True Beauty

Liu awoke the next day with a sense of profound gratitude flooding his being. Memories of the day before remained intact, and he couldn't help but feel thankful to the Sword Saint for saving his life. As he shifted on the soft cushion that cradled his head, he noticed the faintest hint of pink in his cheeks - a testament to the tender care he had received from his savior.

It was early morning, and the sun had yet to rise. Liu had never woken up so late before, but he couldn't bring himself to leave the comfortable embrace of the Sword Saint's lap. As he gazed up at her, he couldn't help but feel captivated by her ethereal beauty. Her white hair flowed like a river of moonlight, and her face was so pristine that it seemed to radiate purity and innocence.

He watched as she slept, mesmerized by the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Her small nose inhaled deeply, and she exhaled from her rosebud lips. Every detail of her was perfect, from the curve of her eyebrows to the slight dimple in her chin. Even in slumber, she emanated a sense of grace and strength that Liu found both humbling and awe-inspiring.

As he lay there, his mind wandered to the events of the day before. He had acted out of character, letting go of the self-control he had cultivated over the years. He had been vulnerable and exposed, and yet, he didn't feel regret. Instead, he felt something he couldn't quite describe.

No one had made him feel this way besides his mother, and even she…

A lightness he hadn't felt in a long time flooded Liu's being, leaving him feeling weightless and liberated. Despite the unexpected turn his life had taken, he was filled with a renewed sense of hope and possibility.

For the first time in ages, everything seemed brighter and more vibrant than before. But amidst the newfound lightness and hope, the Sword Saint remained the brightest thing in Liu's world.

The sonorous voice of the Sword Saint broke Liu from his wandering thoughts of the woman. "Oh, you're already awake?"

As he blinked, Liu found himself staring at the most beautiful woman he had ever met, with a face as curious as it was captivating. His heart leaped at the mere sight of her, and he struggled to find the words to express how he felt.

"Yes, I am," he managed to whisper, his cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink.

"Did you see me sleeping by any chance?" she asked, a faint blush on her cheeks.

Liu understood instantly. She was embarrassed, and he couldn't bear to make her uncomfortable.

"N-no," he stammered, trying to hide his blush.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her wide blue eyes as enthralling as the sky and as clear as the sea.

Liu blushed harder, unable to lie. He had never felt this way before, not even with his mother. It was driving him crazy because he didn't know what to call this emotion.

"So you did see me!" she exclaimed, her rising voice causing him to panic.

"I...I..." Liu stuttered, unable to explain his actions.

He had been unable to resist staring at her as she slept, for she was too cute for him not to admire. But now he felt guilty for making her upset and flustered.

"Why was she so flustered and upset?" he wondered, still grappling with his feelings.

"Was she mad at him? Uncomfortable, maybe? Liu's mind was flooded with millions of questions, but he couldn't find an answer. He stood there, staring at the Sword Saint in a daze, unable to move or speak.

As if reading his mind, the Sword Saint broke the silence, "Liu... it's alright. I was just teasing you." Her voice was soft, soothing, and it instantly calmed him down.

"It's so early in the morning. I was surprised to see you up already. I thought I would wake up before you," she continued, with a hint of mischief in her voice.

Liu couldn't help but be struck by how adorable she was, even in this unguarded moment. He wondered if it was possible for anyone to be so alluring.

"But since you're up, this is a perfect opportunity. There's something I want you to see," she said, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Before Liu could even respond, she jumped up, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. "A-ah, I'm so sorry, Liu!" she exclaimed, her face turning red with embarrassment.

Despite his fall, Liu couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to be close to her. He only wished he could stay on her lap longer.

As he tried to regain his composure, the Sword Saint took him by the arm and dragged him towards the entrance of her shrine. They ran together, and the cool wind brushed past Liu's face and body, but he barely noticed it. He was too focused on where the Sword Saint was taking him - to the edge of the mountain, where he could see the entire Sect from.

Finally, they arrived at the perfect spot.

Right before his eyes, the night sky faded into a soft shade of blue, and the first rays of sunlight began to peek over the horizon, signaling the start of a new day. In the quiet mountain sect, the morning silence was soon broken by the gentle sounds of the natural world awakening.

The first hint of light painted the mountaintops with a warm golden hue, casting a magical glow on the trees, rocks, and streams below. Slowly but surely, the light grew stronger and brighter, illuminating the entire valley with a soft, ethereal light.

As the sun rose higher into the sky, the colors of the landscape began to change. The mountains, once dark and shadowy, now glowed with vibrant shades of green and brown. The streams and rivers sparkled like diamonds, reflecting the light of the rising sun.

The air was still cool and crisp, but as the sun continued to climb, the warmth began to spread throughout the valley. The birds sang their morning songs, filling the air with a symphony of chirps and trills. The scent of pine and wildflowers filled the air, creating a sense of peace and tranquility.

It was beyond magical.

"Do you see, Liu? Can you see the unsullied beauty of this world?" The Sword Saint's words echoed in his heart as he took everything in.

He could feel them resonate with him.

"It's so amazing, isn't it? Nothing can beat this kind of beauty."

As Liu heard those words, he wondered if the Sword Saint was right.

Never before had he experienced such marvelous beauty. Not even in Weiji. However… was this the most astounding beauty he had ever seen?


There was something—no, someone else—who easily surpassed the astounding wonders of nature. She was thereason he was allowed to experience such wonder, yet it paled in comparison to her.

That someone was standing right beside him.

"Sword Saint…" Liu's heart pounded rapidly as he spoke, his voice quivering with each syllable.

"What is it, Liu? You're going to miss the best part!" Her widened eyes were still on the amazing allure of nature, but his eyes were on her.

His palms grew sweaty, and his throat felt itchy. What was he—a mere six-year-old—about to say to this woman? Yet, he couldn't help it.

Liu felt like his heart would explode with the uncontrollable emotions that assailed him if he didn't breathe life into those words. Finally, unable to control the urge any longer, his lips parted and he uttered the words.

"... You're the most beautiful."

The moment he said this, a tense silence pervaded the air. The winds soon broke the quietness, sending sweet scents of plums and clear breeze wafting around them.

"Really?" She slowly averted her gaze from the allure of nature, looking as stunned as she could possibly be. The smile on her face never withered, though.

It remained on her face, reflecting on Liu's as well.

"Y-yes…" He nodded, gulping nervously.

He was so nervous that he thought he would pass out. His heart raced to the point where he felt it was too loud. As the inrush of multiple feelings coursed through him, he felt the warm touch of the Sword Saint on his black hair.

She ran her hands through his hair gently, working her way downwards, and finally settling on his cheek. Her warm, soft hands rested on his cheek, and he could see her dazzling smile, which soothed him.

"Thank you, Liu." As he heard those words, Liu forgot all about his nervousness, and the awkward silence that would have ensued if she hadn't said anything. Instead, he focused on the Sword Saint and her alone.

Her smile truly made it all worth it.





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Thank you all.