24~niece and nephew

Xavier POV

It's been a month since the war with the demons. We had Raven's funeral 2 weeks after. It took a while for Bella to be okay afterwards but she eventually got there. Things changed after Raven's death William stopped talking as much focusing on work as the new moon God. He's still not okay with the fact of Raven's death.

Every time we went to talk to him he said he was busy and just work work with him lately. Willow says that he hardly eats anymore too. Me and him have become very close over the fact that I was dead and was so trapped in that place. And it seemed to all go away as soon as Raven died he had me very worried about his health.

I got to meet my niece and nephew Grayson and Gem they are sweet little things. Grayson loves cars and dinosaurs while Gem likes anything from horses to dragons. They're both incredibly smart. I go back to the pack every once in awhile to spend time with them. Sometime Izzy brings them to the castle so they can play around in the gardens.

Me and Izzy became close again like we were before I died. I hang out with Xander too because he's still my best friend. I'm glad my sister ended up with him I know he will treat her right. But if he doesn't he'd have me to answer to. I'm not just a big brother anymore I'm the king of werewolves. you never want to have the king of werewolves mad at you.


Today is the brought Grayson and Gem Over to play at the castle. They are loving it I even bought them some toys and gave them their own playroom in the castle. Me and Bella sits out in the garden watching them play and chase butterflies. I hope one day me and Bella can have some some kids like Grayson and Gem. Happy and energetic.

Grayson comes running up to me holding a butterfly. Uncle Xavier look what I caught it's a monarch butterfly. Daddy says you and him used to catch him when you guys were little too. Grayson tells me smiling with his two front teeth poking out of his lip. I laugh before taking the butterfly out of his hands. Your dad's right we used to catch all kinds of butterflies but our favorite ones to catch for monarchs. Do you know why? I asked him.

At this point Gem comes over to see what we're talking about. Because they're the most pretty butterfly? Gem States. I shake my head. I chuckle at that response giving the butterfly back to Grayson. Nope because if you hold it on your finger and it throw it up into the air while it flies away you make a wish and it will come true. I tell the kids.

Really? That's so cool I'm going to make a wish right now. Grayson says his sister looks sad and and Grayson notices. How about we both make a wish at the same time Gem. Grayson asks his twin sister. Gem nods her head. They throw the butterfly up and it flies away and they both shout out their wish same time. I chuckle I'm glad I got to meet my niece and nephew because they are so entertaining.