Stage 76: Caught

AN: There is some slight gore in this chapter that may or may not be triggering!

Inside the tent, Lixin and Zeyu faced a daunting tableau. Papers, books, and maps were strewn across every available surface, forming a chaotic mosaic of information. Desks were buried beneath mounds of disorganized documents, and bookshelves sagged under the weight of volumes shoved into every available space.

"Oh, geez," Zeyu muttered under his breath, a sigh escaping his lips as he gazed around the tent. "It's going to take forever for us to find that map in this mess."

"Hopefully not, or we'll be in trouble if we get caught," Lixin replied, aware that time was not on their side.

Nodding, Zeyu took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenge ahead. "You're right. Let's hurry and look for it. It should be easy to spot with that faint golden aura quest items have."