Advocate of the Weak

Yijin opened the door from his apartment. Lights lined the entire hallway from end to end. In all reality, this was a rather cheap apartment for modern living, but Yijin was proud to afford it. He prepared himself for what was to come and found his way to the end of the Eastern Wing. There he found himself face to face with a strange metallic door that opened into the walls. A button was placed directly next to the door. Yijin had no clue what was the use of it and ended up pushing it lightly to see what would occur.

A loud ding was heard as soon as he pressed the button and the doors opened.

Yijin stepped into the small cube-like space and the doors quietly shut behind him. He looked around within the elevator, as we would call it, and found small buttons numbered from one to seventy-two. Yijin quickly pressed the button marked with "One." Another loud ding was heard and the elevator began to slowly descend. Lounge music played from some speakers above, but Yijin was quickly startled by this.

"What horrible taste in music. Who is playing this? Ah, if only I could listen to you one more time Feixi. Your playing of the flute was unparalleled among all the seventeen provinces." Yijin uttered under his breath. The music continued, playing a sort of instrumental jazz mix piece that was rather popular nowadays among places of business.

The elevator continued downwards and finally reached the ground floor. It was there that the doors opened and Yijin stepped out, happy to have escaped the torment of the ancients that we call lounge music. He walked further on, but suddenly felt a vibration within his jean's right pocket. He placed his hand quickly within and retrieved his cell phone.

He pushed on the button from the side, which he had figured out how to do while on the elevator, and entered a password that was embedded within Yijin's mind. 2732. After pressing a checkmark on the right side of the screen, he was able to access the cell phone and finally check his messages.

Only two were present. One was Yijin's mother, texting to check on him, and the other was seemingly from one of Yijin's friends named Xiao. The message from Xiao read as follows: "Yijin, bro. Where the hell are you? You're going to be late for class man!" Yijin quickly figured out how to write back, even though he made some critical mistakes in his writing. "Won't be there next week. Talk today." instead of writing, "Will be there. Talk soon."

"Damn this small screen! I swear I will destroy the creator of this little device." Yijin snarled under his breath. Xiao was quickly confused by the message writing back, "Are you high right now? What the hell..." Yijin quickly wrote the right message afterwards and cleared up the misunderstanding. He quickly boarded a bus that was heading in the direction of the school. He knew the general location for some reason, possibly because the original Yijin had been there before.

He arrived ten minutes late for class and sprinted as quickly as he could. Had Huanzhi been able to transfer his Qi into Yijin's body, then this whole debacle could have been avoided. After remembering to transfer his Qi slowly into Yijin's body, he found that it would take him exactly one year to reach the pinnacle of greatness. Currently, Yijin's body had half of the Qi that Huanzhi's original body had had after more than forty years of cultivation.

This was mainly due to Huanzhi's transferrable spirit energy.

Yijin now arrived in the classroom that he had a vague memory of from Original Yijin and sat down in the chair marked "3-E". Xiao was positioned in the seat next to Yijin and now quietly spoke to Yijin. "When the hell did you get here? I didn't see you walk in." Yijin smiled, "Back entrance, my friend. Take a look." He pointed behind him to an open window.

"I'm being completely serious right now, Yijin. Are you drunk or just mentally retarded? You do realize we are on the third story, right?" Xiao said.

Yijin grinned, "Yes. I'm not blind, Xiao. I know how high we are off the ground."

Xiao looked at Yijin completely confused but decided not to pry any further. This conversation was going nowhe-

"Silence and pay attention! Xiao and Yijin!" The educator at the front of the room shouted suddenly at the two. Yijin sat as upright as possible and Xiao did the same. This woman was incredibly fierce for a sixty-year-old lady. Yijin bowed his head slightly and they began to listen to the lesson, before long the lecture had been completed and Yijin had taken over forty different bullet points on how some country that I will leave unnamed took over another unnamed country in the early unnamed century.

If it was boring enough for me to leave out of this novel, then it is boring enough for you.

During a break between classes at the end of the day, Xiao approached Yijin and the two began to talk about recent issues at the school. The worst of these issues was the issue of one of the... how shall I put this nicely... "intimidators" of the school named Haoyu Zhu. This third-year student was someone who had looked down upon the first years of class "E" since he transferred from another province. In other terms, a complete asshole.

"Haoyu has been wreaking havoc on our class for the past two months. Somebody needs to stop him, or he'll go completely out of control and end up making one of us his shuttle."


"Yes, Yijin. Shuttle. You know this already, the errand boys to an asshole and his friends."

"Ah right. Ok, so what can we do about it."

"I have no idea, what are you asking me for. Do either of us look like we can fight? Granted, we may be the best looking in this class but that doesn't mean we have to throw fists for everybody else."

"I didn't know you were so scared of this guy. If you want I'll go take care of him right now?"

Yijin had a peculiar expression on his face when he said this and Xiao felt rather eerie about the whole subject.

"It's not that I'm scared of him. I'm scared of his troupe of followers. He basically owns this school. Even the teachers are afraid of him. But you know all this already. If you could've taken care of him, you could have done it earlier. But I guess you're all talk too."

Yijin took this personally but tried not to show it to his friend. He nodded and the two continued talking about other subjects, less important and not worth noting. Either way, Yijin was more focused on finding this Haoyu Zhu character and stopping his acts. Perhaps it was fate that brought him to this school, to reconcile the world there must first be one small act of justice. Yijin completed his classes and, after school, began to search for Haoyu and his gang. It's never hard to find wrong-doing people when you lived an entire life before.

Yijin's first article of searching was the alleys by the school, where he found a few senior students smoking and beating a first-year student. A shuttle probably. Yijin watched as the three senior students poured some alcoholic beverage on the head of the first-year student. He began to contemplate, "Should I truly go around acting like I am from a light faction sect? Suntao would laugh at me for this." Yijin stepped forward loudly.

"Hey, you sons of bitches! You like bullying the weak, how about you try me out for size."

Yijin grinned in annoyance and watched as the seniors turned to look at him. They all had threatening looks on their faces, but Yijin had felt much, much worse in front of opponents before. He lifted his arms and clenched his hands into fists. This would be interesting. Yijin fought in a hand-to-hand combat style much like Muay Thai, but still somehow different from it.

It was like a mixture of Taekwondo and Muay Thai, set perfectly for a tall person like him. He prepared himself as the leader of the seniors stepped forward. "Who the hell are you, Model Face? I'll break your nose so bad that you'll be bleeding for days."

The senior stepped forward with his fists in a boxing position. He stepped forward three times and let fly with a punch. "Sloppy." A single word came out of Yijin's mouth as he dropped under the boy's fist and slammed his fist into the senior's chin with a well-placed uppercut. The boy fell backwards to the ground, incapacitated and bleeding from the lip. "Holy shit! He knocked out Lingfei! Get him!" The other two stepped forward and started with an intense flurry of fists and kicks.

Yijin grinned, he wasn't using Qi right now mainly because these opponents weren't worth a waste of energy. Yijin dodged and blocked their kicks expertly. "Who is this bastard? How is he blocking everything?"

Yijin dodged to one side and leaped into the air, slamming his loafer into the side of one of the seniors' faces and pushing off of him to twist and do the same with his opposite foot unto the nose of the other. They both fell to the ground in pain, afraid to keep fighting. "Give me Haoyu's number. I want to challenge him to a fight." Yijin said. He grabbed the eldest prick and held him by the collar as he spoke. The man quickly punched in the number and lifted himself from the ground. The eldest grabbed the other two,

"Let's get out of here. You little shit, you're dead once Haoyu hears about this!"

Yijin scoffed, "Call this Haoyu here and I'll beat him half to death too. You can tell him I said that, cowards." He grinned at them and winked once as they ran off in fear. He finally turned to his fellow first-year. He walked up to him, "You good?" The boy was crying as Yijin spoke.

"You idiot! Do you know what they're going to do to me after this shit? I'll be beaten half to death for this, they'll probably think I paid you to do this."

Yijin stared menacingly at the boy for a moment.

"Then fight back. So I don't have to be here a second time. Fight back. Soon, I'll be taking over this place. Nobody will be forcing you to shuttle anymore after this. Haoyu won't stand a chance."

"Shut up! Nobody cares about your hero act! Just leave and let me go wash myself off."

Yijin shut his mouth and walked off, "Ungrateful little prick. Next time I'll beat you t-" Yijin suddenly felt a shock of electricity bolt through his body. "What the hell?" He heard that familiar divine laugh ring through his ears.

"Not doing an inherently good act there, Huanzhi. You'll have to accept that some folks want to see before they believe. Keep in mind if you do something wrong, I will send down my divine lightning bolt to show you the right path."

Yijin smiled ruefully and kept walking, his mouth shut in fear of another strike. "He's probably the scariest person I've ever met." Said Yijin, regarding the God.

"I am." The voice rang in his ears. "And you'll realize I can be a lot worse to you, boy."

Yijin continued onwards, finding Xiao and walking with him toward home. "Where were you, Yijin?"

"Don't worry about it. Just a quick little errand run."

"Yeah right. I believe that."

The two looked at one another for a moment before breaking out into laughter. Yijin put Xiao in a loose headlock, ruffling his hair as the two walked. The rest of the walk to the bus stop was uneventful as the two friends boarded the bus with the evening sun hanging over them.