Array Of Revelation

In the end, the situation called for nothing else but exactly what the young boy offered. Zhongcheng saw no other alternative and had to bow to his wishes.

"As you wish. We will cooperate with you." They both bowed before each other, a sign of respect and trust; at the very least towards the temporary alliance that was now in effect.

"You made the right choice." Liu nodded gently, a small smile on his face.

Zhongcheng thought he must have been seeing things, but it almost felt like the boy was relieved. His curiosity took control of him, and he had to finally ask;

"What would have happened if we refused?"

"I would have to do everything on my own. It isn't preferable, and the possibility of failure will be higher. However, I would eventually be able to pull it off."

"H-how sure are y—"