was time to organize the facts he had gathered. From what he could tell, the Diis Aliis appeared to be the common thread connecting the Huánghé Realm and the Kakodaimns.

So the most appropriate course of action is to learn more about them. Returning to the table of contents, Lixin looked to see whether there was a chapter concerning that entity, but there wasn't.

'I guess I should ask the librarian,' Lixin thought as he got up from the chair with the book.

He strolled back through the book aisles and to the entrance of the library, retracing his steps. When he arrived at the librarian's desk, he noticed she was busy scribbling on a ledger. For some reason, he felt as if she was more standoffish than when they first met.

Clearing his throat to get her attention, he smiled, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you had a book on the Diis Aliis?"

Lixin was somewhat nonplussed when he saw her face shuttered at the question. It was only for a moment before she pulled herself back together but the pain in her eyes was unmistakable. He couldn't help but wonder if it was something he said.

There was something going on with Mrs. Mayflower but so far he could only conclude that there was a tragedy. Once he found what he was looking for he would try to trigger whatever quest there was in this library, because there were too many signs for there not to be one.

Mrs. Mayflower took the book from his hand and caressed its spine. "I apologize, but the book with the information you're looking for has gone missing," she said sadly. "It was the second volume of this book called Truth and Discovery."

Lixin felt a twinge of disappointment as he watched her place the book back on her desk. After a moment of silence, Mrs. Mayflower looked up and said, "You can ask Tom. His father collects rare books and might have another copy. Let me call him."

At first, Lixin thought Mrs. Mayflower was referring to another NPC. However, when he heard her ring the bell on her desk, he knew it was the same boy that had helped him before.

"Now where is that boy?" Mrs. Mayflower muttered as she rang the bell one more time. "He better not be napping again."

Lixin offered, "I don't mind searching for him—it might be quicker this way."

Sighing in agreement, Mrs. Mayflower said, "Alright. He usually likes to hide in the back under the green bookcase. You should find him there."

Nodding, Lixin headed in the direction she pointed in. As he walked through the maze of bookshelves, he spotted the green bookcase Mrs. Mayflower had mentioned just ahead...but something else caught his eye.

A pair of wide eyes were peeking out from between two shelves on the bookcase next to him! Startled, Lixin jumped back in surprise—only to hear a little girl giggle and see a small hand reach out from between the books and beckon him over.

Lixin glanced around himself before doing what horror movies warn people not to do... he followed.


Author Note:

MomoCatt: Didn't your mother teach you not to follow strangers?

Lixin: No. I lived with my father, remember? He was all for it.

MomoCatt: Right. Here, have some candy.

Lixin: I'm smart enough not to fall for that trick.