Shareholders' Meeting

That morning, Ye Qing Xin woke up early and get ready to head out to the office. Satisfied with how she looked, Ye Qing Xin inhaled a deep breath before finally stepping out of her room.

Today would be a very important day for her.

The meetings with the shareholders today were going to determine what will happen to the company.

A smile curled on her face as she recalled what Lawyer An had told her over the phone last night. This time, no matter what her father tried to do, he will not get the company.

Ye Qing Xin headed to the office in a good mood.

She arrived at the office and met her assistant in the office's lobby. After exchanging a few words, the two of them quickly headed to the meeting room on the top floor.

The chattering voice stopped the moment she stepped into the meeting room. Ye Qing Xin did not miss everyone's sharp gaze on her. However, she had decided to ignore them.

She knew that everyone had a bad impression of her, especially after what she had done in the past.

But this time, she was sure that their impression of her would change when they found out what she had done.

Ye Qing Xin took a seat at her usual spot and toggled with her phone as she waited for the meeting to start. She texted Lawyer An and heaved in relief upon hearing from the lawyer that everything will go as she planned.

Lawyer An was on his way to the company and will help her to explain certain things later.

The door was pushed open as Ye Qing Xin was busy looking at her phone.

Noticing that the others were starting to whisper again, Ye Qing Xin finally raised her head up to look at the person who had entered the room.

Her face stiffened when she saw that it was Yang Yi who had entered the room.

The man was still as handsome as the first time she saw him. Ye Qing Xin knew that Yang Yi probably hated her after what she had done to Song Nan Qiao. However, her heart would still flutter when she looked at him.

Ye Qing Xin pinched her thigh, reminding herself that this man belonged to someone else.

Her brow tightened as she recalled that Yang Yi should not be at this shareholder meeting. Then, the only reason he had made his appearance was for Song Nan Qiao.

As the thought came to her mind, Ye Qing Xin saw that Song Nan Qiao and her Uncle Song Kai entered the room.

The moment the trio entered, the other shareholders began to surround them and greeted them amiably. The shareholders' treatment of the Song father and daughter was different from what Ye Qing Xin received. They received a warm welcome while she only got their scornful gaze.

But, Ye Qing Xin had decided that she was not going to mind this.

She had decided that once she returned to this company, Ye Qing Xin was going to stay away from them. The farther that she could stay from them, the better.

Anyway, Ye Qing Xin seemed to realize that the force would only get stronger each time she was close to Song Nan Qiao and Yang Yi.

Just then, her gaze met with Yang Yi. Seeing the way he was shooting her a murderous look made her heart ache.

Her cousin, Song Nan Qiao was looking at her with a hint of fear, probably because she still could not forget what Ye Qing Xin wanted to do to her.

Her uncle was looking at her with a hint of disappointment, probably because he did not expect that she would become so cruel to him and Song Nan Qiao.

Ye Qing Xin lowered her gaze again and glanced at her watch. She glanced at her assistant and signaled for him to start the meeting.

The shareholders took their seats as the meeting began.

Ye Qing Xin's assistant merely spoke a few words when Ye Sen and his secretary walked into the room. The moment he appeared, the atmosphere in the room turned quiet.

Song Kai stood up and pointed his hand angrily at him. "Ye Sen, what are you doing here? You are not supposed to be here. Get out. You are not welcome here."

Ye Sen smiled brightly. "Brother-in-law, what are you angry about? I'm here to join the shareholder and listen. After all, I am also one of the people who worked hard to build this company."

Song Kai's body was trembling. He was about to spit a few cursing words when Ye Qing Xin spoke.

"I called him over. Uncle, just let my dad stay here and listen."

"You..." Song Kai looked at Ye Qing Xin in disbelief.

"It's alright," Ye Qing Xin continued. "It would not do you any harm if he stayed here and listen."

Song Kai was trying to hold back his anger. When his daughter started to tug at his sleeve, Song Kai finally took a sit.

He wanted to chase away Ye Sen. However, he could only stay there and see what this person wanted to do at the company's shareholder meeting.

Song Kai had a feeling that Ye Sen was up to no good. He did not like this person, but seeing that Ye Qing Xin wanted him there, Song Kai decided to let him stay just for this meeting.

The meeting began again and the assistant continued to talk.

Ye Qing Xin tapped her fingers on the desk impatiently as she waited for Lawyer An to arrive.

Just as she was about to text the lawyer again, the door was pushed open again.

Ye Qing Xin raised her head and smiled when she saw Lawyer An finally make his appearance. However, as Lawyer An went to her side, Ye Qing Xin finally noticed that something was not right.

The look on Lawyer An's face gave her a hunch that something bad was about to happen.

Lawyer An leaned over to her side and whispered a few words.

Her gaze shifted to her father and the look on her face turned pale.

A few men in suits and ties barged into the room, gaining everyone's attention.

Ye Sen stood up and walked over to the men. His lips curled into a smug, knowing that he will get what he wanted.