Chapter 24: The Final Act and New Birth

"Worthless wretch!!" A woman said as she hits Fafir with a very blunt instrument. "Pathetic foul dog!" Yet another woman says as she sets him on fire. He screams and begs to be released yet he cannot. Due to being a primordial deity and Nea's rule he must endure this torture for eternity. Fafir was chained up and shackled to the walls. The two women were Fafir's issued tormentors and they could have free reign with whatever amount of torment they saw fit.

"Keep screaming Fafir!!! No one will help you!! Did ya even think of this ONCE as you raped Aether herself hmmm!!" The lady angrily shouted she struck Fafir with another blunt object and broke his leg only for it to heal itself again. "Aaahhhhhhhhhh!!" Fafir screamed in agony. Since his arrival to this dark and deep place Zuma as Lord of Death ordered no one minus Luna could enter. For what seemed like days for Fafir they were only mere moments on the surface. The bloody Beast God was sapped of his supernatural power and reduce to a broken fool.

"We have ALL eternity to make you pay for EVERY sin you made. Knowingly and unknowingly!! Fortunately for you we will be taking our leave. See you tomorrow prisoner." The lady tormentors mockingly waved. They left the very large empty room and Fafir's shackles were removed by a machine. For the night the shirtless deity fell to his knees. Blood dripped from his forehead to the floor. He laid there and suffered in silence. Not even a window to look out of yet he regretted his past actions and wish he never did those things.

"Ourana..that...face of...hatred..I will never forget that disappointed look for as long as I live." Fafir mumbled to himself as he laid in the middle of the room in a pool of his own blood,sweat and tears. The next day the lady tormentors came back and kicked Fafir in his side. They sprayed him with cold water and then ripped off his pants and set him on fire again.

The man screamed and screamed. The tormentors showed no remorse. They carried his burnt carcasse to the wall and shackled him up once again. "So no pants for you I see. You like humiliating innocent girls and TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THEM ALL FOR THEIR BODIES!!" The lady tormentor shouted as she kicked Fafir in his exposed crotch several times.

Each kick was harder and more precise then the last. Fafir screamed and begged for it to end. "You don't GET what you want here. Lord Unknown made it CRYSTAL clear that you suffer for your sins!! You lost this bout evil one. And now the time for womanizing,fornicating,torturing the innocent and sooo much more is finally coming back to YOU full swing." Said the lady tormentor. The other shut the heavy door and merged with her partner by means of magic. They were now one woman. This woman notice Fafir's package and healed his genitals.

" make a deal with me. Your anguish will never end. So what do you say naked man?" The larger woman asked the beaten Fafir. For all the times on Neo, Fafir was usually the aggressor and he reflected in those days. Those sleepless nights were he heard innocent girls scream as he took their virginity. Tears fell from his face and the mental torture got even worse. A nightmare he had of his own daughters being raped by some other horrendous soul horrified him. It shook him to his core. So much the man soiled himself and got a little of urine on the larger woman who was supposed to be tormenting him. "Aaaahhhh...why you little!!" The woman angrily said as she grabbed his testes and squeezed as hard as she could. Fafir frantically apologized and begged her to stop.

"Aaaaahhhhhh...I'm sorry..Im sorry!!!!" Fafir pathetically yelled. This made the large woman laugh hysterically. She mocked him and slapped him across the face. The woman left Fafir there in his own mess shackled to the wall. Naked, confused and ashamed. At least now spiritually he figured he could atone for his sins.

Weeks passed by in his large empty chamber. Fafir awoke after he was asleep for who knows how long. He seemed to have recovered a little and was still shackled to the wall. Naked and ashamed Fafir didn't know what to do.

Suddenly the door to his chamber open. A figure dressed in a dark purple cloak slowly walked towards him. The hem was in tatters yet Fafir noticed the figure seemed very familiar. Whomever it was that stood before him gave off a frightening and terrifying vibe. As this cloaked figure approached the naked man with each step. Fafir became more curious and then shocked. " died!! I saw you die!! B..but how are you alive!!" Fafir asked the cloaked figure. "Hehehe..don't you think it's kinda rude to act all scared of me Faffy?" The figure said in a playful manner.

"Only..Panna has called me that. You are not her..who are you?!" Fafir exclaimed. The figure stood in the only light that shined just above him. "Surprise I'm immortal hehe." The figure laughed. "Luna!!? I should have known you couldn't have been killed that easily. You seem to be doing well for yourself..why are you here? Have you come to further my torment?" Fafir asked.

"Nice body ya got here. Ya know I didn't know you were so muscly Faffy. Then again how could I when I was getting PIPED DOWN AGAINST MY WILL!!" Luna yelled as she struck Fafir in the gut and kicked him across the face. "It's really funny how you think you were never gonna get caught..Oh soooooo. That's not how it works. Ya see I HATE you and I wish you died in our battle but in a way you did hehehe."

Luna mockingly laughs at her former foe. "Oh what could've been Fafir. You even were sapped of your deity powers from Nea,yet if I were you..I'd beg and plead for forgiveness. Maybe someone will hear you. if. I wouldn't help you if you were the last person alive. Your a horrible father,husband and worst of all a scoundrel who deserves much more pain than he is getting now. Rot her in this empty chamber Fafir. You have all of eternity to think on all the misdeeds you done." Luna says as she placed her hand on her hips.

She shook her head and looked at every part of the wounded man. Not even a inch was worth her gaze any longer. "To think we had sex together when I was your "prisoner". Pfft further proof you never changed. You could have one million kids Fafir,doesn't mean you'll be any different. Now Ourana will grow up hating her own father. No daughter should ever have to go through the trauma you put Destiny through. I have news though. She plans on being a model. Just hope she doesn't become a stripper insteadddd." Luna teased the defeated Fafir. He hung his head low while his long gray hair drooped.

He knew he was the very cause of these things. He hated himself and took every inch of his former foe's verbal beating. Luna floated in front of him. Luna simply folded her arms and began to laugh at him. "When you couldn't get a woman with your charisma, you had to use force. Ha!! I was such a fool to allow you to enjoy my womanly wiles. Please you couldn't even handle me. I doubt you could...especially now." Luna said as she blushed.

Fafir than spoke after being silent for a while. "I..I know a apology will never fix my wrongs with you..Especially the way I acted then..But the truth is what it is. I deserved this fate and had I only seen it sooner..I could've change. I do not ask for your pity,nor remorse, but your forgiveness...if not..I understand." Fafir said in a weakened voice. Luna lifted his head and smacked him hard across the face.

"Jerk..I forgive you okay..doesn't change the fact that your still in the deepest part of Hexus butt naked and shackled to a brick wall." Luna bitterly said as she folded her arms. "Does my nakedness bother you?..Luna?" Fafir asked in a slightly energetic tone. Luna turned her back to him and turn towards him. She blushed and chuckled nervously. "S..shut up you..old ancient fool.." Luna said as she blushed more.

"Oh my Nea...he's kinda..cute like this..yet his..thing is hard..try not to look at it. Plus your married girl..look away Luna!!" The girl thought as she noticed Fafir's penis was fully erect.

"Your a little red in the face? Are you okay there Luna?" Fafir asked. Luna floated to the wounded man and nervously looked at him. "Y...your pitching a tent down there. I..I.I didn't think you had enough energy to even..g..get that hard." The nervous Luna said as her face turned a beet red. Fafir knew what she was talking about and laughed.

"Well..I learned from my past. If you would like to Luna..this can be our dirty little secret." Fafir kindly smiled towards her. Luna looked at him and brushed the stray gray hairs from his face. She gently smiled and hugged his naked body.

" be brutally honest with you Fafir..I really wanna fuck right now..If..if I did it in here with you..we'd have to keep it under wraps though. I'm married now to Silvia and..hopefully one day..we'll have a child.." Luna awkwardly paused.

The naked Fafir nodded his head and laughed. "I see..but it is your choice. After all your not naked under that cloak for no reason are you?" Fafir deduced. This surprised Luna. She was indeed naked underneath. She blushed and pouted even. The girl stomped around and floated to meet Fafir's gaze.

"Mmmm...youuuu" Luna said cutely making Fafir chuckle. "So what do you say, let bygones be bygones. No one has to know. And even if you don't. At least I got a visit from you." Fafir says in a calm voice to ease her nerves. Luna removed her cloak and then looked at him as he looked at her.

"Just a heads up..your bound to this one room until my Papa says otherwise. So no funny business you trickster." Luna informs the naked man. She unlocks his shackles and helps Fafir to the ground. There the naked two laid. Both staring into each other's eyes. Fafir's evil soul seemed to had fade away and Luna smiled made him fall in love with her and her him.

"Tell no one of this okay?" Luna said as Fafir rested next to her. Fafir chuckled. Luna then rolled on top of him and took out a condom she had with her. Within that very same hour the two had sex.

They continued to do so and filled the room with passionate moans and groans. Fafir and Luna were fully engaged as that very moment all that mattered was their love being shared in that very moment. Once they finish the two fell in a deep sleep. For several days in fact. Once they woke up Luna was on Fafir's cock ready for another round. This time as her Final Aether state. Having a slight hatred towards the form itself. Fafir reluctantly agreed and obliged to Luna's request. Again the two had intercourse. Their moans and groans echoed throughout the massive chamber and ended with tired yet relieved sighs. Once that was over. Fafir and Luna held hands and kissed.

"I promise to come back as soon as possible. Thanks Daddy Fafir. Hehe. Next time your shackled to a wall,think of these cheeks rubbing against that strong and girthy rod. Luna seductively says as she kiss the tip of his penis. Fafir was placed back in his shackles and exchanged one final kiss with each other. They were no longer enemies, but now something more. Luna hugged him and dressed herself back in her purple cloak. She disappeared in the darkness and Fafir began to meditate for several days. Soon he hoped he could live on Neo again. Compared to this chamber it was far better than this.

Several months passed by on Neo as Luna was confirmed to be pregnant. Silvia had her rushed to the hospital just to prepare. The rest of the family was called and showed up. Skyra as a mother had a innate ability to know when her grandchild will be born. She brought with her as many of her friends and the rest of the family as possible. The moment for the baby to be born had come.

Silvia was the only person with Luna in the birthing room. Several nurses and doctors began to instruct Luna to not become Aether. If she did,then the results could either harm or benefit the baby. Luna held Silvia by the hand and Azou as the aunt for some reason was allowed in. She had Luna grab a furry tentacle. Soon Luna began to push and push as the baby was being delivered right then and there.

Due to Luna being possibly the most powerful thing in Neo. The entire planet,Nius and Hexus itself began to shake at her power. Even Fafir felt these massive vibrations. It was so much that his shackles snapped and he fell to his knees. The man looked upward and laughed. "Well..looks like a little one is being born. I do hope I can train this one to the best of my abilities." Fafir eagerly awaited that day. Back to the hospital. Luna screamed as the baby was gradually making it's way out. Pain rattled Silvia's hand and Azou also felt pain in her tentacle. The screams grew louder and louder from Luna as she continued to push the baby further. Finally the baby was born.

The massive earthquake like rumbling ceased. Luna panted for a moment. The small baby was being cleansed of any blood and some of vernix biofilm. The doctor proclaimed that the baby was a little girl. They wrapped the baby girl up in a purple and black blanket. Joy filled Luna and Silvia's heart. Silvia held her first and looked to Luna. "She looks just like Momma Skyra and you baby hehe. What are we gonna name her?" Silvia asked. Luna was given the crying baby girl. "Oceilia May Lynne Hrotha. She already has a full head of white hair and with a black strand. Aww and her eyes are green like yours Silvia."Luna gingerly said as she smiled at her little one. "Hello little one. Welcome to my world." Luna said happily.

Later on in the evening after Luna was wheeled back to her room. The doctors placed baby Oceilia in a small transparent glass crib with a wooden bottom. It came with tons of diapers,baby powder,baby wipes and even formula if the baby didn't like breasts milk. As the evening raged on,the rest of the family got to see baby Oceilia. Interestingly enough the doctors diagnosed Ocielia with an rather high intelligence and strength.

The baby girl was already learning how to levitate on her own. "You went Aether didn't you?" Siivia asked Luna. Luna smiled and giggled. "She's gonna make some boy or girl very happy one day hehe." Luna smiled as Oceilia floated to her and looked into her eyes. She then heard a familiar voice. "Thank you the mighty Aetherling Race has begun. Fear not Maxine and Nyx will be next in ten months time. Once they are born. Some more surprises will surely show up. Till then. Love you." The baby telepathically said to her mommy.

"Aww..Ocielia. Hehe. So cute. I can't wait to take you flying up in the air,swimming in the massive oceans, explore outer space and see how well you'll grow. My little mini me. Mmm now I know how Momma felt when she had me. I promise to love you,cherish you and take care of you to the best of my abilities. Mommy loves her wittle princess." Luna giggled.

Silvia kissed the two and teleported home to get some well deserved rest. Before she left she asked what the Aetherling Race was. Luna told her what happened when she was dead. Once she finished even Silvia was excited to meet these creature, but that all had to wait at least for now.