If not her then who

Soon their car came to a halt, and they finally realized they were at the entrance of Angeles Eyes Homes.

Quickly stepping out, Anthony then unloaded their luggage from the trunk before bidding them goodbye.

Once he was gone Ariana heaved out a sigh of relief. One of the reasons why she wasn't ready to open up to Julianna was because of Anthony. Him being

Lucian's most sincere and trustworthy devotee, she just couldn't bring herself to speak.

Now that she was alone without anyone eyeing her, Ariana felt a lot better.

Though deep inside her heart, she felt guilty for leaving without meeting Lucian, she felt it was better for now.

She needed some time alone and the Orphanage was the only place where she could forget all her worries, eventually coming to sort thoughts.

Looking at the two-story building, Ariana took a deep breath before walking inside along with Julianna. 
