Dark Market Excursion

  From what the manager said, the Dark Market's entrances were hidden in many different spots, only accessible at certain times. Thankfully, he knew and gave them the location of one of the entrances.

  The couple find themselves in a deserted street around midnight. They had to make sure their siblings were safe in their inn before coming to the area. 

  While the streets may seem unassuming, Ryker could sense a Genesis Formation expert keeping watch, the several Genesis Gathering experts guarding the area with the expert.

  The two walked to the supposed entrance before they were blocked by the guards, "Please, this is a restricted area. Leave for your own good," one of the guards said, eyeing Ina like she was some kind of prize.

  "Black bug creeping through the crevice," Ryker recited the password given to him by the manager, the guards easing up before going to a wall, opening a hidden door using a key of some sort.

  "You may enter but after that, what happens to you would not be a concern for us," he said, Ryker, looking at him before releasing his cultivation at the 5th Stage Genesis Formation.

  "Thanks for the warning, but I think I can protect myself. Oh, by the way. A piece of advice, don't eye a beautiful woman if you don't know who's with them," Ryker said, leaving the guard reeling about the fact he survived looking at a Genesis Formation expert.


As soon as they entered the Dark Market, the first thing that came to mind was that the place was shabby. Then again, maintaining a beautiful marketplace that only a few people know about is foolish.

  The second thing that comes to mind is everyone wearing a cloak or a mask, their face hidden as they do their transaction. They quickly put on their cloak and mask before looking around for a suitable place to seek information.

  As they looked around, a couple of thugs at the Genesis Gathering realm surrounded them.

  "Hand over all of your valuables and we will let you go. And give us that woman too," thugs sneered at them. They must have guessed Ina's gender from her clothing, the cloak didn't hide her curves.

  Ryker looked at them before releasing his cultivation level before pressing the thugs to the ground, some fainting from the powerful pressure. He walked towards one of the still-waking thugs before grabbing him by the neck and lifting him.

  "Tell me where I can any useful information I will not kill you," he threatened the man, the manager had told them death is a normal occurrence in the Dark Market.


  "So, that's our source of information?" Ina said, looking unimpressed as they set their sight on a bar. The thugs had told them that the bar was where mercenaries, bounty hunters, and information brokers gathered, exchanging tales, job offers, and information.

  The two enter the place before finding a seat. Deciding to blend in, Ryker ordered two drinks, though low in alcohol. Remaining sober in this place could save their lives.

  As the bartender prepared their drinks, Ryker heightened his sense of hearing, listening to some of the conversation. What he could hear was mostly asking about jobs or telling what happened during the jobs. 

  As they talked mostly about useful things, he planned to ask about the slave market when he heard two mercenaries talking.

  "So, I heard they going to sell a beautiful slave in the auction?"

  "Yes, apparently, she is a beauty. Those guys allowed anyone who was going to enter the auction the chance to see her but with a price. Apparently, the price is worth looking at the beauty. No doubt there will be some intense bidding for her," 

  Hearing them talking about the auction, Ryker remembered that Esran had almost been put into the auction himself. However, his objective is to buy a slave to take care of his siblings so he won't be participating in the auction.

  As he scanned the area again, the bartender arrived with their drinks, "Newcomer, eh?" the woman asked, pushing her breast upward. 

  Ryker ignored the attempt to seduce him. Besides, he thinks Ina's look is far superior to the bartender's. Still, he planned to answer the question, "Yes, mind telling me some of the more interesting goods that can be found in this place, I heard this is a good place to find good info," 

  "Hmmm, where you can get an interesting good, eh? Well, there is the poison shop across the streets. Then, the forbidden technique shop, just a few shops to the right. Of course, the slave market, if you just go straight here, you will spot the biggest building in the area, that's where that place is at

  Of course, if you looking for pleasure, the upper floor has some beauties for you to play with, but at a steep price. If you are interested, then come upstairs," the bartender said, before going back to making drinks, swinging her hips while at it.

  "Well, we get what we coming for, let finish the drink before leaving," Ryker decided, the two finished their drinks before leaving, using their qi to clear up their hazy mind from the alcohol.

  As the bartender said, they could see the biggest building when they exited the bar. Seeing their destination, the two walked to the building arriving to see a sight.

  Despite being underground, there were several buildings, the smaller ones surrounding the biggest. In the perimeters were guards, watching over the area. Likely to prevent a break-in and out.

  Ryker and Ina walked towards the entrance before the guards stopped them, "What isn't our business here?" one of them asked.

  "We wished to look for some slaves. And if you ask for the qualities, we want the best one we could buy here," Ryker stated, pulling out a pouch of coins before throwing it to the guards. 

  The leader caught it before seeing its contents, the man's eyes bulged seeing it was filled with gold coins.

  "Well, what you have is enough to buy the top-quality slave. Please wait here while I get the overseer. He would show you the slaves," the guard said, grabbing a Communication Token, a plump man soon ran towards them.

  "So you would like to buy a slave, right? Then follow me," the two follow the man, leading them to the biggest building.

  "Before we go in, do you have any special needs?" he asked.

  "Special needs?" the two questioned him.

  "Simply put, if you want your slaves to be a guard, then you should get a battle slave. If you want a loyal servant who can't betray you, then you get a servant slave. If it's for pleasure, then you can get a sex slave," the man explained.

  "In that case, are they hybrids, like a battle slave that could do some caretaking?" Ina asked. 

  "Hmmm, well, most of our top-quality battle slaves are fighters only. We trained those we deemed to have potential and most of their skills are in fighting. So, we don't have those, I'm sorry," he answered, making the two sigh.

  "What about a servant slave that knew how to fight, we don't ask much, just they could at least hold their own against some bandits," Ina put up her request.

  The man seemed to be thinking about it before snapping his fingers. "I know just the slave that can do that,"