Stage 53: Changing Stats

Lixin located the bedroom quickly using his persona's memories. As he walked inside the small, wooden room, the dim light from a solitary lantern cast soft, flickering shadows against the rough-hewn walls. The space was quite bare, with only a bed, a desk, and a few scattered belongings.

The bed, adorned with a faded blue quilt, stood against the wall. Its simplicity invites rest and respite. A worn wooden desk sat nearby, cluttered with stacks of books, their covers faded from years of use. Scattered papers and old knickknacks were strewn about, creating a sense of organized chaos.

The room's color scheme resonated with shades of blue, from the faded curtains to the worn rug on the wooden floor. It imbued the space with a tranquil ambiance, reminiscent of the calm sea on a peaceful day.

Lixin liked the look of it. He felt a sense of familiarity washing over him. It made sense given how his game persona was chosen.

A wry grin crossed his face as he recalled the lengthy quiz he had to take to unlock his persona. The memories of the quiz also brought to mind Morpheus, his guide. He was still somewhat peeved he wasn't able to get a picture of him.

Shaking his head at the missed opportunity, Lixin's mind turned back to the beautiful man, pondering if he was enjoying his story so far. Somehow, he had a feeling that the man was.

However, Lixin knew he could make it even better. He wondered if the books only showed just the set storyline or everything that happens to a player. If it were the latter, then the genre of his book would change.

'I hope you have a taste for revenge stories,' Lixin thought, his gaze hardening as an image of his stepsister flickered through his mind. But soon, his expression shifted into a mischievous smile. 'Because sooner or later, you'll be in for one.'

Smiling, Lixin approached the bed and settled down, making himself comfortable. It struck him as peculiar that beds existed in the game world, considering NPCs didn't sleep. But if the rumors on the forums were true, sleeping isn't the only thing they could be used for.

Lixin took solace in the fact that the particular activity was restricted for individuals under 18, alleviating his worry. However, his concern shifted towards his cousin. While Zeyu had a penchant for flirting, his playful nature made it difficult to take him seriously. Yet, there was a genuine risk that someone might misinterpret his actions, leading to unsavory acts.

Lixin hesitated as a thought crossed his mind. 'I probably shouldn't use that word,' he thought, realizing that what he found unsavory might be something his cousin actually enjoyed. However, he remained determined to look out for Zeyu and ensure he didn't fall victim to any manipulative individuals.

Pushing aside the unsettling possibility, Lixin redirected his focus and opened his status screen. He had made significant progress in leveling up and was aware that he had accumulated a considerable number of skill points. Since he had some time to spare while waiting for Peter to trigger the next storyline quest, Lixin decided to keep himself occupied by allocating his stats.

Name: Fortuitous Fish Race: Koi

Title: A Friend of Zinnia!

Level: 10 Exp: 25/2000 Stat Points: 35

HP: 210/210 (+20) MP: 210/210 (+20) SP: 210/210 (+20)

Char: 26 (+20) Str: 25 (+20) Int: 30 (+20) Dex: 27 (+20) Mental: 27 (+20)

Fullness: 90% Temperature: 17°C (62°F)


Luck: 30 (+20)

* Language Acquisition

Coins: 0 Gold 2 Silver 744 Bronze

Lixin's eyes widened upon viewing his stats. The title he obtained from successfully completing Zinnia's questline was nothing short of astounding. In the blink of an eye, his stats transitioned from single-digit figures to double-digits. However, Lixin understood that this significant boost wouldn't alter his approach to distributing stat points.

There were various types of titles within the game, each with its own potential benefits and advantages. With this knowledge in mind, Lixin used the same method to allocate his points that he used before. However, seeing how much Luck has helped him he decided to add some points there as well.

Name: Fortuitous Fish Race: Koi

Title: A Friend of Zinnia!

Level: 10 Exp: 25/2000 Stat Points: 0

HP: 210/210 (+20) MP: 210/210 (+20) SP: 210/210 (+20)

Char: 31 (+20) Str: 25 (+20) Int: 40 (+20) Dex: 37 (+20) Mental: 32 (+20)

Fullness: 89% Temperature: 17°C (62°F)


Luck: 35 (+20)

* Language Acquisition

Coins: 0 Gold 2 Silver 744 Bronze

'Since my Cora is opened, I might as well take a moment to organize my acquired items,' Lixin thought, opening his inventory with a determined expression. "Let's see what we have..."

As he sifted through the contents of his inventory, Lixin noticed that he still possessed a substantial number of potions obtained from the newbie pack and battles he had with monsters. However, he acknowledged that acquiring more potions would be necessary.

Currently, the ones he had were of low rank, providing only a small amount of restoration. This meant he often had to consume multiple potions at once, which was an unpleasant experience due to their disgustingly bitter taste. Lixin made a mental note to acquire higher-quality ones once he left this town since they don't sell them here.

Shifting his attention away from the potions, Lixin swiftly surveyed his stock of tea bags. Noting that he still had 38 Rósastóll and 47 Ceylon tea bags remaining, he realized that he wouldn't need to replenish his supply for quite some time. Similarly, as his gaze fell upon the jars containing the essential mixture for his Dextrim skills, he felt reassured knowing that he had ample reserves to last him a considerable period.

Contemplating the Metal plates, Giant mole rat skin, and Unprocessed Silk roll within his inventory, Lixin deliberated whether to sell them or retain them for future use. Unable to reach a decision at that moment, he carefully placed them at the bottom of his inventory, intending to revisit the matter once he departed from the beginner town.

Continuing to rearrange his inventory, Lixin positioned his Water Lily seeds adjacent to his Tricare Lid, ensuring easy access to his food supply. Furthermore, he placed his water flask within reach, allowing for convenient hydration during his journey. Content with the organized arrangement, his attention shifted to a few notable items that caught his eye.

The Strange Bean, discovered on the Mucuna Prurien tree, intrigued him, though its purpose still remained unknown to him. Placing it beneath the tea bags, Lixin also stowed away the F-ranked Crystal cores, since he couldn't use them for the time being.

There was also the Armor voucher that he almost forgot about. He knew he needed to use it immediately. It would be the first thing on his to-do list after he gets his new storyline quest. As for the Mole Rat Charm and the C-Ranked Knowledge Shard, he could make use of them now without hesitation.

Clicking on the charm he read its description:

Mole Rat Charm: A finely crafted charm depicting a valiant Blesmol Knight. This charm bestows upon its bearer the unique ability to expand its inventory, providing two additional storage spaces for items. In addition, it enhances night vision by 15%, allowing for improved visibility in low-light environments.

'I wonder if all charms only offer this amount of extra slots,' Lixin pondered as he equipped the charm to his Armrief Bracrlet. However, he had a feeling that wasn't the case.

Knowing that he would find out sooner or later he moved on to the Knowledge Shard.

C- Ranked Knowledge Shard: A mysterious glass shard containing a random skill. Break it open to see what you get!

The C-Ranked Knowledge Shard ignited a surge of excitement within Lixin. He knew that countless players would covet such an item. While not exceedingly rare, knowledge shards posed a significant challenge to obtain as they were exclusively rewarded through encounter quests.

Although selling the shard could fetch a handsome sum, Lixin had no intention of parting with it. With a bright smile, he retrieved the gleaming shard from his inventory before firmly grasping it between his fingers. Without hesitation, he crushed the shard, allowing its glittering fragments to scatter and reveal the skill concealed within.

[Cora:] [You have Learned Appraisal!]

Appraisal Level 1/20: This skill grants players the ability to acquire detailed information about monsters and various objects. As players advance in their appraisal levels, they gain the capacity to discern the abilities and capabilities of monsters, as well as uncover the specific functions and properties of certain items.

While Lixin possessed a similar skill in Ingredient Seeking, he acknowledged that Appraisal held far greater capabilities. Its depth and scope surpassed his current skill by leaps and bounds, making him keenly aware of its immense potential. The excitement coursing through him was palpable as he contemplated the possibilities that this newly acquired skill would unlock.

Just as Lixin was reveling in his fortunate acquisition, a familiar chime resounded in his ears, instantly capturing his attention.

[Cora:] [Carefree Bee is video calling you! Do you accept? Yes or No?]


Author Note:

MomoCatt: It seems everyone needed a refresher.

Lixin: Do you mean a drink? Like a Mango Dragon Fruit Refresher? They are delicious.

MomoCatt: No… I meant… You know what, never mind.