Stage 45: A Sad Realization

Berry Fairy's face was contorted in a grimace as she read the bow's level requirement. She threw her hands up in frustration and let out an exasperated groan. She stared at the pink and white bow in her inventory for a few more moments before resigning herself to wait two more levels to wear it.

"My luck, why have you forsaken me?" Berry Fairy muttered, disappointment written across her face.

Lixin noticed her distress and looked at her confused. "What's wrong?"

"Fate has chosen to be so cruel and decided to make me wait to wear my newly acquired bow," Berry Fairy bemoaned.

Despite his best efforts, he couldn't resist laughing at her dramatics. In response, he received a pouty glare, which made him laugh even more.

"It's not funny. Put yourself in my shoes. How would you feel if you were so close to getting what you wanted but someone made you wait to have it?"

Although Lixin didn't see what was the big deal, it was only two levels, he still nodded in understanding. He didn't want to agitate her further. But he still found the way she was acting amusing.

Hiding his smile, he walked over to a large rock where he had hidden Zinnia's skeleton. He reached behind it and picked it up with tenderness and care, cradling it like a bride being carried across the threshold.

He walked back towards Berry Fairy, who was still pouting, and asked, "Are you ready to get out of here?"

Sighing, Berry Fairy looked at him and then at the skeleton and realized she was being childish. The bow wasn't the most important thing right now. What mattered was finishing Zinnia's quest and returning her remains to her mother.

Giving a determined nod, she whispered "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's get her out of here."

Lixin just smiled at her words as he adjusted the skeleton into a more comfortable carrying position.

Together they exited the tunnel into a starry night filled with Whooselit Flowers that glittered and shone, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. Lixin looked around in awe at the magical scene before him.

He had never seen anything so beautiful before. It took everything in him not to stare in wonder. If his hands weren't full he would have most likely taken a picture to capture the sight.

As if their thoughts were linked, Berry Fairy was about to do exactly that. "I really need a picture of this." Without one, I wouldn't be able to describe it to my brother."

"I was just thinking that, but instead of brother I was thinking of my cousin. If you're taking a picture can you take one for me and send it to me?"

"I can do you one better," Berry Fairy said with a smile. "I'll record a video."

And with that, she opened up her Cora and began recording the enchanting scenery.

Lixin couldn't help but smile at Berry Fairy's eagerness to record every detail of the scene before them. She must really want her brother to see it.

While she videoed the sky and flowers, he looked around to see where they were. He was about to open his map when he noticed a familiar building in the distance.

Squinting his eyes to make sure, he walked towards it, his steps becoming more confident with each one. It was the library.

Noticing his movements, Berry Fairy turned toward him with a questioning expression, raising her guard. "What are you looking at? Did you see something?"

"It is not what you think," he said quickly to ease her worries."It's just that I can see the library from here."

"Whoa! I had no idea the tunnels were so close to town," she exclaimed as she joined him at his side.

Lixin shared her surprise. He expected it to take all night to reach the small village. But here it was, only a short hike away. This made perfect sense when he thought about it: Zinnia was only 8 or 9 years old after all. It seemed she knew better than to venture too far into the wilderness alone; which is why she opted for a place just outside of where her mother worked.

Suddenly he frowned as if he was struck by a ton of bricks, something dawned on him. What if Zinnia didn't accidentally tumble into the tunnel like he first thought? Could it be that something chased her into them?

If that were true, she must have been alive, desperately trying to find her way out of the dark until she died. Lixin hoped his suspicions were wrong, not wanting to think about how this little girl could have suffered for days on end. Even if she was just an NPC it was heartbreaking.

Looking down at the skeleton in his arms he sighed. Any wonder he had disappeared into nothingness.

"Berry, are you ready to leave?"

As if she had the same realization as he did, the Panda girl looked at the skeleton in his arms solemnly before saying, "Yes."


Lixin and Berry Fairy kept to the shadows as they entered the town, making a detour down a deserted alley in an effort to avoid the few straggling NPCs walking their way. Although they knew they weren't doing anything wrong, they knew it would be awkward to explain why there was a skeleton in his arms.

"Do you think anyone will be at the library at this time?" Berry Fairy asked quietly.

Lixin hadn't thought of that. He just assumed the library would be open since this was a game. But seeing how lifelike this world was that might not be the case. Checking the time he saw that it was 7:30 p.m., and became worried.

"I don't know," Lixin replied with a sigh. "I didn't look to see when the library closed."

"Hmm, I hope it is still open," she said worriedly. "If not, we will have to wait until morning. That might cause some concerns, especially with..." She trailed off, her expression making it clear what she meant.

"To be honest I didn't know shops were closed at night," Lixin admitted sheepishly.

"In most games, they don't," she agreed with a shrug. "I played one game where NPCs were stagnant. However, I found in this game that some shops close at 7 or 8, and NPCs leave to return home, like in the real world."

"I guess the developers spared no effort to make this place immersive," he said.


With that revelation they couldn't help but pick up their pace, hoping that they weren't too late and the NPC was still there.


Author Says: I feel bad for Zinnia. Poor baby.