Stage 78: Battle Pt2

After dispatching the remaining soldiers closing in around him, Lixin turned his attention to his cousin's predicament. His heart sank as he witnessed Zeyu encircled on all sides by soldiers, seemingly overwhelmed.

Just as Lixin was about to rush to his aid, his concern morphed into astonishment. Zeyu, facing the impending threat with unwavering resolve, raised his massive ax high above his head and bellowed, "Lightning Rain!"

The once-clear sky rapidly darkened, ominous clouds roiling with pent-up energy. It was an awe-inspiring spectacle, as bolts of lightning began to streak down from the heavens, as if the very sky had come alive with wrath.

The lightning strikes were nothing short of devastating. Each bolt found its target with pinpoint accuracy, obliterating the soldiers upon contact. The impact was cataclysmic, a dazzling display of divine fury that reduced the soldiers to naught but smoldering husks.