Stage 51: Conversation Pt 1

With the transparent screen displaying the map in front of him, Lixin began his trek back to his persona's house. His eyes instinctively flitted back and forth, oscillating between the digital display and the surrounding scenery. It was truly a captivating sight to behold.

He hadn't had the chance to appreciate it before because he was in a hurry to finish Zinnia's quest. However, now that he could he was amazed by how different the town looked at night compared to daytime.

Under the moon's tender radiance, the streets assumed an otherworldly allure, now that it was bathed in a gentle glow. A refreshing breeze whispered through the air, gently brushing his face in a cool embrace. Each step he took reverberated within the tranquil ambiance, leading him to drift into contemplation.

As his feet carried him forward, memories cascaded through his mind like a flickering film reel. He couldn't help but recall all that had transpired thus far.

The initial motivation that fueled his entrance into this game had been driven by an insatiable thirst for revenge, a burning desire for retribution against those who had wronged him. However, in this moment of reflection, he found himself acknowledging a stirring of a different sentiment.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he dared to admit the truth: he enjoyed his time playing Watashinojinsei-dan online. The thrill of exploration, the adrenaline of overcoming challenges, so far everything has been a wonderful experience.

Once he had gotten his retribution, he would continue to play this game for enjoyment and not just as a means to an end. Lost in his thoughts, Lixin continued his solitary stroll through the nearly empty streets, until he unknowingly reached his destination.

Lixin abruptly halted, his gaze shifting from the house ahead to the map. Doubt clouded his mind, urging him to double-check the location. Assured of his destination, he ventured forward, opening the door.

Stepping across the threshold, he maneuvered through the house, navigating his way until he reached the living room. While walking he didn't see the slightest trace of Peter but he knew the NPC must be here. Just as he contemplated checking the kitchen, the man emerged from a nearby room.

Relief flooded the man's features as his eyes fell upon Lixin. A sigh escaped his lips, mingled with words of concern, "Ah, there you are, Fortuitous Fish. Where have you been? I was worried about your absence. I even ventured to the library to look for you, but Mrs. Mayflower informed me that you had left earlier."

Apologizing for worrying him, Lixin approached the couch and sat down before he gestured to the man to do the same. "I'm so sorry for coming back so late, but something shocking happened while I was at the library."

Peter's curiosity piqued, and he couldn't help but inquire, "What happened?"

Lixin took a deep breath, preparing to reveal the events that transpired. "Well, you know how I went to the library to learn about the Huánghé realm and Kakodaimōns," he began, watching Peter attentively. Once he saw a nod of acknowledgment, he delved into his findings. "...and surprisingly, my research led me to a fascinating common thread among them—the Diis Aliis."

A glimmer of understanding illuminated the NPC's eyes, and he spoke with genuine interest. "So, you left to search for information about the Diis Aliis?"

Lixin nodded affirmatively. "Exactly. Unfortunately, the library did not have the book I needed, so I decided to check the bookstore to see if it was there. On my way I ran into a friend who told me she might know where I could find it. However, before she told me she requested a favor in return—to help her gather flowers." He recounted the fabricated tale he had shared with Mrs. Mayflower, describing how their innocent task had unexpectedly taken them into a hidden tunnel.

Concern etched Peter's face as he asked, "Are you alright?"

Lixin reassured him, "Yes, we're fine. However, during our search for a way out, we stumbled upon the skeletal remains of a little girl. A note nearby revealed that she was Mrs. Mayflower's daughter."

Recognition and sadness intertwined in Peter's voice. "Are you speaking of Zinnia? Oh, that poor sweet girl. The entire town searched for her tirelessly. Initially, we suspected bandits had abducted her, but the truth seems far more tragic. Did you manage to bring her body back to her grieving mother?"

Showing a mix of sorrow and pride on his face, Lixin replied, "We did. It was challenging, battling the menacing creatures lurking in the tunnel, but we prevailed."

Peter expressed admiration, his voice filled with sympathy. "Good job. I'm proud of you. My heart aches for Mrs. Mayflower. She held onto hope that her daughter was still alive somewhere."

He tried to offer reassurance. "Don't worry, she will find solace in time."

Peter nodded. "That's good to hear. I will visit her tomorrow. By the way, did you manage to acquire the book you were seeking?"

Lixin nodded, retrieving the book from his inventory and handing it to Peter. "Indeed, here it is. I recommend you give it a read. From what I read, the Diis Aliis were gods worshiped by my people. However, they vanished, leaving the king to care for his people without their divine power. As a result, the king's strength waned over time, leaving the realm vulnerable to attack. I suspect my father was on a quest to find them."

Scratching his chin thoughtfully, Peter responded, "That would make sense. After visiting me, your father would often embark on week-long journeys, returning with random souvenirs. I believed he was merely exploring different towns out of curiosity, but there was always a hint of disappointment upon his return."

It was like he had thought his persona's father had been searching for the gods but had failed to find them before the Kakodaimōns attacked! This must have meant that he knew something would happen and needed the power of the Diis Aliis.

However this was all conjecture and he didn't know for sure if Longwei Rakku knew the Kakodaimōns would attack the realm. He also didn't know if he was searching for the gods because of his weakening power. Whatever it was he would find out sooner or later.

"Now that I think about it, there was one time when he returned when he wasn't disappointed," Peter told him. "It was the time before he brought you to live with me."

"Did he tell you where he traveled?" Lixin asked.

Peter sighed, "He told me, but I forgot the name of the town."

"Do you still have the souvenir he gave you from that town? Maybe it will jog your memory."

"Let me check my keepsake box," the NPC said, getting up from the couch. "I'll be right back."



Author Says: I wonder what kind of keepsake it is?