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Hector looked at the people in front of him and realized that he was like a company president. It is correct to think this way if we share the fact that a football club is a business.

There is a tendency to say that the company is perceived coldly in the sports world. Business technique = coldness. There are very human companies or beautiful cultures where people flourish ideally.

Respect for the person, and respect for employees, are the values that Hector has put in place, and from what can be seen, he has done well. There are teams in all sports with the same coldness as in prison. The Kings were, in this case, when Hector arrived in the NBA.

Many players had no fun playing for the Kings. It must be believed that the atmosphere has warmed up after the purge and are now where they are. The attitude of all managers dictates the mood of all employees and behavior with words. It's a phrase that sticks with Hector.

"Thank you for coming to attend this emergency meeting. Most have heard of me before, but I will introduce myself: I am Hector Herrera, the club's sole shareholder and majority shareholder of the Global Error Group, which owns several teams worldwide, some of which are from here. I'm also a Sacramento Kings player in the NBA. »

Hector's order of presentation is a crucial element. He said he was the sole shareholder before saying he was an NBA player. This is to show everyone that he is involved in the project.

He continued: "First of all, I'm sorry I wasn't present in the positive and negative moments. Most of you have more of my wife who couldn't come than I did, and I'm sorry about that. »

No one expected an apology from the start, but what he says is not wrong. From the point of view of the calendar, Hector can only present himself during the transfer window or at the end of the season.

"When I bought the team in the summer of 2023, I had a clear vision of what I wanted, but being simultaneously a top athlete, I delegated most of the management to Neil here while lending the funds if necessary. The implementation of the anonymous satisfaction questionnaire is also something I have put in place, and the management changes are also my fault. »

The questionnaire is not given to the players but to the directive and sports teams. It is a vision of how people perceive the club management to have an action plan. But the players get what came out of it.

"I want to congratulate you for all the work you have done. At the end of the season, I have a report about the internal situation of the team. Many of you have been here for more than two years. Our captain Terry was present before the team's takeover and is a pillar of the dressing room, and I want to thank you for your loyalty. You are already a legend of this club. I won't forget you. »

Terry Townsend, the team's loyal center-back, is a Welshman born in Newport. Trained at Manchester United, he made his ranges mainly in the Championship and signed for Newport years before the takeover. He is the team itself!

"I hope the work environment is suitable for all of you. I financed the training center where we are now, and the stadium will be delivered next year. I wouldn't be around most of the time during your season in the Premier League, much to my regret, but hopefully, we could improve in all aspects. »

"It's the same for the other teams in the Global Error Group, and I hope to strengthen the bond between all the teams. Players who come from other subsidiaries, you can feel proud to have climbed the ladder. I will be at the pre-season tournament in Mexico with the other teams, and I hope most of you will also be present."

A pre-season tournament will occur between all the teams chaired by Hector in Mexico. The winner will have a bonus to be shared, but he said nothing.

"And the most important thing for me is the players trained at the club. Training and creating an identity is paramount in every club. Zachary is a role model for all, and there will be opportunities. »

Zachary Payne is the 19-year-old goalkeeper who makes the biggest clubs salivate. He is originally from the suburbs and was admitted when the academy was restructured. Holder has been in the cages for two years, proven himself, and confirmed at the high level.

He is already the goalkeeper for the Welsh national team.

"Again, sorry for disturbing you in the middle of training. It was important to me that, coming to see you before promotion to the Premier League, know that I pay attention to your performances. I finally have the opportunity to see you despite my limited time. I will stay here until tomorrow, and if you could bring your family, it's perfect. I am paying tonight. »

The whole audience applauded. Hector spoke heart-to-heart about what he thought and wanted to strengthen the bond between him and the team.

After an autograph signing session and an individual photo opportunity with each player from the first team and even the youth team in each category without forgetting the women's section.

For a team of this caliber, the likelihood of meeting an NBA player of Hector's caliber is almost nil. We are talking about a top NBA player who usually hangs out with top teams. Many NBA players wear Real Madrid or PSG jerseys, and only Hector wears a Newport jersey.

After a party organized in the room ate full of people, some people, like Hector, had to eat on the floor, making everyone laugh. Hector has no social media, but Hector's presence at Newport could not be concealed due to Instagram and X posts from players and club staff.

But the next day, when the fans inquired about his presence, he was already on the plane.