Stage 49: Revelations

Berry Fairy glanced up at the night sky, illuminated by a three-quarter moon. She turned to Lixin and asked, "So should we find a place where you can read your book? It's too dark to read it out here."

She was right, obviously. Even with the presence of the moon, the weak light would make reading an arduous task for him. Lixin contemplated returning to the library. However, as soon as that thought crossed his mind he got rid of it.

He did not want to disturb Mrs. Mayflower. He knew she was likely still emotional after receiving her daughter's body. Their presence while she was in that state would be bothersome. So after discarding that idea, he scanned his surroundings for a suitable place.

While he was doing so, he spotted a bench in the distance with a street light beside it. After traversing around town, he knew the streetlight would be bright enough for him to see the pages. He motioned towards it with his finger and said, "How about we go there?".

Berry Fairy squinted at the faraway spot before nodding."Yeah, it looks like an excellent place."

Before they knew it, they had arrived at their chosen spot and settled down on the bench. As Lixin was about to dive into his book, he noticed Berry Fairy pulling out a loaf of bread.

"Are you feeling hungry?" he asked curiously.

"Yup," she replied, taking a bite of the bread. "When I reached level 10, my beastman race traits kicked in. It seems like beastmen get hungry 20% faster than other races. It's such a drag."

Lixin vaguely recalled reading about this on the game forums. However, he hadn't delved into it much, choosing to wait and see what Persona he got first. But, at least it wasn't as troublesome as his own.

"That's unfortunate, but at least it's manageable. Unlike mine. My character is vulnerable to heat. I have to constantly monitor my temperature," he explained.

"You're right, that sounds way worse than mine. If I had that weakness, I'd be in big trouble," Berry Fairy remarked, taking the final bite of her bread.

Chuckling, Lixin nodded in agreement. "You're probably right."

"Shush," the Panda girl playfully hushed him, producing another loaf of bread. "Focus on your book now."

A smile played on Lixin's face as he obediently followed Berry Fairy's instructions. He opened the book, his anticipation growing, and flipped to the table of contents.

Scanning the list of chapters, his eyes landed on the one he had been seeking. With a surge of excitement, he swiftly turned the pages, his gaze eagerly darting across the text until he finally stumbled upon the chapter dedicated to the Diis Aliis.

Unlike the Huánghé Realm and the Kakodaimōns, there was no picture but there was a lot more information. Curiosity overtook him as he read.

In the Huánghé Realm, there was a fascinating pantheon of gods known as the Diis Aliis. These deities were revered by the beings that inhabited the realm named Cyprinus, a remarkable race of koi hybrids.

Through the act of offering delectable treats, the Cyprinus were able to establish a sacred connection with these divine beings and seek their protection and blessings. That was until they disappeared, leaving the Cyprinus to fend for themselves, but the tradition of presenting treats to the gods endured. To this day, the Cyprinus continue to offer treats in honor of their gods, in the hope that one day they will return.

There were three gods:


Valdrek, known as the Strength/Courage God, embodies unwavering strength, bravery, and resilience. Valdrek devotees present hearty meals and nourishing dishes as offerings, symbolizing vitality and vigor. By accepting these food offerings, Valdrek grants the Dragon King, the revered leader of the Cyprinus race, extraordinary powers to protect and safeguard their community.

The Dragon King becomes infused with a fiery aura. This grants him enhanced physical prowess, the ability to withstand difficult challenges, and the courage to lead his people through adversity.


Lyra, the Wisdom/Arts God, guides the Cyprinus race on a path of enlightenment, knowledge, and artistic expression. Worshippers honor Lyra by offering delectable treats, pastries, and tantalizing desserts. It is believed that these offerings please Lyra's refined palate and foster a connection between the divine and the creative spirit within the Cyprinus race.

In return, Lyra bestows the Dragon King with profound wisdom. This grants him the ability to offer guidance and foster a deep appreciation for culture and intellectual pursuits among his subjects.


Verdura, the Harvest/Prosperity God, ensures fertility, abundance, and prosperity within the Huánghé Realm. Devotees offer a variety of agricultural products, such as grains, fruits, and vegetables, to honor Verdura's role in nurturing the land and sea. These offerings symbolize gratitude for nature's bountiful gifts, and it is believed that they strengthen the bond between the Cyprinus race and Verdura's benevolent influence.

As a token of gratitude, Verdura grants the Dragon King the power to bring prosperity and abundance to his people. With Verdura's blessings, the Dragon King possesses the ability to foster fruitful harvests, favorable trading conditions, and overall prosperity for the Cyprinus community.

By presenting food offerings to the Diis Aliis gods, the Cyprinus race establishes a profound connection that transcends the boundaries of mortal and divine realms. It is believed that the gods derive immense pleasure from culinary delights offered by their devoted followers. The act of offering food is seen as an act of devotion and gratitude, seeking the favor and protection of these foodie gods.

In return for the offerings, the Diis Aliis gods bless the Cyprinus race with their divine powers. These blessings can manifest as heightened abilities, specialized skills, or enhanced attributes tied to their koi heritage. However, it is the Dragon King who receives the most profound and unique blessings of the gods. He is the only one to receive the power of transformation, allowing him to take on the form of a dragon. This power is the ultimate symbol of his authority and the source of his strength.

Without the dragon king's strength, the Cyprinus race becomes vulnerable to outside forces and enemies. His power is essential to protect the Cyprinus race and ensure its survival. After the gods disappear, it is up to the king to share the power with the people, but soon that power will diminish.

Hopefully, the gods will return before that happens.

- Walter Cabot

Lixin comprehended the gravity of the situation after finishing the entry. It was now clear why the Kakodaimōns had so easily overtaken the Huánghé realm. They must have known that the dragon king's energy had been waning through the years and the newest one i.e. his persona's father must have been the weakest one.

The Kakodaimōns could have been waiting for the right time to take over the realm after the gods' disappearance. However, he couldn't help but wonder where the deities had gone. Did the Kakodaimōns have something to do with their disappearance? If they did, why?

It could also be possible that the Cyprinus did something to cause them to leave as well. Lixin didn't know what to think, but then he remembered from what Peter said his Persona's father used to come to this realm a lot.

"Could it be possible," he mumbled, "that every time his persona's father crossed realms, it was in quest of the gods?"

As if to answer his question, familiar dings sounded in his ear.

[Cora:]New Quest has been Created!]

Storyline Quest created: The Mystery of the Golden Scale: A Young Koi's Journey.

New Challenges Part 6

You have gained extensive knowledge about the Huánghé realm and Kakodaimōns. Additionally, you have obtained invaluable information exceeding your expectations. Now, it's time to share your findings with Peter and hear his response.

Objective: Find Peter and tell him what you learned!

Reward: 100 EXP & 100 Bronze Coins

Item: ??

[Cora] [You have triggered the secondary storyline: The Forgotten Artifacts: Emissary of Profound Flavor. Do you accept it? Yes or No?]


Author Says: Things are getting interesting.