Learning About Dark Market

Ryker woke up with Ina in his arms. He smiled, yesterday's event had been interesting. He decided to take to his grave the fact he exhausted himself running to the city.

  Ina looked at him, smiling before kissing him lightly on the lips. Ryker stroked her hair before reluctantly getting out of bed.

  The two entered the bathroom together, something they did after becoming lovers, though surprisingly, only half the time they went together resulted in a steamy moment.

  This is not one of the times, Ina washed Ryker's back, asking, "So, what happened yesterday?" she had been surprised when he returned, after all, he had confessed to her that he wanted to take two missions.

  "It went well. My rank went up to three diamonds and I already got the rewards. I plan to stay at the inn today, though, spend some time with them," he answered, letting Ina wash him before he returned the favor.

  After they had cleaned themselves, the two brought the children to the nearest cafe, deciding to have something outside of the inn's food. Finishing their food, they decided since they already left the inn, they should go see more of the city.

  The younger siblings naturally agree, that the chance to see sight is something they would take. With them in tow, they couldn't see every single sight as trying to rein in the children is a nearly impossible task. 

  In the end, Ryker decided to let them run around but made them promise to remain in his line of sight. As they walked around the city, Ryker decided to take them to the biggest store in the city, intending to buy some clothes for all of them.

  "Ah, do you wish to sell something?" seeing Ryker, the manager asked.

  "I have something to sell but after this, I like to do some shopping," he replied. The manager nodded, happy to meet him as with the items he bought from the young man, the profit he got increased, making the higher-ups look at him with approval. He was likely able to increase his status within the family.

  As he thought about his bright future, Ryker and Ina watched over their siblings, trying different kinds of clothes. At first, the children had some fun but as time went on, they slowly grew bored. Ina, noticing this decided to pick some of the clothes while they picked the rest.

  As the younger siblings were trying on new clothes, Esran decided to leave the store. He informed his older brother, that he was not stupid. He wanted to see if there were any interesting things when a hand clasped over his mouth.

  "Looks like we got ourselves a boy. Wonder if he's going to sell well," one of his kidnappers asked, tying a gag in his mouth.

  "He looked pretty. Those rich people with no children will buy him no doubt," the other kidnapper answered.

  Esran just keeps quiet, finding it novel to be kidnapped. He wondered what would happen first, they brought him to their supposed boss first or they met his brother's first with their face.

  He lightly grumbled as the kidnappers carried him... somewhere. They put him down, though they seemed surprised. His apathetic expression often did that to people.

  "I only have one thing to say," Esran suddenly talked, the kidnappers looked at him in surprise. "If you want to kidnap someone, make sure they don't have a powerful brother and sister that can beat you up," as he said it, a first hit the kidnapper at the side of his head before a kick to the gut sent the other one flying.

  "Big Sis Ina," he called out, Ina already dealt with the rest before beating up his kidnappers.

  "Let get you out of here," before he could remove the rope tying him, she leaped to the side. The likely leader looked at his big sister in fury.

  "You dare beat up my man!" he then looked at her before giving her a big smile. "Look like I hit a jackpot! Taking one boy get me a beauty! You going to make a fine main attraction for the auction!" he roared, his cultivation at the 7th Stage Genesis Gathering unleashed.

  While he didn't show it outwardly, Esran was worried. He was not sure if his big sister could beat the man. The only one in their family to be able to handle them with ease would be his big brother.

  However, his worry was for naught as Ina easily avoided the man's attack. She had been trained by Ryker and used to fight with odds stacked against her, most of them by the design of her lovers.

  The man might have an advantage in the cultivation realm but Ina was more experienced between the two, weaving through his attacks like it was nothing. Not to mention, her foundation is solid despite her quick cultivation rise.

  Add all of the reasons and she singlehandedly beat up the man, his attack not touching her as Ina gave him several makeup (bruises). 

  "Stand still bit-" before he could finish his word, Ina gave his crotch a powerful kick, causing the man to let out foam from his mouth before fainting.

  "With that done, let's get out of here," Ina said cheerfully like she hadn't ended the man's chances to have a descendent.

  Esran gulped, putting in his mind to never make Ina angry, ever. He did not wish to end like the man. As he exited wherever he was, he spotted his big brother interrogating one of the people outside, the man clearly learning the meaning of terror.

  "Oh, you back. Any though opponent?" Ryker asked, Ina shrugged as she answered.

  "A 7th Stage Genesis Gathering expert but he was really weak, like he seemed to only know how to bully children and defenseless women," she complained before looking at the man his lover was holding.

  "Get anything out of him?" "Yes, apparently they were trying to find people to send to the Dark Market, something about an auction there," 

  "The Dark Market?" Esran asked. In her head, Ina thanked the 11-year-old. She also didn't know anything about the Dark Market.

  "It is essentially a place to sell items, usually illegal goods. From forbidden techniques to poisons, anything that is not normally sold in regular stores can be found there. Though it also sold slaves," he said in repulse, the idea of treating people like objects sickened him.

  "Then, they want to-" "Yes, I believe they want to sell Esran," Ryker answered before Ina finished her question.

  As the two talked some more about the Dark Market, Esran thought about a way to help their one problem.

  "Big brother, where are the rest?" he asked. His other siblings' whereabouts are not with his older siblings, and definitely not with him.

  "They at the inn, we send them there before going to rescue you," Ryker replied.

  Esran sighed in relief, his siblings likely safe for now.

  "Then big brother, I think I know where to find people who know about the Dark Market,"