Stage 47: Unexpected Event

"You don't need to thank me," she said in response to his gratitude. "It is I who is indebted. If it hadn't been for you..."

Lixin saw Mrs. Mayflower's eyes glisten with unshed tears as her sentence faltered. He knew she was trying to stay strong in front of him, but the emotion was too much for her.

"If it... If it..." She tried to start again, but her voice broke and tears began to stream down her face. It was clear she was trying desperately to stay stoic, but it had become too much of a burden. A soft cry escaped her lips, and her shoulders trembled with every sob.

He wanted to reach out and offer comfort, despite Lixin's fear of physical contact. He didn't know why, but at that moment, she reminded him of his own mother. Is this how she felt when he was kidnapped by his father all those years ago?

That thought broke his heart. As he looked at the NPC, all he could see was his mother's figure overlapping on top of her. In the end, he had to turn away from her.

Who knew a game could connect with him on such a deep level that the lines between reality would blur? It was impressive but also dangerous. He was glad he had the intelligence to change the texture settings.

As he turned back to the woman and saw she was still upset, he wished Berry Fairy was here. He knew the Panda girl would be able to comfort the woman. Too bad she had to wait outside with the skeleton.

Suddenly, as if summoned by her mother's cry, a ghostly figure appeared in the corner of the room. Lixin recognized it as Zinnia, the girl who commissioned the quest. She looked directly at him and smiled gently before walking over to her mother and embracing her.

Mrs. Mayflower seemed unaware of her daughter's presence, yet gradually her crying ceased and her shoulders stopped shaking. Lixin wasn't sure if it was because she could feel her daughter's spirit comforting her, but that's what he liked to think.

After the woman regained control of herself, she stepped back and looked at Lixin with an expression of uncertainty and hope. "If it's not too much trouble," she asked, "would you mind showing me the location where you found these items?"

He understood what she meant—she wanted to search the place for her daughter's remains. But before Lixin could answer, Zinnia floated over toward him, shaking her head frantically.

"Don't tell her," Zinnia said without a moment's hesitation. "Don't let her put herself in danger."

He acknowledged the ghost girl's warning with a nod, then smiled softly at Mrs. Mayflower and replied, "You don't need to go," he said softly, "I have already found what you are looking for."

Confusion spread across both women's faces as they waited for an explanation. However, he didn't give them one.

"Berry!" Lixin shouted without turning around. "It's time to come in!" As soon as he said that, the Panda girl shuffled in, holding Zinnia's skeleton.

At first, Mrs. Mayflower was confused when the small fish boy told her that she didn't need to go to the place where he found her daughter's belongings. She was even more confused when he called out to someone. However, once she saw the body in the girl's arms, she knew the reason.

They have already found her.

The librarian's eyes widened and tears rolled down her cheeks as soon as she realized that the skeleton was her daughter. Overwhelmed by her emotions, she initially didn't know what to do. However, she soon snapped out of the shock she was in and began to move.

After placing the card and flower she held carefully on her desk, she went to go meet Berry Fairy halfway. With trembling hands, she took Zinnia's body in her arms and collapsed onto the floor.

She cradled her daughter's body close to her chest, sobbing uncontrollably. Her grief was palpable.

The ghostly figure of the young girl hovered nearby, tears of joy rolling down her cheeks. She thanked them both profusely before walking towards her mother and gently murmuring something in her ear. She then planted a kiss on her cheek.

Although Lixin couldn't hear what she said, from the way her lips moved it seemed like she told the woman that she loved her and would see her again. Even though he wasn't sure, whatever she said caused her mother to stop crying abruptly.

As if sensing something, Mrs. Mayflower slowly touched her cheek, her eyes wide and wet. She quickly turned her head in the direction of where her daughter should be.

"Zinnia..." the librarian murmured softly, but before she could say anything else, the girl smiled sadly and faded away into nothingness. As if understanding that her daughter had moved on to a better place, the librarian whispered a gentle, "Goodbye, my darling."

As soon as the ghost girl disappeared, a familiar ding rang in his ears.

[Cora:] [Quest completed!]

[Cora:] [You have gained: 5000 EXP]

[Cora:] [You have gained: 1000 Bronze Coins]

[Cora:] [System Alert! The 1000 bronze coins have been automatically changed into 1 silver coin!]

[Cora:] [You have gained a C- Ranked Knowledge Shard!]

Knowledge Shard: A mysterious glass shard containing a random skill. Break it open to see what you get!

[Cora:] [You Have Leveled up!]

[Cora:] [You are now level 8!]

[Cora:] [You have gained 15 skill points!]

It was challenging to contain his happiness after seeing his level and the item he got, but he somehow pulled through. The same couldn't be said for Berry Fairy, who had to turn around and cover her mouth so that the NPC couldn't see or hear her joy.

"I want to thank you both," Mrs. Mayflower said as she held her daughter's remains tightly in her arms. As she stood up, Lixin noticed something had changed in her eyes. "If it weren't for you both, I would have never gotten the closure I needed." She gave Lixin and Berry Fairy an appreciative nod.

Suddenly, a notification appeared in front of Lixin, startling him. At first, he thought it was a new quest since he turned notifications off for everything else, but to his surprise, it was something better.

[Cora:] [System Alert!] As a special prize for completing the Golden Ranked quest completely, you have the chance of sealing this quest. If you do so, this quest line can never be done again and the town will undergo changes. Would you be willing to do so? Yes or No? Reward a Zinnia's Gratitude & 3000 EXP. ]

Lixin was shocked. Despite knowing certain quest lines can be closed, which in turn has a big impact on towns in the game, he had no idea they could be found in beginner towns.

Berry Fairy's excitement was obvious—her bright eyes lit up at seeing the notification. Lixin could tell she was doing everything she could to hold in her excitement. Before she exploded with joy, he knew he had to get her out of the library fast.

"You're welcome," Lixin replied with a soft smile. "We will leave and let you be alone."

The librarian nodded without looking up at her daughter in her arms as they left. Lixin looked at the woman one last time before leaving.


Author Says: *Dabs Eyes*