11~ the body

Bella POV

We pull up to the front of the pack house. As per usual all the high ranking members are all waiting at the front. I step out in the driver announces before he announces my brother and Raven. I tell them to introduce themselves.

Hello your majesty I'm Alpha Izzy. To my left is my beta and mate Xander. Next to him is my Delta Alex. To my right is my gamma Zoe and her mate Jade. My mate sister introduces. She looks a lot like my dear Xavier but in the form of a female.

I take a good look at everybody and notice the gamma couple. Their names rings in my head as I remembered they are the ones we need to talk to about releasing the protection spell on My mates body.

Hi everyone I'm here just to make sure everything's going smoothly in the back treat me as if I was a normal werewolf in your pack. I say with a smile. They lead us to the guest room that we'd be staying in. After they leave I turned to William and Raven.

All right I will do the normal stuff I usually do to make sure that the pack is running smoothly. While I'm doing that you guys are going to try and get close to Jade and so they both have to give permission and access to the protections spell. Now remember witches have a sense that tells them if you're lying. So they will know you're telling the truth. I tell Raven and William.

Okay so you do Queenie stuff and we take the witches. Okay we can do that. Will you replies. Raven just nods with the thumbs up. All right let's go set our things up into this bedrooms and get this mission on the road. I say and we all go our separate ways.


Ravens POV

Me and William set up our bedroom before heading out to meet with the witches. I use my Keen sense of smell as a vampire to locate them. William follows me down the stairs to the outside. I walk through a garden and come to a stop at a weird barrier. I can send some magic coming out from the barrier telling me the witches are inside.

I know that William and he does some Moonie magic to get inside. With a flick of William's wrist were in the barrier. In the middle of a barrier is a weird circle with markings. I do not recognize so I look at William who has a look of amazement on his face.

Willie what is it? I asked him. He looks at me with amazement in his eyes. These are markings of saints Temple also known as Moon which markings. He tells me. I look around in amazement. Suddenly there's a flash blinding me and William.

The flash dies down and their eyesight slowly comes back. In front of us is the gamma's mate Jade. When she sees that it is us she bows before speaking. Your Majesty's may I ask what you're doing in my temple. She asks. She has a look of surprise and suspicion on her face.

We need to speak to you and your mate it's urgent Royal matters. William replies. She nods her head and waves for us to follow her inside the temple. When we get inside the temple we see the gamma Zoe in the temple. Zoe the princess and prince would like to talk to us about Royal matters. Jade tells her mate.

Zoe looks up at us before bowing your head and speaking. What can we help you with your highnesses. Zoe asks. She has a look of certainty on her face almost as if she knows what we're here for. You may want to take a seat for this Jade. We understand what we're about to ask may sound odd and if you give us the time we will explain why we need this to happen. I say.

They nod and we sit down and get ready to explain what we're doing here. I take a deep breath getting ready to tell them everything. As you know 3 years ago your alpha's brother died in a war. This was the plan of the moon goddess. As you know the Royal line is directly related to the Moon goddess. William here is her son as the queen is her daughter. I say letting it sink in for a few minutes before continuing.

The moon goddess decided the fate of Xavier intended to meet her daughter the queen. They are destined mates. The moon goddess sent us here on a mission to get your permission to the protection spell so we can revive Xavier. He had to die so Izzy would take title of alpha. And he would take the title of King. I say.

We all sit in silence for a few minutes. So you're telling us you need our permission for access to our protection spell that is put on his resting place? Because the moon goddess had chose him as the Queen's mate and has to revive him so that can happen. Jade asks.

That's exactly what we are telling you. If you don't believe us you can always ask your dad. My mother has given him permission to contact you and for you to contact him. In exchange for access to the production spell. William says. Jade look shocked.

We all sit waiting for someone to talk.. I get to talk to my dad whenever I want for exchange of access to my best friends brother's body? Jade asks me and William nods. We all go back to sitting in the quiet. I know this is all hard to understand for them so I give them a little bit of time before asking the question.

I know this is all a bit confusing. But we need to know if we have access to the protection spell. I asked. Jade and Zoe think about it for a few minutes. This wasn't a visit to check if the packs were doing okay was it? It was to get permission to a body because the moon goddess sent you. Zoe asks.

That is right there is only one catch you cannot tell your alpha office it would ruin everything. The moon goddess has chose fate and that fate involves them being united later on. William says. The two girls think about it for just a few seconds before smiling.

They stand up smiling and glancing at each other before they turn back saying.......