Chapter 20: Lunazou vs Fafir

"Graah..guhh!! Oofff!!" Fafir roared as he was being kicked around by the fused being. He was bewildered and angry. He stop for a brief second and roared. It was so loud it blew every minus those that were contained backwards. Lunazou zipped passed his petty attack and grabbed his face followed by slamming him into the ground. "I hate everything about you. If it were up to me. I'd END your existence. Face it Fafir!! It's OVER!!" Lunazou said as she punch the man more rapidly. He kept off of him and sense a intense power growing within. She stood her guard and readied herself for Fafir to counterattack.

"Huuuuaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" Fafir roared increasing his speed the deity landed a devastating rib breaking kick as hard as he could. Lunazou spewed up saliva and blood and fell to her knees. The girl clench her stomach and braced for his next attack. "What's wrong girl? You seem to be losing steam. To think two sisters would merge. One being my sworn enemy and BANE of my existence and the other...hehehe. A FAILURE who sacrificed her life for your younger sister in vain." Fafir mocked as he grabbed Lunazou by her head. He headbutted her and dropkicked the girl with enough force it sent her hurtling across the forest floor.

Wounded Lunazou struggled to get up to her feet. Fafir's power was growing stronger and stronger by the second while her body was trembling. "Dang it..I..I don't know if Lunazou is gonna cut it." The girl said as she coughed up blood.

"What's impressive about you is how you manage to get free from my Lightning Bind. Humor me girl before I send you to your grave." Fafir smirked as he squatted to meet the girl's weary gaze. "What good does that do for me huh? You tried to kill Luna,I lost it and stepped in. I ain't gonna let my baby sister get wrecked. Especially by a fucking RAPIST. Like you!!" Lunazou said as she struggled to returned to her feet. Fafir smiled and grabbed the girl by her hair and kneed her in the face and kicked her straight into a large boulder.

The girl groaned, but didn't move

otherwise. Things seem to look dire for the fused warrioress. Fafir slowly walked towards his damaged foe and chuckled a bit.

"You're pretty strong so far. Lunazou was it? I see. Azou was the name of the blue skinned girl who saved Luna beforehand. No matter. I believe if THIS is all that you have to offer. I'm going to continue what I started." The Beast God said maliciously. He picked the damaged Lunazou up and forcefully split apart until they were two once again. Azou and Luna both heavily wounded and weak were panting.

"This isn't good sis. Now would be the time to transform ya know. If you have enough str-" Azou said before being smack by Fafir. The girl flew far across the ground and remained unmoving. Shocked by this. Luna clenched her fist and socked Fafir in the face causing her blood to boil. She spontaneously transformed after landing three punches and wounding the man. Standing now at her full power Fafir wiped his lips and saw blood. He grinned and laughed.

"Ah. So I see hehe. You finally came to play huh? The form Nea spoke off in her prophecy. Blue is a good color for you. Also not having a mouth is perfect for me. Maybe I can carve you a new ONE!!" Fafir said as he and Luna charged towards one another.

They were now matching blow for blow,fist for fist,kick for kick and strength for strength. Fafir evily grin and put a bit more power into his hits but it didn't phase the blue warrioress at all. Luna counter and lifted the far larger man off his feet and kicked him in his balls.

"That's just the tip of the iceberg. Evil One. I got more in store for you. But right now I should enjoy you writhing in pain. This is for ALL the women you RAPED!!" Luna yelled as she hammered Fafir into the ground with a ridiculously powerful punch. She connected with his face and broke a few teeth while at it. Each fist had months of anger,hatred,rage and anguish in it. Finally she could take her vengeance. Once she finshed Fafir laid in a broken and bruised state. His body was scarred but his face was covered in blood,bumps and bruises. Luna conjured up a old power of hers. It was creating little Aether familiars from her own being. Several hundreds were commanded to help defeat any remaining soilders while she also commanded the strongest Aetherlings to free her allies and family from their bonds.

"For Aether!!" The little spectral creatures shouted. Once they did what Luna commanded they vanished and were absorbed back into Luna's being. She stood over Fafir and grabbed him by his throat. Nothing but malice and hatred filled her eyes. Fafir came too and felt a feeling he never felt before.

"W..what is this? I about to perish? The deity thought to himself. He notice his men were suddenly either dead or defeated. This angered Fafir and gave him the surge of energy he needed. He felt Luna's hands around his throat slowly squeezing. "Noooo...I..will SILENCEEEEEE!!" Fafir shouted. With all his might he kicked Luna high into the red sky thousands of feet in the air. A massive purple and black aura surge and as soon as he left the ground. Cracks of the earth broke apart in his wake.

"Rrrraaaahhhh!!! You little thoen in my side!! Don't think this is over!!" Fafir yelled. As soon as he got to Luna she dodged his attacks. They had a lot of power yet lacked accuracy. Luna kick the deity across his thick neck and sent him in a daze. He spun in a circle and was punch right in the nose breaking it on impact.

Unamused Luna grabbed Fafir by his beard and force him to look at the damage he caused. Fafir use her own momentum against her and send them both crashing into the ground and destroying the campsite as a whole. "I sure hope Luna got this. We need to be able to get to safety somehow." Azou said as she was having her wounds be treated. Everyone else agreed and Luna's grandmothers Umi and Elena used every fiber of their being to form a large enough force field to keep Fafir and Luna from destroying anything else.

Several Ulmuses ran away from the fight because they were afraid. Those that were either Brigand or Archten troops slowly followed and abandoned Fafir and Luna. "This is definitely not gonna end well. The way their fighting right now cannot possibly be good for my world." Nea said as she herself was recovering from her wounds. Destiny comforted her mother and hoped that Luna could pull off this win.

"We can't give up now. We prepared for this day thanks to Galastrom and you all. We need to fight as hard as we ca-" Destiny paused as a loud roar came from the skies. A blackened worm like beast emerged. It was Numanag once again with the Obsidian Ulmus riding onit's back. Gala and her mother readied for a attack of their own. "We got company everyone. Let's destroy these two monsters!!" Galastrom said as the two beasts lunged at her and everyone else. Weapons such as: swords, bow and arrows,guns and even some unconventional weapons were thrown in. Galastrom stabbed Numanag in the eye which caused it to fling the Obsidian Ulmus straight into the ground forming a large crater.

"Now!! ATTACK!!" Zuma commanded.

The warriors dashed forward and engaged with their enemies. However the large beast struck the ground and knock the off their feet with ease. Zuma clutched his arms around Skyra and Azou. The others slowly recovered as they began to float on the air. Each person their remembered the technique that Skyra showed them when flying in space.

"RRRRRROOOOOAWWRR!!" The mighty Obsidian Ulmus roared. It was almost deafening but the group kept fighting and fighting until Gala was slammed hard into a rock and chuck that very same rock into the legendary creature's nose. She flee with it and pierce it's cranium leaving an massive hole in it's head. Shocked by this Galastrom warped the blood covered Gala back to her and watched as the mighty beast fell to its death. Now only Numanag was left.

"Heh..good job baby girl. Momma is so proud of you and how beautiful you've grown. Hehe. I'm glad I got to see ya." Galastrom said as she kissed her daughter on the head. They and the rest of the group prepared for Numanag's assault.