WARNING: This story is for mature audiences only. It contains representations of sexual acts and situations.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.
Chapter 5:
The next morning found a nude Harry Potter leaning abashedly against a hospital bed as Madam Pomfrey ran her wand over his body. She had a scowl on her face that matched her mood perfectly.
"Er, would it help if I said I was sorry again?" Harry offered hesitantly.
"No, it wouldn't, Mr. Potter, but I appreciate the thought. I suppose I should have monitored your post-ritual condition more closely, so last night's disaster is as much my fault as yours."
Harry nodded sheepishly. The previous evening he had stumbled out of the Room of Requirement in a state of magical inebriation, unaware that he was stark naked, and made his way to the hospital wing.
The catcalls and gasps from the portraits along the way should have tipped him off, but so disoriented was he by the ritual that he did not hear the uproar on the corridor walls. The portraits hadn't seen so much excitement since a naked Sirius Black was chased through Hogwarts' corridors by a pair of twins from Hufflepuff.
It hadn't taken long for every portrait on the way to the hospital wing to be crowded with scandalized painted figures.
Harry had stumbled through the infirmary doors and bellowed Madam Pomfrey's name, focused only on procuring some medical attention for Tonks. He had been greeted by three slack jaws and then a high-pitched squeal.
Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall were gathered around first-year Gryffindor Mandy Monroe, who needed treatment for a scraped knee. The gobsmacked trio was treated to a nude Harry Potter swaying and weaving like a lunatic, his erect penis bobbing as he moved. Unfortunately this was the same young girl whom Tonks had traumatized earlier in the evening.
Before McGonagall or Pomfrey could stutter out a response, Mandy had hexed the lurching Harry with the only offensive spell she knew, then run screaming from the room in terror.
Shocked when his penis suddenly developed painful boils, he had squealed in an unmanly fashion and collapsed to the floor, the world's most powerful wizard dropped by an 11-year-old.
McGonagall and Pomfrey had been less than pleased with him.
After a night spent in involuntary incarceration in the hospital wing, the mediwitch was now examining his manhood and evaluating the effectiveness of the latest ritual.
"It appears that the last of the boils is gone, Mr. Potter, although there may be some residual soreness for a few more hours. You're lucky that Miss Monroe doesn't know any stronger spells. I do suggest that you steer clear of her today."
"Right…are you sure we can't just obliviate her?" Harry muttered.
"She is 11, Mr. Potter. Obliviation is a serious matter. I will not risk mental damage to a young girl to spare you some embarrassment. You should be grateful that she's not more traumatized than she is."
He sighed and rubbed his forehead in irritation. He had already heard this lecture three times from Professor McGonagall. The stern old witch had been incensed by the necessity of explaining Harry's behavior to the young girl. McGonagall had given her a full-scale lecture on sexual intercourse, after which the poor girl had needed a calming draught and a teddy bear to fall asleep.
"Did she at least agree not to say anything to anyone?"
Pomfrey narrowed her eyes at him. "She did. I'm not sure anyone would believe her anyway. I don't believe the Prophet will catch wind of this, if that's what you're worried about."
Harry winced at her tone, and wondered if he would ever be able to look McGonagall or Mandy Monroe in the eye again.
"It's not like I did it on purpose. How was I supposed to know the ritual would make me lose my head like that?"
"Yes, well, its effects seem to be somewhat unpredictable, even if harmless. I think it wise for me to stand guard outside the Room of Requirement from now on. We don't want a repeat of last night."
After Pomfrey finished her examination, she instructed him to put his clothes back again while she retrieved the red jewel from her office.
"Just like before, Mr. Potter. Let's see how much your core has changed."
Harry grasped the jewel and watched in anticipation as she waved her wand over it.
"Still over 7000," she muttered, shaking her head. "Your core is shrinking, but is becoming a little more unstable with each ritual. At some point it may become necessary to take a day of rest."
He nodded. "That's fine with me. Are the girls alright? Does that mean they each gained over 1000, erm, whats-its?" he asked, still bewildered over what 1000 units of magic might mean.
"Well, that information is somewhat personal, but I can tell you that their health is fine, even if their magic is somewhat unpredictable for most of the day following the ritual. They haven't gained 1000 points; some of it is lost in translation, as it were."
Pomfrey leaned in to whisper to him conspiratorially. "You didn't hear it from me," she grinned, "but Miss Tonks may have nearly burnt down her guest room this morning when she tried to light a fire in her fireplace."
Harry smirked, thankful for the information. "Why was she trying to light a fire in July?"
"Merlin only knows," the healer smiled. "But it's a good thing that one of the house elves was keeping an eye on her. I'm forcing her to remain in the castle today, just in case. She's likely to cause mayhem if she reports for duty."
Several hours later, a small group consisting of Harry, Hermione, Parvati, and Tonks was seated on the grass near the lakeshore. They were partaking in a leisurely picnic by the lake, as none of them had anything better to do. Madam Pomfrey had indeed insisted that Tonks refrain from Auror duty, so she was spending the day with Harry and his friends.
A selection of fruits, cheeses, breads, and sliced meats lay scattered around them.
"Would you pass the wine bottle please, Harry?" Hermione asked.
He had to stretch to hand it to her, and he couldn't avoid a small grimace as he did so. Despite being healed from his case of boils, the discomfort in his groin was not completely gone.
"I saw that," Parvati snickered. "You better be healed by tonight, or I'm going to unleash hell on that little girl, Gryffindor or no."
"Not her fault, I guess," Harry sighed, "but she certainly didn't hold anything back…at least I didn't try to burn the castle down," he added, looking sideways at Tonks.
Tonks glared and hit him in the face with a grape. "I was cold, alright?"
"So did Tonks live up to her name last night, Harry?" Parvati asked innocently, spreading a liberal amount of gooey brie across a cracker.
"What do you mean?"
"You know. 'Nymphadora.' It means—,"
"Oy!" Tonks interrupted. "You better not finish that sentence, princess, unless you want me to transfigure you into a squid and toss you in the lake."
"You wouldn't dare," Parvati smiled, chewing a mouthful of cheese and cracker. "Harry would protect me, wouldn't you, Harry?"
Harry looked between the two girls and shrugged. "I think I'll sit this one out."
"Coward," Parvati chided. "I don't see what the big deal is, anyway. Your name is quite beautiful, Tonks. At least people don't butcher it all the time."
"What do you mean?" the metamorph inquired, unsure whether she was about to be teased.
"My name. It's 'Parvati,' but people call me 'Pavarti' half the time. It annoys the hell out of me."
"I don't see the difference," Tonks grinned, earning a scowl.
"One is a goddess," Parvati retorted, "the other sounds remarkably like a cheese. I am not a cheese."
Tonks levitated a ball of sticky mozzarella from a plate and banished it at her, where it splattered against her forehead. Parvati's mouth dropped open in surprise.
"Hey!" she cried, wiping the remains of the cheese from her face.
The other three snickered at her indignation, and Tonks smiled at her. "Never reveal your weaknesses to your enemies, luv. Now I know how to get under your skin."
Parvati lazily tossed a tomato at Tonks. "Yes, and it's so hard to get under yours, Nymphadora."
Tonks arched an eyebrow and observed her coolly.
"Let's not forget that I can parade naked through Diagon Alley in your body anytime I want."
Parvati smiled innocently. "I'll just tell everyone it was Padma. One of the benefits of being a twin."
Hermione snorted. "Yes, and I'm sure people would believe it likely for Padma to walk around stark naked in public. She's more buttoned-down than I am."
"Then I'll claim polyjuice," Parvati shrugged. "It's not like I would do it either."
"I forgot you had a twin," Tonks mused. "Why don't you owl her and ask her to join Harry's little harem? You two could double-team him and give him a memory for his pensieve collection."
Harry, who had been listening to the byplay in bemusement, perked up his ears at this question. Inwardly he was astonished that he was a party to a casual conversation about sex with three girls; just weeks ago it would have been unimaginable to him. Now that the subject had been brought up, the thought of Padma joining their group was not an unpleasant one.
Parvati noticed his expression and snorted. "Not bloody likely. She's a prude. She would probably insist that Harry shag her while she's fully clothed."
"So you two have never shared a boy?" Tonks asked, sounding genuinely curious. "I would have thought that was a given."
Parvati rolled her eyes. "Not all of us are as kinky as you are, you know. The idea of being naked with Padma in bed…no thanks," she shivered.
"Awww, I bet Harry approves of the idea. Harry-kins, both Patils at the same time—sexy or not?"
"Er, I don't think I would protest too much," Harry grinned at Parvati.
Parvati snorted indelicately. "Right. And I bet you think we take turns pleasuring each other when we're at home. Well, you're right—and it's just as hot as when Fred and George Weasley suck each other's cocks. That's sexy, right?"
All three girls burst out laughing at the look of horror on Harry's face. He closed his eyes and shook his head to shoo the image away.
"That's…that's just not right. I concede defeat. No more mention of Padma."
"Too right," Parvati smirked.
"Where's the other girl, then? Luna, wasn't it?" Tonks inquired, munching absently on the miniature tomato Parvati had tossed at her. "She doesn't enjoy our company?"
"I invited her this morning," Hermione replied, "but she's busy helping her father with their paper. Something about an article on the mysterious blue-bearded bazoo," she sighed, rolling her eyes.
She ignored the giggle from Parvati and the incredulous look from Tonks.
"I have to warn you, Harry; she's been doing 'research' into what males finding sexually attractive for her portion of the ritual. I told her to just be herself, but she insists. Merlin only knows what she'll discover."
"Oh, don't be so hard on her, Hermione," Harry grinned. "It can't go too wrong, can it?"
Hermione arched an eyebrow. "What do you suppose she'll do if she decides your naughty bits are infested with wrackspurts?"
"Point taken," Harry frowned, and Parvati giggled with mirth.
"Melvin," she coughed loudly, and Hermione glared at her.
"One time! One bloody time, she's right, and now we have to believe in blubbering, camel-toed flapdoodles!" she replied indignantly, her face heating up as everyone but Tonks burst out laughing.
"Who the bloody hell is Melvin?" she asked in confusion.
"Hermione's mortal enemy," Harry replied, unable to resist laughing at his best friend. "He's a crumple-horned snorkack that Luna brought back from Norway last summer. Now Hermione has to bite her tongue whenever Luna brings up one of her fantastic creatures."
Tonks just looked between the teens and shrugged, unaware of the joke's context.
Harry grinned at Hermione as she glared at him and muttered under her breath. He thought he heard a threat toward Melvin's health in there, but he knew she wasn't serious. He was secretly pleased, in fact, that Hermione was growing more comfortable with being teased. She seemed at ease around Parvati and Tonks, and had bonded with Parvati more in the past few days than she had in the past seven years. Sleeping with Harry seemed to be the catalyst necessary to bring them together. It was a matter in which Hermione had no practical experience, and Parvati was relishing the role of teacher for once.
Harry's eyes roamed from Hermione to Parvati, and he was a little unnerved to see her watching him intently.
"So Tonks," she said loudly, still looking at Harry, "is there anything I need to know to show Harry a good time tonight? Did you teach him any new skills?"
"Hey, I'm right here, you know."
"Quiet, Harry-kins, this is girl talk," Tonks informed him. "You'll just have to learn for yourself, princess, but I do suggest that you ask him to show you his 'disappearing finger' trick. It's a fantastic piece of magic."
Hermione and Harry both groaned at the terrible pun, but Tonks didn't seem to mind. It earned another giggle from Parvati.
"Did you give him a preview of what I have to offer?" she inquired.
"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies."
Parvati's retort was cut off by a sudden splash in the water near their picnic site, followed by droplets of water raining down on what was left of their food.
The group turned as one to see the giant squid lounging in the shallows by the shore, seemingly wanting to take part in the picnic.
"Ooooh, I think he wants to be part of your harem too, Harry," Tonks cooed.
Harry gave her a disgusted grimace. "Yeah. I'm sure he'd rather that than what's left of our food."
"Don't hurt his feelings, Harry-kins. I bet old squiddie there is quite the lover. Just imagine. Eight big arms, ready to pleasure every orifice."
She tossed left-over pieces of bread at the squid, who snatched them deftly out of the air with his tentacles. She looked around when she noticed the silence, and found everyone staring at her.
"Tonks," ventured Hermione, "that's just gross."
Later that evening, Parvati and Harry walked hand in hand to the Room of Requirement, following the lead of Chatterjee and Pomfrey. She kept squeezing his hand and grinning at him in anticipation, and Harry was starting to get anxious about what she had planned.
Having slept with two older women in the past two days, he now felt more comfortable performing the ritual with someone his own age. But Parvati's advantage of experience still made him a little nervous.
When they arrived in the room, the first thing he noticed was the assortment of small bottles and towels lying on the bed. He raised an eyebrow at her, and she gave him a huge smile.
"Just be patient. You'll see."
He watched without shame as Parvati disrobed and Chatterjee drew the rune on her belly. When she was finished, she stared at Parvati's bare mound for a moment and then barked something loudly in what Harry assumed was Hindi.
Parvati seemed taken aback for a moment, but she quickly recovered her composure and responded in kind. The old woman shook her head and tutted while she applied the rune to Harry's belly. Harry looked at Parvati with some concern.
"Er, is everything alright?"
"It's fine, Harry," she replied, smirking at the old healer. "Nani Chatterjee is just chiding me for shaving my pubic hair. She believes it's an offense to the gods to not let one's garden grow."
He couldn't resist a little laugh, but he quickly stifled it when Chatterjee glared at him.
When they had finally finished with the runes and the potions, Harry and Parvati moved to the bed and Pomfrey addressed them.
"I will be just outside the door tonight. We do not want a repeat of nude lunatics running through the castle. Drippy the house-elf will also be watching, though you will not see her. Do not be alarmed, as human sexuality means nothing to her."
"Er, right," Harry muttered, glancing cautiously around the room, wondering if two invisible elven eyes were already watching the proceedings.
When the two healers finally left, he couldn't resist asking about the small bottles and towels on the bed.
"So what's all this then?"
Parvati grinned. "Sensual massage oils. They're designed to, let's say, enhance your arousal."
"Oh. Alright, then. How do we use them?"
"Just lie down, Harry. I'll show you. You're in for a treat tonight."
"On my back?"
"On your stomach first. Don't worry; I'll get to your front soon enough."
Not having any experience with massage, Harry obligingly lay face down on the bed. He turned his head to the side and watched as Parvati grabbed a small purple bottle and poured some of its contents into her hand. She rubbed her hands together until they were slick and oily looking, and then moved to the foot of the bed.
"Oh!" he exclaimed in surprise when she grabbed one of his feet and began massaging it firmly. He could immediately feel a sensation of tingling and heat that most definitely came from the oil.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" she laughed from the foot of the bed. "It's supposed to feel all warm and tingly. Just wait until I turn you over. You won't know what hit you."
"Mmmhmmm," he murmured, his eyes now closed as he concentrated on the firm ministrations of her hands.
She worked on both feet, then slowly worked her way up his calves to his hamstrings. Harry moaned as she ground her fingers into his flesh, the magic of the oils making his skin feel as if it were being cleansed from within.
When she paused to pour more oil into her hands, he opened an eye and observed her.
"You don't have to go to all this trouble, you know."
Parvati chuckled. "Are you kidding? This may be my one and only chance to bed you, Harry. I'm going to savor every second of it. And when I can afford a pensieve, I'm going to savor it some more. I've been wanting to do this for a long time."
Harry moaned as her hands gripped his arse cheeks firmly and began kneading his flesh.
"Why didn't you ever, er, say anything? I mean, are you saying you fancy me?" he asked, a little surprised that he was being so open.
"Well, 'fancy' isn't quite the word I'd use. I didn't really want to be your girlfriend in the middle of a war. You had too many other things to worry about, and I didn't want to distract you."
"Thank you for that," he murmured. "And now?"
She laughed. "And now you've been given a license to shag as many girls as possible. I haven't given it much thought beyond tonight, honestly."
"Mmmmm," Harry moaned as her hands moved up and down his back, massaging the oil into his skin. He wasn't sure how to respond to Parvati's admission, so he just let her continue.
"I suppose it depends on what you want," she mused, pushing firmly into the muscles on his shoulders. "And whether Hermione can be talked into sharing for a little while."
"You heard me…for now I'm just treating this like a one-time deal."
Harry mused on her words as her slippery hands slid along his arms. He felt utterly relaxed, and it seemed to be loosening his tongue considerably.
"Why does everyone assume I'm with Hermione? We've never dated."
"Harry, you've always been with Hermione," Parvati admonished. "You've been dating for seven years; you just didn't realize it."
"Oh," he responded articulately. "Does she, er, feel that way, then?"
"I think you should probably ask her that question, don't you? The question is how you feel. Imagine your life in five years, or ten. Can you imagine it without Hermione?"
"Well…no, not really," he replied, surprising himself a little with the revelation.
"See," she smirked. "Harry and Hermione. You two are a team, and you always will be. The only question is whether she wants you all to herself…oh, and did I mention that this oil is likely to loosen your tongue? One of its ingredients is used in veritaserum."
Harry laughed lightly and opened an eye to give her a mock-glare. "I knew you were up to something. I feel weirdly light. But shouldn't you have been asking me how I feel about you?"
Parvati stepped back and grinned at him. "I didn't want to take advantage of you too much. But since you brought it up…roll over and keep talking; I'm done with this side.
He obeyed, rolling onto his back, his arousal laying almost flat against his stomach.
She eyed it with anticipation as she rubbed more oil into her hands, then she moved to his feet and began working her way slowly up his legs again.
He watched her work as he thought about how to answer her implicit question. "I think you're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. I'm glad you're my friend, and I will always owe you for helping me with this. Beyond that I don't know how I feel, but I'm glad we're, um, getting closer."
"Good answer," Parvati breathed, smiling at the sincerity of his response.
Harry closed his eyes and relaxed as her fingers massaged the oil into his thighs, then his torso, then his arms. He noticed that she skipped his midsection entirely, and wondered whether she was intentionally teasing him. The oil seemed to be making him painfully hard.
He opened his eyes when she stopped, and was surprised to find her leaning on her elbows near his face, grinning mischievously.
"Ready for the real treat?" she whispered.
"You bet," he smiled, wondering whether she planned to jump him right then.
Parvati leaned forward and kissed him passionately, and Harry soon found his tongue wrestling forcefully with hers. Her hand grabbed his cock while they kissed, and he exhaled softly as she began stroking him.
When she finally broke the kiss, she leaned back and winked at him.
"Just close your eyes and relax, Harry. You're going to love this."
He exhaled in relief when she moved down the bed and gripped his cock with both hands. She began massaging the slippery oil into his skin, covering every inch of him with glistening slickness. She gently massaged his balls, earning a small flinch from him, then returned to his shaft.
Despite her order to close his eyes, Harry found himself captivated by watching her massage him with her two-handed grip. She twisted his cock gently in her hands, the massaging action made easy by the oil, then rubbed his head gently with the palm of her hand.
It felt like her hands were worshipping him.
"Merlin, that feels good," he moaned, his erection becoming almost unbearable with the added arousal of the massage oil.
"I told you. Just wait," Parvati smirked, and gripped him firmly by the head of his penis. She slid her oily hand all the way down his length, then repeated the motion with her other hand when she reached the bottom.
Slowly but firmly she slid his cock through her oily grasp, using both hands one right after the other. There was not much friction with so much lubrication, but it hardly mattered. His length slid through her fingers easily, and Harry felt as if he were sliding in and out of a very tight, very wet pussy.
"Oh God," he moaned, unconsciously pushing up with his hips against her working hands. The extra arousal provided by the massage oils seemed to increase the sensation in his cock, and it was making short work of him.
He heard her giggle, but now his attention was focused entirely on the warmth and tingling spreading from his groin. He felt his orgasm slowly building, and thought he might cry if she suddenly stopped.
She sensed his building tension, and began stroking him ever more vigorously, her hands so lubricated that they slid down his length without resistance.
"Are you about to cum?" she asked, slightly breathless.
"Almost there, please don't stop," Harry moaned, his eyes closed.
Parvati gripped him with both hands at once and began tugging as forcefully as she could through the slick oils. A few strokes was all it took.
He grunted roughly and shot straight up into the air, just as he had on his first night with Parvati and Hermione. His cock pulsed in her hands for what seemed an eternity to him, showering his chest with white stripes of cum and leaving a slowly expanding pool around the base of his cock.
"Wow," she giggled. "That was a lot. I think maybe the oils gave you some extra juice."
Harry sighed in pleasure, deliriously happy, and looked down at his chest. "Merlin, what a mess. And we can't use magic to clean it up."
"Sorry," Parvati smiled sheepishly. "I would have swallowed, but I like to watch your face when you cum. I don't mind the mess."
Harry watched in fascination as she scooped up much of the growing pool of cum at his base on two fingers and then sucked them clean.
"Okay, I'll clean the rest of you later. Now you get to do me," she smiled, and pushed him over to make room for herself on the towel. "Just do the same thing I was doing for you—a nice and easy massage."
Harry complied, but found it hard to lift himself off the bed and stand at first. The massage oil had made his body feel light, invigorated, and weak all at the same time.
He scooped some of the oil into his hands, then returned to Parvati's body. She was lying face down on the bed, her golden skin standing out magnificently against the white of the towel. Harry took a moment to marvel at her body unobserved. She had a fantastic arse, and he had to resist the urge to squeeze it immediately.
He began instead at her feet and worked his way up her legs, slowly massaging the oil into her dark skin. He was surprised at how strong and supple her legs seemed, given that she wasn't prone to exercise. Or at least as far as he knew.
As he worked his way up her body, it occurred to him that he could turn the tables on her. If the massage oil had loosened his tongue, it would likely do the same for her.
"I never thanked you for, erm, educating me the other night," he began. "It proved very helpful with Fleur and Tonks."
"You're welcome," she murmured into the bed. "Believe me, it was my pleasure."
After a few seconds of silence, Harry grew bolder. "So you know that you and Hermione were my first experience. Do you mind if I ask who yours was?"
Parvati moaned as he began gently massaging her arse, then chuckled a little at the question. "Trying to get me to spill my secrets, Harry?"
"Just making conversation," he replied, hoping that his voice didn't sound too eager in its curiosity. He turned his attention to the two wondrously firm mounds of flesh in his hands, wondering just how much she would reveal.
"Right," she smirked. "I'll tell you, but you can't go spreading it about."
"You know I wouldn't," he responded earnestly.
"I know," she sighed, as he continued to massage her arse. "Merlin, that feels good."
After a moment he moved to her lower back and used his thumbs to press into her flesh.
"My first experience was with Lavender," she nearly whispered a moment later. "We've always been close."
Harry's hands stopped moving for a moment, slightly shocked at her answer.
"Really? Do you, er, like girls then, too?"
Parvati smiled at his question. "You like the idea? I wouldn't say I'm bisexual, exactly. Lavender is the only girl I've been with, and we stopped playing around when she started dating seriously. The idea doesn't disgust me, though."
"Oh," he replied, unsure how to inquire further about the subject. The idea certainly didn't disgust him either. "And guys?" he braved, wondering if his curiosity was going to earn him another reprimand.
"There have been three," she said after a few seconds, "and Ian Chambers was the only one from Hogwarts. He was a seventh year when we were fifth years."
"I remember him. Ravenclaw. I didn't realize you two dated."
"You didn't realize a lot of things in fifth year, Harry," she laughed, and rolled over onto her back. "Now the front."
Harry poured more oil into his hands and began at her toes again, slowly but surely moving his way up her legs. The softness of her flesh was so sensual and so alluring that his erection had returned in full force. He resisted the urge to hurry through the process.
When he reached the bare mound between her legs, he massaged it gently with both hands, barely brushing her clit, but did not go lower.
"Tease," Parvati whined.
"Just returning the favor," he grinned, and worked his hands across her abdomen. Her stomach was soft but supple, and there were tiny, nearly invisible hairs below her belly button that he found incredibly erotic.
As his slick hands wandered across her body, it struck him for the first time how beautiful the female body was, and he wondered in astonishment how it had escaped his attention for so many years.
He wondered if this was one of the reasons that Dumbledore had kept him so sheltered as a child. If he had been inclined to take advantage of his fame, he certainly could have bedded half the girls in Hogwarts by now.
When he reached her breasts, he massaged both of them delicately in his hands, impressed by the hardness of her nipples as they brushed across his palms. Her nipples were longer and harder than the other girls', though not quite as pronounced as Cho's.
He focused all of his attention on them, and Parvati's right hand fell to the side and squeezed his cock lightly.
"Play time's over," she whispered, and rolled over to make room for him. She patted the space beside her and threw the towel onto the floor.
"You didn't give me a chance to finish up."
"You're about to; now come on."
Harry joined her on the bed, and she wasted no time in enveloping his mouth with a lusty kiss. She squealed a little in surprise when he pulled her slick body on top of his and deepened the kiss.
She was now lying directly on top of him, her full weight resting on his body. They kissed passionately until both needed air, and Parvati withdrew ever so slightly.
She nuzzled her nose playfully against his and smiled.
"In a hurry now, are we?"
He shrugged and grinned at her, his hands playing along the glistening slickness of her sides. Their bodies were both so slippery with oil that it felt like she could easily slide right off him.
"I want to do something else first, if it's alright?" she whispered, and Harry was a little surprised at the hesitation in her voice.
"Anything you want," he agreed, wondering what new pleasure he was about to experience.
"I want this," Parvati smirked, and rotated her slick body swiftly around, so that his cock was in her face and her arse was facing his direction. She spread her legs and slid down his oily body, until her pussy was directly in front of his nose.
It didn't take Harry long to realize what was being asked of him. Parvati had already taken his head in her mouth, and was playfully teasing it with her tongue.
"Well this looks like fun," he muttered to himself, and took a moment to examine her pussy from close up.
Her clit was swollen, already standing out from its hood, and her inner lips were parted to give him easy access. The dark brown, almost wrinkled texture of her labia contrasted with the pink, wet tissue that was glistening within. Harry inhaled deeply of her aroma and then placed both hands on her arse and pulled her closer.
She stopped licking for a moment and moaned audibly as he buried his nose in her pussy. Her lips parted for him, and soon he was engulfed completely within her wetness. His tongue darted out to tease her clit, and she exhaled sharply at his efforts.
Harry continued nuzzling her pussy with his nose, utterly intoxicated by her scent, her juices mixing with the massage oil and smearing his face. His tongue played gently with her clit while he massaged her arse cheeks with both hands, and soon Parvati was quivering above him.
She had stopped sucking him to focus on what he was doing to her body, but he barely noticed. She leaned back against him, putting more of her weight against his face, her eyes shut in pleasure.
"Oh, Merlin, yes," she whimpered, and Harry redoubled his efforts to drive her wild.
When she began breathing raggedly, he knew she was close. He withdrew his nose from her and plunged his tongue as far as he could into her wetness, moving his thumb to press gently on her clit.
"Don't…stop…th-that's it…" Parvati moaned, and Harry could feel the contractions of her pussy against his tongue.
He loved the sound of her little pants as she came, knowing that he was responsible for giving her such pleasure.
When her climax was finished, he pulled away gently and she rested her face against his cock.
"I can handle more if you're up for it," she said softly, and Harry snorted lightly at her.
He returned to his former position, lapping up the wetness that was oozing slowly out of her pussy. This time she attacked his cock with vigor, and he groaned as he felt her lips swallow half his length.
She began stroking him roughly with one hand while her lips suctioned his head, and Harry gripped her arse firmly and did his best to return the favor.
He felt like he would like to die in such a position: aged 127, with his tongue pleasuring his lover and her mouth wrapped around his cock. The weight of Parvati's body on his was so delicious that his senses threatened to overload.
She too seemed to be overwhelmed, and he thought it likely that the massage oils were enhancing her arousal as well. It wasn't long before her legs were quivering against him again and she was gasping for air as she licked him.
"Oh…don't stop," she moaned, and Harry felt her contractions against his tongue yet again, barely two minutes since her previous orgasm.
Her spasms spurred on his own arousal, and Harry could feel his own orgasm starting to build. Parvati seemed to sense it, and began stroking furiously as her mouth engulfed his head.
There was no holding back now.
"I'm about to cum," he warned her, but she only sucked more vigorously.
Harry panted loudly as his orgasm overcame him. His hips bucked slightly as his cock unloaded into her mouth. He could feel her swallowing furiously to contain his bursts, and he felt no little pride that he was making her work for it.
She didn't stop sucking until there was no more for him to give.
He sighed again in pleasure, and she turned around and seated herself on his hips. Her Cheshire grin had returned, and Harry quirked an eyebrow at her in curiosity.
Parvati didn't respond. Instead she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. A small pool of Harry's cum rested in the center of her tongue, and he watched in astonishment as she pulled it back in and swallowed.
"Yummy," she said, and then shocked him even more by leaning forward and kissing him forcefully on the lips. At first he rejected her attempts, feeling slightly disgusted by the idea of kissing her after what she had just done, but when she persisted, he hesitantly opened his mouth and returned her kiss.
Her tongue played with his for a few seconds, and then she seemed to wipe her tongue across his, as if marking him. She was smirking when she pulled away.
"See? It's not so bad."
Harry met her eyes, unsure what he should be feeling at this point, but not nearly as disgusted as he thought he might be. Tasting himself on her tongue was not exactly an erotic experience for him, but she seemed to be aroused by it.
"You're a kinky little witch," he observed.
Parvati smiled deviously at him. "Not half as kinky as Tonks, I bet. I'm sure she did some…interesting things for you."
Harry snorted as she lay down next to him with her head on the same pillow. She rested her hand on his abdomen, which was slick from both the massage oils and their own fluids.
"Are you asking me to kiss and tell, Parvati? You've got quite a fascination with Tonks, it seems."
"In your dreams," she laughed, and slapped his chest playfully. "I'm just curious, is all."
"My lips are sealed," he smiled, "but I will tell you that I didn't have sex with you last night. I assume that's what you're asking."
"I wasn't asking anything in particular," she shrugged, "but it's good to know you haven't been inside me without my knowledge…so to speak."
She glanced down as they talked, and noted that his cock wasn't fully erect. It was neither flaccid nor hard, but somewhere in between. It was the first time she had seen it in such a state.
"Hey! Your little guy is taking a rest," she exclaimed. "The rituals must be working."
"Please don't refer to him as 'little,'" Harry grimaced. "He does have feelings, you know."
"Aw, I didn't mean to upset him," Parvati teased. "Does he want to come out and play some more?"
"I'm sure if you gave him the proper incentive," he smirked, growing more comfortable with flirting every passing day.
"Hmmm, I'll try and think of something," she grinned, and leaned in to kiss him. He opened his mouth for her, and their tongues wrestled gently as her hand trailed down his stomach to his cock.
He sighed softly into her mouth as she rubbed her slick palm up and down and across his length, then cupped his balls gently with her hand.
Harry deepened the kiss and ran a hand through her long black hair, gripping it forcefully near her scalp as she rubbed him. Despite the effects of the ritual, it took less than two minutes for him to be ready again.
Parvati broke the kiss to glance down at his erection, then looked at him with lust in her eyes.
"I want you to fuck me so bad right now," she whispered, teasing his cock gently with one finger. "Are you ready?"
"Merlin, yes," he whispered. "What's your favorite, erm…"
"Position? I'm rather fond of doggie-style, if that's alright with you."
Harry nodded agreeably, not knowing exactly how to proceed but having a pretty good idea. He rose to his knees and moved behind her as she faced the front of the bed and got on all fours.
"C'mon, Harry, let me have it," she teased, and spread her legs wide for him.
The position she was in fuelled his own lust immeasurably. Her dark pussy lips were spread wide, but he could see the pinkness of her walls waiting for him in invitation.
He rubbed his cock gingerly across her wetness, seeking entrance, and she wriggled her arse helpfully, trying to guide him in.
He felt his head slip in, then Parvati got down onto her elbows and the rest of him slipped in easily. She was astonishingly wet, and the thought of her arousal increased his own.
Harry knew instantly that this was destined to be one of his favorite sexual positions. The union felt natural, and it gave him a wonderful view of what was happening below him. The sight of himself buried fully within her, her back arched and her arse against his hips made him growl in anticipation.
He gripped both arse cheeks in his hands and withdrew himself from her slowly, savoring the sensation. He watched in awe as the soft skin around her pussy pulled away with him, almost as if he were plunging her depths.
He drove in as far as he could, sensing that he was almost bottoming out within her, and Parvati grunted in appreciation.
"That's it, Harry," she panted. "Fuck me."
He knew she wanted him to fuck her roughly, but he felt the need to move slowly and sensually within her. Something about the position they were in, with Parvati bent over and the skin on her back glistening with moisture, made him want to freeze this moment forever in his mind's eye.
He watched his cock ease out of her slowly again, again fascinated as her pussy lips gripped him and pulled away from her, as if not wanting to let him go.
"Please, Harry," she gasped, and Harry finally decided to oblige her.
He gripped her tightly around the hips and began thrusting into her at a more rapid pace, the motion aided by her lubrication and the slickness of both their bodies. The slapping sound made when their bodies met was punctuated by the soft grunts she made when he filled her.
"Oh, Merlin, y-yes," Parvati moaned, her voice trembling, and buried her face in the pillow. She reached beneath herself and began working her clit as Harry pounded her.
He wasn't sure why he did it, really, but on his next thrust he spanked her hard on the arse as he drove into her, and the effect was instantaneous.
"Agghh," she cried out loudly, and Harry felt her walls clench tightly around him.
He did it again a few seconds later, and Parvati nearly screamed into the pillow.
He spanked her one last time, and it was enough to send her over the edge. She gasped and rubbed her clit feverishly as she came, her pussy contracting tightly around his cock. He pumped in and out of her slowly, letting her savor the feeling.
When she was finally done, he paused, wondering how much time she would need to recover. He was a little surprised at his stamina, given how aroused he was, but chalked it up to the position and the fact that he was gaining experience.
Parvati lay completely still, her head against the pillow and Harry still sheathed within her. The only sound was her heavy breathing as she recovered from her orgasm.
"Don't stop," she finally whispered after thirty seconds, "I can go for more."
That was all the encouragement he needed. Apparently she could keep going as long as he was able.
He gripped her hips again and began thrusting, only this time she pushed back against him with her weight, their thrusts meeting forcefully.
She began teasing her clit again, and Harry wondered if he could make her cum again before his orgasm arrived. It felt a little like a contest. Just how many orgasms could he give her before he came and finished the ritual?
Twenty minutes later it was clear that the answer would be three. Parvati reached orgasm very easily, and Harry spanked her arse without mercy each time she came. The spanking sent her into paroxysms of ecstasy, and by the end she was shouting her approval to the entire room.
The third time she moaned pitifully and cried out his name as she came, and the pulsing of her walls against him finally drove him over the edge.
"Oh God, here it comes," Harry groaned. He buried himself in her as hard as he could.
Parvati gave out one continuous moan as they came together. His cock pulsed endlessly inside her, filling her with his cum, and her whole body shivered at the feeling.
No sooner had he finished spurting than the usual sensation of burning radiated out from the rune on his belly. He managed not to cry out, but gripped Parvati's arse firmly to steady himself.
She screamed into the pillow as her rune burned, her whole body electrified for the ten seconds that it lasted. She stopped screaming and panted in exhaustion when it finally stopped burning.
Harry panted heavily and stared down at her heaving back, trying to resist the urge to collapse. His body felt absurdly heavy, but he was using her weight to balance himself. His head swam with the release of so much of his magic, and he was suddenly aware that he was sweating profusely.
"Oh, merciful Merlin," Parvati moaned into the pillow.
"Are you alright?"
"That was…bloody hell," she whispered. "I feel like I could challenge the Headmaster to a duel if I weren't so tired."
He chuckled above her as he slowly regained his equilibrium. "Probably not a good idea. Madam Pomfrey might toss me in Azkaban if something else goes wrong."
"Merlin, that was amazing," Parvati sighed. She pushed herself off him so she could lie down on the bed. "I'm so glad you had this little problem."
"Yes, well it might have killed me, apparently, but I'm not complaining right now either."
"You're not feeling drunk again?"
Harry shrugged. "I feel…light, but not out of my mind like last night."
"Good." She smiled and patted the space next to her. "Then we can just lie here for awhile."
He lay down next to her and his ran fingers through her hair, but he stopped abruptly when the door to the Room of Requirement burst open to admit Madam Pomfrey.
Parvati squeaked and grabbed the edge of a sheet to cover herself, but Harry just glared at the mediwitch.
"I'm afraid there will be no cuddling on my watch," she said brusquely. "Please get dressed so I can examine you in the hospital wing, and then you can lie in each other's arms for the rest of eternity. All I know is that it's past my bedtime," she grumbled.
Harry's eyes narrowed at her announcement. "How did you know we were finished? Have you been listening the entire time?"
Pomfrey, to his surprise, blushed at the accusation and did not answer immediately. "Well, Mr. Potter…I, er, thought it advisable…just for safety reasons, you know…to monitor the situation…and that…"
He knew he should be mortified at this invasion of privacy, but with the post-ritual bliss he was experiencing, he couldn't find it in himself to care. He turned and met Parvati's eyes, saw the mirth dancing there, and they both burst out laughing.
"I'll just be outside then," Pomfrey muttered, still blushing, and left the teenagers to their laughter.