I'll Wait for You

After waiting for a while, Su Xu Ming and Ye Ting appeared at the same time. Seeing the couple seated at the table made the old men turn to look at each other. They exchanged a smile before finally heading towards the couple's side.

Hearing their footsteps, both Su Ming Yuan and Ye Qing Xin looked up at the same time.

"Grandpa." Ye Qing Xin nodded at her grandfather before turning to look at the other man. " Grandpa Su. Hello."

Su Xu Ming gave the couple a lookover with a pleasant smile on his face. "You are really together?"

He had heard about their relationship from his grandson a few days ago, but he still could not believe that he was going to see them together. Su Xu Ming thought that it would take his grandson a few months more before he would be able to have a girlfriend.

Unexpectedly, his grandson was able to have a girlfriend really quickly.

His grandson did not disappoint him and Su Xu Ming was quite happy.