Chapter 16: Olivia's Party

Anita and Peter were both talking on their way to where others were. Peter was surprised he was talking to Anita carefree and he thought to himself. "This is unlike me, I don't know her and I'm free to chat with her, she's a lively girl and at the same time cool. I never knew she's friendly." Peter smiled to himself

"Olivia, here's Peter!" declared Anita arriving at the party ground

"Whoa! Peter, You finally made it. I thought you said you were not coming." said Olivia excited to see Peter

"I will I'm here! Happy birthday once again dear!!" he grinned, and hugged her before he gave her the birthday present.

"Thanks bestie." said Olivia happily, she hugged him back "Let me introduced you to my other friends here, meet Anita my lil sis, from another mother." said Olivia chuckled

"We've met before!" declared Peter smiled

"Yes Olivia! Peter and I have been introduced. And I must admit, you have such an amazing friend such like Peter." said Anita cheerfully and she smiled back at Peter

"I know right, Peter is a darling, he always puts a smile on my face." said Olivia grinned and Peter blushed

"Really and you too!" blushed Peter

"Yes! i'm so happy that you're here Peter, thanks for coming."  said Olivia pleased

"You don't have to thank me, I gat you Olly." Peter winked at Olivia

"Let me introduce you to my other friends too." said Olivia again and dragged Peter to where Fred, Ben, Henry and Cecelia were sitting down

"Hello guys! Meet my friend Peter, my childhood friend and Peter meet my friends." said Olivia smiling. Cecelia and Henry was surprised while Fred was cool.

They all exchanged pleasantries and were all sitting down chatting, eating and drinking. Henry brought a tray and he asked everyone to picked the scrabble papers which everyone picked.

"Let's pick a partner from the  number on the scrabble paper." said Henry suddenly. After everyone had picked the numbers.

Olivia's partner was Fred, Anita's partner was Peter while Henry's partner was Cecelia and only Ben was left alone to direct the game.

"This is nice I think!" said Anita cheerfully, she thought to herself and smiled inwardly

"We're going to dance right now. And the best dancer will be applauded." said Ben suddenly. The music started  and everyone was dancing softly and each one of the group also wanted to be the winner.

"You look more beautiful today Olivia..." said Fred dancing gracefully

"Really! thank you." said Olivia shyly She was surprised at herself "Why did i blushed because of a compliment." she fell embarrassed "is it because it's coming from Fred?" Olivia thought to herself inwardly

"You're welcome Olly. So that's your best friend huh?" asked Fred, suddenly. Fred noticed Olivia was quiet and she didn't reply him "Are you okay?" said Fred. He tapped Olivia gently on her shoulder

"Yes, em...Yes!" said Olivia recovering back from imagination

"He's your best friend?" asked Fred again

"Who?"  asked Olivia confused

"I thought you heard me before." surprised Fred. "I mean that guy over there. " Fred pointed at Peter direction.

"Oh Peter! He's my best friend." replied Olivia

"I see." said Fred. He felt jealous of Peter presence at the party

The music was stopped suddenly and the best dancer was announced by Ben

"The best dancers is Anita and Peter!" declared Ben happily. Everyone clapped their hands cheerfully, and the party continued until 7pm in the night.

"I'm so pleased to meet someone amazing like you today, if you don't mind can we be friends Anita?" asked Peter eagerly waiting for Anita response 

"Sure, why not!" said Anita blushed and she gave her number to Peter willingly. Peter was glad that, she gave her number to him

"I hope to see you again Anita, bye dear!" said Peter pleased and waved goodbye to Anita

"Same here, bye Peter!" Anita waved back at Peter and she turned back happily

Olivia rushed to meet Peter in his way as she saw him waved goodbye to Anita

"Aren't you going to take a taxi now?" asked Olivia concerned

"I will, it's not yet dark! You don't have to escort me Olly. See you in class tomorrow bye!"  said Peter smiled and hugged Olivia gently

"Okay call me when you get home." said Olivia softly

"Have you gotten another phone?" asked Peter surprised

"Oops. I've forgotten. You know granny line right, call her phone and let me know when you get home." said Olivia abruptly

"Alright take care." smiled Peter and went outside the gate.

"Olly!" Fred called Olivia unexpectedly as Olivia approached the door and Olivia turned to face him

"Yes Fred." said Olivia looking at him puzzled

"I think I haven't given you my present." Fred stretched out his hands and gave Olivia a colorful package birthday present. "This is for you Olly." said Fred extending the package to Olivia

"I don't expect you to give me anything again Fred. After all the birthday party you guys organize for me."  said Olivia politely

"That's nothing Olly." said Fred softly and was surprised at Olivia looking at her present with keen interest

"Do you want me to unwrapped it for you here Olivia?" asked Fred quickly

"No, thanks. I'll unwrap it myself. I'm just curious what could be inside it." said Olivia chuckled

"You can go ahead and check it out dear." said Fred grinned

Olivia unwrapped the present and saw a brand new iphone. She screamed suddenly.

"What. Iphone?" she shouted and was amazed

"What's wrong, you don't like it?" asked Fred confused at her statement

"This is too expensive, am not taking it?" admitted Olivia silently

"Why?" Fred was shocked with her statement

"It's nice Fred but it's too expensive. I can't take it" said Olivia again

"I know right, but I brought it with my money and you can ask my sister if you don't believe me" he said and felt annoyed suddenly

"Okay! Thanks Fred, but am not taking it." said Olivia gently

she handed the present back to Fred and quickly rushed inside the house to meet her grandma. While Fred was standing, and he was shocked at her reaction.