I am Not Stupid

Judging from Jiang Liang Chen's expression alone, Ye Qing Xin had a hunch that there was something wrong with the document.

Ye Qing Xin looked at her friend again. "Then, you don't mind if I take a look at the document first? I think it would be better for me to read everything before I sign."

Jiang Liang Chen was surprised. "You want to take a look at it?"

"Mmm... I thought that it might help me to remember something."

The smile on Jiang Liang Chen's face turned awkward. "But, Xin Xin, after your accident and memory loss, would you still be able to know anything?"

Ye Qing Xin pondered over her friend's words. "You are right." She saw the relief look on Jiang Liang Chen's face. "It is indeed a little strange. I might not remember the people around me, but I seemed to understand the things written in this document." She turned to look at the bookshelf in her office. "In fact, I remember reading a few books on business on the shelf."

Jiang Liang Chen looked at Ye Qing Xin suspiciously.

She was having a hard time believing that Ye Qing Xin could remember such a matter.

She suddenly wondered if this matter about memory loss was a fake. However, Jiang Liang Chen has been visiting Ye Qing Xin and spending time with her recently.

After observing her friend for a few weeks, Jiang Liang Chen did not think that the memory loss was fake.

But what if Ye Qing Xin was a really good actor?

Her heart pounded fast.

A lot of thoughts came to Jiang Liang Chen's mind, but she did not know what she should be thinking about at this moment.

Meanwhile, Ye Qing Luo was quite happy to hear her sister's words. Ye Qing Luo stared at her elder sister expectantly and asked, "Sister, do you really remember reading the books?"

Ye Qing Xin nodded. "Mmm... I remember reading them." She tilted her head to one side. "Perhaps, this proved that I am not stupid?" Her words sounded like a question.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Qing Luo laughed. "Sister, you are quite bright. When you were in university, you often placed first in exams. But sister, if you really remember them, then, this is a good sign. Perhaps later, you might remember a little more."

The smile on Ye Qing Xin's face did not reach her eyes. She did not know how she should tell her little sister that she and the previous Ye Qing Xin was not the same. She only knew about the books because she had read about them in her world.

"Sister, maybe if you spend a little more time at your office, it might help with your memory!" Ye Qing Luo said in excitement.

Jiang Liang Chen's expression changed when she heard Ye Qing Luo's words.

These days, without Ye Qing Xin around the company, Jiang Liang Chen has become the person in charge. She liked the attention and the feeling of having the power in the company.

But if Ye Qing Xin returned, everything will change for her, right?

"Oh, this isn't right." Ye Qing Luo pulled out her phone. "Sister, maybe we should go to the hospital and get you a check-up."

Ye Qing Xin looked at her sister helplessly.

Her heart warmed upon seeing the excited look on Ye Qing Luo's face.

While the sister was talking, Jiang Liang Chen had her attention on the document in Ye Qing Xin's hand. After a brief hesitation, Jiang Liang Chen finally spoke, "Xin Xin, why don't you give me the document back."

"What's wrong?" Ye Qing Xin pretended as if she did not understand anything.

"I just remember that I forgot to check a condition that the AN Group had proposed to us." Jiang Liang Chen smiled while forcing herself to act calm. "I better check them again before you sign. Otherwise, the AN Group would be unhappy and make it difficult for us again. Xin Xin, it's not easy for us to work with AN Group."

Ye Qing Xin lowered her gaze. She really wanted to know what Jiang Liang Chen was trying to hide from her.

However, Ye Qing Xin did not want Jiang Liang Chen to know that she was suspecting that something was wrong. Ye Qing Xin realized that she was at a disadvantage because of her memory.

If only the previous Ye Qing Xin left her memory to her, perhaps, it would help her a lot.

Ye Qing Xin passed the document back to Jiang Liang Chen and saw the relieved look on her friend's expression.

According to Jiang Liang Chen, the document will need her signature before it can be approved.

Even if Jiang Liang Chen wanted to pull a trick, she would not be able to do it without her signature.

Unless of course, Jiang Liang Chen found a way to fake her signature.

As the thought come to her mind, Ye Qing Xin decided that she will have to be more careful of Jiang Liang Chen.

Fortunately, she was not someone who would sign without reading a document properly.

Ye Qing Xin recalled how in her previous life, her father, Ye Sen made her sign documents. Back then, she trusted her father so much that she did not think to check on them again.

In the end, the person who suffered was her. In the end, she became a villain in everyone's eyes.

Ye Qing Xin had decided that she will no longer make that same stupid mistake again.

At this time, Ye Qing Xin was very sure that Jiang Liang Chen was someone that she should not trust.

She only needed to find the reason and evidence to support her instinct.

It seemed that she might need Zhang Yu Ying to help her again.

The Ye sisters spent a few hours at the office before they finally leave.

Jiang Liang Chen gave them a tour around the office building, pretending as if she was helping Ye Qing Xin to remember while she was observing her friend with her hawk-like eyes.

While Ye Qing Xin was at the company, Jiang Liang Chen did not leave her friend's side even for a bit. She did not allow anyone to talk to Ye Qing Xin either.

Of course, Jiang Liang Chen's movement was not unnoticed by Ye Qing Xin.