6~Ravens birthday

Raven POV

Today is my birthday the day I can finally meet my mate. I sadly had to wait two extra years until I was 18 instead of 16. It all goes into the story of how my family was cursed but let's not get into that today is a special day let's not ruin it with something so sad.

My party is going to be held at the Moon goddesses Castle. It's just going to be me and my friends no one else. I'm going to have a blast I just know I get ready for the day and then grab my moon rock. A moon rock is a magical Rock given to you by the moon goddess to get to the Moon and back.

Once I get to the castle on the moon I go straight to the kitchen to get a snack. When I get into the kitchen I smell willows famous chocolate chip cookies. No and I mean no one can beat willows chocolate chip cookies.

I'm just about to grab a chocolate chip cookie when someone screams boo. I turn around to see two silver eyes staring at me. Bella you can't scare me like that I almost went to Kung Fu on you. I say still recovering from shock.

I'm sorry Raven. Happy Birthday bestie. She replies. I just chuckle and shake my head to her antics. I turn back around and grab two chocolate chip cookies. One for her and one for me. I handed the chocolate chip cookie and we head to the TV room.

So who do you think your mate going to be. Bella asks. I shake my head before answering. I don't know but I have for a certain someone. But I don't want to get my hopes up. I reply

I really just don't want to tell her that I'm really hoping her brother is my mate. Like who wouldn't want him to be their mate. I've always had a crush on William.


We spend a few hours watching some movies in the TV room. When we were done watching our fifth movie we headed up to Bella's room. I help Bella get ready for my birthday party.

My hair was a little messy so that was basically headed out to the game room where my party will be held. All the way to the game room I have this sweet butterflies in my stomach.

We are just about to the game room Bella says we should go grab a drink real quick. So we turn around and head back towards the kitchen. When I'm about to leave the kitchen after I get a drink Bella stop me. I'm about to ask her what is wrong but she cuts me off.

Okay I'm sorry there's nothing wrong but they haven't quite got all your gifts in the game room and they don't want to see them. So they tasked me to keep you busy. She replies with a nervous laugh. That's okay let's just talk for a while. So how is you and your mate? I ask.

Everything is going great so far. Sadly my mother says he won't be able to come back to Earth for 3 years. Something about how she would need a few years to work on getting through a protection spell that's placed on the pack to get his body. She replies.

Well anyway they should be done getting the presents and let's head to the game room. She says before standing up and heading towards the game room. I follow her into the game room.

When I get to the game room I'm hit with the most amazing smell peaches. I look around and my eyes land on silvery gray ones