Investigation Reports

Ye Qing Xin did not expect that Zhang Yu Ying would investigate her matter very quickly.

After a week since their last meeting, Zhang Yu Ying finally contacted Ye Qing Xin again and told her that she already have the result of her investigation.

Ye Qing Xin knew that Zhang Yu Ying had also helped her to get the CCTV recording of the day of her accident. Because of that, she did not plan to ask Ye Qing Luo to accompany her this time.

Ye Qing Xin finally arranged a meeting with Zhang Yu Yin on the day that her little sister went out to meet her friends. She asked the driver to send her to the Orchid Hotel in the city center to meet her friend.

This time, instead of meeting in the coffeehouse, Zhang Yu Ying invited Ye Qing Xin to come to a hotel room.

After giving her name to the reception desk, Ye Qing Xin was led to the elevator. They arrived at the top floor where Ye Qing Xin was brought to the suite.

The staff helped to press the doorbell and waited.

A few seconds later, Zhang Yu Ying appeared at the door. Her lips turned into a smile when she saw that her friend had shown up.

After thanking the staff, Ye Qing Xin walked into the room and followed Zhang Yu Ying to the living area. She glanced at the coffee table and saw that there were already a few pastries and light bites.

"Xin Xin, have a seat," Zhang Yu Ying motioned for her to sit on the sofa. She then helped to pour some tea for her friend and spoke, "Go ahead and eat the refreshments. If you need anything else, you can tell me. I'll order them for you."

Ye Qing Xin looked at the food and smiled. "This should be enough."

"I hope that you did not find it strange that I asked you to meet me in the hotel room," Zhang Yu Ying said. "I just thought that you might need the privacy."

"Ying Ying, thank you. I appreciate it." Ye Qing Xin took the cup of tea that her friend had poured and took a seat from it.

The two friends exchanged brief greetings before Zhang Yu Ying decided to go straight to the point. "I have the result of the investigation. But, which one do you want to hear about first?"

"I don't mind."

Zhang Yu Ying stood up and walked over to the dining area. Then, she returned with a document in her hand. She sat down across from Ye Qing Xin and pushed the document across the table. "Take a look. Everything you wanted to know about Jin Tian Yi should be in the documents."

Ye Qing Xin sipped her tea silently before reaching for the document. She pulled out a few papers and saw that this was the investigation report on Jin Tian Yi.

Meanwhile, Zhang Yu Ying chose to stay silent and did not make a comment as Ye Qing Xin looked into the report. She figured that Ye Qing Xin might need some time to process everything.

While Ye Qing Xin was looking at the documents, Zhang Yu Ying took a few sips from her teacup and ate a few pastries. Her eyes were on Ye Qing Xin as she silently observed her friend's reaction.

Seeing how Ye Qing Xin was silently flipping through the pages with a cool look on her face reminded her that Ye Qing Xin had lost her memory.

Otherwise, Zhang Yu Ying could not figure out how could Ye Qing Xin browse through the documents calmly.

Ye Qing Xin did not know who did Zhang Yu Ying find to investigate her fiance. But she thought that the report she had in her hand had everything she needed to know about Jin Tian Yi.

In fact, Ye Qing Xin could learn about Jin Tian Yi from his childhood through the investigation report.

However, Ye Qing Xin was not interested to know those unimportant information.

What she got from the report was detailed information about what her family had told her about Jin Tian Yi.

After browsing through the documents for a while, Ye Qing Xin noticed that Zhang Yu Ying had also included a few photos of her fiance.

What amused her was the few photos of Jin Tian Yi and her best friend, Jiang Liang Chen together.

Although the two of them were not intimate in the photos, the number of times they have seen each other was too frequent. It can be said that the number of times Jin Tian Yi met her friend was a lot more than the number of times he came to visit his fiance.

Ye Qing Xin glanced at the date of the photos and saw that the photos were very recent.

It could be said that Jin Tian Yi would be meeting with Jiang Liang Chen almost every day. Some of them were at the restaurant and some of them were nearby an office.

But... why were they meeting and what could they possibly discuss?

Jiang Liang Chen often visited her at home but she had never said anything about her meeting with Jin Tian Yi.

Ye Qing Xin's mind was in a trance as she continued to look at those photos.

It was said that Jin Tian Yi, Jiang Liang Chen, and her were very close. Therefore, she shouldn't think too much when she saw her friend and fiance together.

However, as Ye Qing Xin looked at the photos, she could not shake off this strange feeling in her heart. The feeling slowly suffocated her. Her brain was hurting a little bit. It was as if she was supposed to remember something, but her brain was suppressing that memory.

Seeing that Ye Qing Xin had put down the documents at the side, Zhang Yu Ying finally decided to speak up. "Xin Xin, are you alright?" She noticed Ye Qing Xin's paled face and wondered if her friend might have remembered something.

"I'm fine." Ye Qing Xin put a smile on her face. "It's just that, there was too much information to read. I'll look at them again when I get home. If I have anything to ask, I can always find you, right?"

"Of course."

Ye Qing Xin raised her hand to rub the space between her brow. "Then, what about the accident? Did you find the recordings?"