Stage 43: Blocked Escape

Berry Fairy's jaw dropped and her eyes grew wide as she saw the creature's hulking figure standing near the entrance of the tunnel. "What in the world is that?"

Lixin had the same thought running through his head. Although it was similar to the other Glabers they had encountered before, there were some very noticeable differences as well.

One of those was that it was twice as tall as any of the other Glabers they had faced. There was also its armor plating. Instead of the mottled plates the other creatures were sporting, this one was more refined.

Its features were also different. Instead of red eyes, it had yellow, its claws were also longer, and it had a long spiked tail that swayed menacingly behind it.

But what really stood out was the weapon it held. A long metal spear, at least two meters in length. Its blade was curved and sharpened to a point, and it glowed with an ominous purple light. It was clear that this creature was a formidable foe.

"It must be some variation of the Glaber," Lixin murmured as he studied the creature.

"Do you think it's the boss?" Berry Fairy asked nervously.

"No, I don't think so," Lixin replied. "I doubt the boss would be stationed near the entrance of a cave. It looks like this is just a guard here to prevent intruders from coming or leaving."

"I don't think we should fight it," Berry Fairy began. ''Even though its aura appears yellow to me, it is actually a dark yellow, almost orange in color. So I don't think we should risk it."

Lixin agreed. He knew none of his attacks would work against a monster with an aura that dark red. "Do you think we should turn back and see if we can find another way out?"

"No, the exit is right there. Who knows how long it will be until we find another one?"

He knew she was right. There was no way to tell how long these tunnels would go on for. The best option was to get past the guard and reach the outside.

Lixin's gaze fell upon a pile of rocks near his feet, and he suddenly remembered his battle with the Meinless. A spark ignited in his mind, and he spun around to face Berry Fairy. "I've got an idea!"

He outlined his plan to use a thrown rock to distract the monster and then escape while it investigated the noise.

"Do you think it will work?" she asked skeptically.

"If you have a better plan, I'm listening," Lixin replied.

Shrugging, Berry Fairy picked up a nearby rock and threw it with all her strength towards a far-off corner of the cavern. The creature heard the sound and followed its source, allowing them to escape.

"Okay, let's go," Lixin commanded.

Quickly, they scurried toward the exit, but before they could make their escape, the monster returned and slammed Berry Fairy against the wall with its tail. It happened so fast that Lixin barely had time to react before the creature lunged toward him with its spear.

At that moment, Lixin didn't have time to think. He acted on instinct and cast Rósastóll, binding the creature before it had a chance to strike.

Unfortunately, the Atropa skill was ineffective. The creature was tearing through the vines as though they were yarn. However, it did buy him some time to hide behind a large rock.

Once the monster was free from its binds and could no longer locate him it turned its attention back to Berry Fairy who was lying stunned against the wall. Lixin watched in horror as it moved closer to her.

Knowing he had to help her, he laid Zinnia's skeleton down and stepped out of hiding. He held out his hand and yelled, "Steep!"

As soon as he said that, a red teacup with a pink floral pattern appeared in his hand. Since he already knew that Rósastóll wouldn't do anything he put his faith in his other Atropa skill Ceylon.


The cup shatters in the air and the liquid inside transforms into a cinnamon stick that is burning with pink fire. It flew directly toward the monster, but the creature avoided it completely. This caused the burning cinnamon stick to fall to the ground and extinguish itself.

'Did the monster have a danger perception or something?' Lixin wondered after witnessing his failed attack.

The only good thing is that its focus is no longer on Berry Fairy. Before he could hide again, it charged at him. Faster than he could blink, the Glaber swatted him with its tail, throwing him back with enough force to damage the cave wall.

[Cora:] [System Alert! Your HP has dropped below 10!]

Groaning painfully upon impact, Lixin once again was glad he turned down the pain levels in this game. Because that hurt like the dickens.

As he pushes himself up he is surprised that he is not stunned. It must be luck. However, it didn't last long because he barely stood up when a chill ran down his spine. He saw out of the corner of his eye the Glaber charging at him with its spear held high.

Just when he thought he was about to be turned into a shish kebab, he saw a flash of electricity burst through the darkness. This flash emanated from Berry Fairy who leaped in front of him with a fierce cry of "Mind Surge!"

The monster was sent tumbling back, skidding across the cavern floor. Trembling, he reached for an HP pot in his inventory and chugged it down, his heart pounding with relief. 'That was close.'

"Fishy, I need your help!" Berry Fairy yelled as she dodged an attack from the monster.

Knowing that he had no time to waste he stuck out his arm and shouted, "Serve!"

As the red cup appeared in his hand. He concentrated on the Glaber before sending the tea toward the monster. He might have missed his mark last time, but this time he won't.

The cup shattered and the liquid transformed once again into a burning cinnamon stick. The projectile exploded against the Glaber's body in a shower of sparks like a firecracker, bathing it in flame.

Firework embers fanned out, burning and piercing the monster's body. This sent it into a wild rage of flailing about, trying to put out the flames that licked along its sides. In moments, its body blackened and crystallized, encasing it in a stony prison. It was similar to how the bodies were found in Pompeii.

Lixin and Berry Fairy stared in amazement at the sight before them. However, the attack barely did any damage and cracks were already spider-webbing along the stone encasing. Soon it would break free.

Berry Fairy used the remaining time to get more hits in, trying to damage the monster further. Lixin, on the other hand, noticed something: an enormous boulder shaking ominously a couple of feet away from where the monster was standing. An idea sparked within his mind; one that could be their saving grace.


Author Says: I wonder what idea he came up with.