Episode 20.

Federica knows the millionaire in the mansion well.

On the day at the mansion, Frank's father is talking on the phone to someone from work.

-Okay, I got it, it's okay to have an online conference. -The mansion's father keeps calling about his work.

While the father's wife, the father's daughter and the father's daughter's husband are in the room.

- Can you put these on, honey? The father's daughter asked her husband while handing a folder of papers to her husband in the living room.

-The work is spoken at work. I don't like what he does at all. Look, he's been talking on the phone for an hour. The father's wife told her stepdaughter.

I don't think he likes him either. He would hang up already if it wasn't important. – The mansion's father's daughter commented to her stepmother.

-Dear woman. Although it is something insignificant, work is always very important to your father. I do not like it. I mean, if I tell him I have a problem, he doesn't talk to me like that, he says something and that's it… He mentioned the mansion's father's wife.

"Let's go, dear, let's go, honey," her husband told the father's daughter.

-Okay, go now, you're late. - Her daughter said to her husband.

Then the daughter got out of the sofa, she is holding her father's hands, the father is done talking on the phone.

Let me know when you leave, okay? – Her father asked her.

-Okay, dad, don't worry, I'll let you know = Her daughter told him in the living room.

-OK. Good day. – The father said goodbye to his daughter and his mother-in-law.

- Why are you going to the doctor? – Asked the father's wife.

-For the test tube baby. – Her husband told him about the mansion.

-Ah. How much try will it be? It is that they will not be able to have children. I don't understand why they insist so much. Their lives are spent with doctors. – His wife told him.

- Is there any better feeling than being a father? Of course they will try to the end. Her husband told her in the living room.

Federica was on the street with a friend outside her mansion.

- Do you want to go out a bit during the weekend? – Asked her friend.

"I have a lot of projects to do," the new rich told her.

- What job do you have? – Asked her friend on the street.

-Well, I have to do a lot of things in my room, I need to do that job and I also need to prepare for my project homework. – He mentioned the adolescent heiress of the mansion.

-Girl, you rotted inside. – Her friend told her, while Federica laughed a little.

-What is her suggestion, life coach? – Asked the millionaire.

-Good. What do you have to do with your age, I tell you? – Asked her friend.

- That I have to do? – I also ask the new rich of the mansion.

-You have to learn to live urgently, Federica. Her friend told her.

- You tell him? – Federica asked him.

-Yes, while that Arab, that billionaire. The Arab gave you a great deal of favor for your project. Shouldn't we go shopping? He would change our mood, huh? – Her friend told her, she was happy.

-In fact, going shopping is a good idea. – He mentioned the millionaire from the mansion.

-This is the performance I expect from you, well done. – Her friend told her. Then she left the street.

On the day of the mansion, his father and his wife are in the room with the girl.

-We haven't seen your parents in weeks. Are you satisfied with the center of Australia? – Frank's father told the girl guest.

-They came once and they were very, very happy. Their faces glowed. But my father was complaining about the tension, he had gotten tired. The redhead told him.

-Oh. Let's go before winter. Please, we will be lighter and lose a little weight. I have been very excited. – Her wife told her husband about the mansion.

- Do you need detox or diet, dear? asked her husband.

-That's right, she is very skinny. – The redhead told him.

- Do you know what it would be like if I didn't feed off my modeling habits, dear? It's just that I have a big appetite.

- Waitress, what are you doing? – The innkeeper of the mansion brought sweets for the spouses of the mansion and the guest.

-We talk about diet and detoxification, on top of that you bring pastry. What will we do? We eat? – I ask the wife of the father of the mansion.

Yes, we'll try it. – the redhead told him.

-Thank you very much ma'am- Frank's father's wife thanked the waitress in the room.

The redhead is tasting and eating sweets in the living room. The father heard something that someone came to his mansion.

-Finally our boy found his way home. – The father of the mansion told him.

The millionaire was entering the room of his mansion, he was seeing his stepmother, his father and the redhead in the room.

-I think your new custom is to make an appointment and make the guest wait. Master Frank's schedule is very full. Who knows where he comes from? – Asked the wife of the father of the mansion.

-Hello friend- Frank greeted the redhead.

-Hello what's going on? We were going to do the project homework, that's why I came. Do you remember? – The redhead told him.

-Well done, lass. Without you, he wouldn't think about his homework, look, he forgot. - Frank's father told him.

-Wait a second, a second, I think you don't know this task plan, is that true? – Said the wife of the father of the mansion.

-No, it's not like that. Shall we go upstairs now? – I ask the redhead.

-Okay, let's go up and fix it as soon as possible. – Said the millionaire of the mansion.

"Excuse me," the redhead said to his father and his wife in the living room.

The redhead and the millionaire went upstairs to Frank's room after the living room. They reached the millionaire's room.

- What is this? Why do you come without letting me know? So that? – I ask the one in the black Ferrari.

- They never taught you how to treat guests? asked the redhead.

-No, not that. – Frank said to the redhead.

-Oh, as if he came for me. -The redhead told him, while he was taking out the flash drive.

- What's inside? Frank asked him.

- What do you think? Project task- The redhead told him.

-Yes – Frank told him.

Come on, are you done yet? -The one in the black Ferrari asked him.

-I did, don't talk like you don't know me. His lover told him.

You didn't mention it last night. - Said the most muscular boy.

-The timing was not right. – the redhead told him.

-It made them uncomfortable, but someone from the service came. I believe your vehicle will be taken in for maintenance. The mansion service lady told him.

-Okay, ma'am. I'm going right now- Frank said to his service personnel.

"Okay," his mansion staff told him.

-Please, do your job, just before you go, turn on the laptop. I start to install it. – The redhead told him.

-Leave it there, I'll do it when I get back. – Frank mentioned the redhead.

-Frank. I won't break your laptop. turn on now I also have my own private files. I extract them, we save time. The drawings will already take a long time. The girl commented to the millionaire of the mansion.

-Good. – Frank told him. While he is looking for his laptop in the room. It's on on the laptop.

- Alright? – The redhead asked.

-You got it. Thanks, I'll start uploading right away so we can save time. Frank mentioned the redhead.

Luck is on my side today. – The redhead spoke of herself.