A Slave New Life

  Era looked at the room. Compared to what she used to have in the slave market, it is a lot smaller. Then again the people that bought her were travelers, adventurers from the badge, and likely successful ones at that.

  She let out a sigh, her status used to be higher but now she degraded to become a slave. While the young man might not wished to do things to her now, who knew if he was going to change his mind?

  "That's the fate of slave and loser, they will be at the bottom of the rung," she said to herself before lying down, intending to sleep as tears fell.


  Thanks to her training, she woke early in the morning. Seeing that the others didn't wake up yet, she decided to do some cleaning. Taking some cleaning utensils, she cleaned the living room when the door to the main bedroom opened. 

  "Oh, Era, you already awake," Ryker said, slightly surprised due to how early it was.

  "Yes, master, I would do my duty the best as I can," Era said, remembering her status as the slave of the man in front of her.

  "In that case mind waking up the children. I'm going to take a bath first," he ordered her.

  Carrying out her order, she woke her master's younger siblings, the children grumbling but getting up nonetheless. She helped them to prepare the younger ones' baths, even bathing the adorable Ariana, who accepted the new stranger bathing her by giggling.

  After all of them cleaned up, Ryker looked at them before saying, "Alright, we going to have breakfast in the inn. Era, after breakfast, get them to the room. Only went out during lunch. After that, you can spend some time outside but remain close to Era, understand?"

  The children nodded, having remained in the room as a rather boring endeavor. "What about you big bro, where at you going?" Darius asked, noticing that his big brother didn't mention himself or his big sister.

  "Ina and I will take some missions at the Adventure Guild. With Era here, we decided to let her take care of you while we do our job. Behave, please. And don't cause any unnecessary trouble," he warned them again before leading them to the dining area of the inn.

  After breakfast, the couple left, leaving her with the children. She took them to their room, her master's order was to keep them there until lunch.

  Unfortunately, they were children. And they get bored, easily. 

  "Please stop running too much, we going to bother the room below,"

  "No, you can't play that inside, it going to hit something,"

  "Please refrain from jumping. Your big brother and my master will kill me if you get a broken neck when I'm supposed to watch you,"

  "Ariana, remain being you, you are already perfect the way you are,"

  In short, chaos happened. The only bright side is the children didn't try to do an excessive amount of damage, they just wanted to play outside. She hoped lunch would come soon, so she could let them burn their energy.


  Era watched as the children ate, thankfully noon finally arrived. She had brought them to a cafe near a park, intending to let them play there before returning. 

  Thankfully, they calmed down when it was time for lunch, but whether because they were hungry and wanted to recharge their energy or they wanted to leave the inn room, she's not sure

  With the children pacified for now, she watched them, feeding Ariana who looked happy. Then again, the little baby always looked happy. She played with her hair, knowing the chaos merely paused, waiting to be unleashed at the park.

  She hoped she was prepared. However, a small part of her mind telling her such a thought is too naive.


  Surprisingly, the children were restrained while outside, not going too far from her sitting spot. The four older siblings helped her in that regard, informing her of each of the kids' whereabouts. Truly, they were a great blessing.

  She wondered what happened to their parents but from the look of things, they were no more, something she could relate to. Her thoughts drifted to her past when she heard a loud smack.

  "Watch yourself brat, don't you know to watch where you going?!" a man yelled at one of the girls, Amari if she remembered correctly. But the girl is timid and stays in one spot, how could she hit the man?

  She glanced at Esran, who shocked his head. Ah, so this person decided to mess with a bunch of children. Not on her watch. Even if the kids were not her responsibility, she would beat the thug-like man.

  "Mister, please don't try to bother the children," she smiled at the man. The man was about to roar at her but stopped, a perverted smile slowly formed on his face.

  "Of course, but if you apologize on their behalf. I know a place for your 'apology'," he said, Era calmed herself, the man being a regular mortal, not to mention, her master gave her an artifact in the shape of a necklace, one that could unleash a strength equal to a 7th Genesis Gathering expert.

  The man put a hand on her waist, the hand going lower. He let a smirk, to think a decision to mess with a child allowed him to get a chance to taste this beauty. That is what he thought before pain erupted from his hand.

  He looked to his side seeing the young woman looked at her coldly before twisting his arm, making him scream in pain. 

  "If you wish to lie, don't do a blatant one. That just makes me want to beat you up," were the words that came out of her mouth before she beat the man up. After unleashing an excessive amount of violence, she let the one big bruise that used to be a man fall before hugging Amari.

  "There, girl. You are not the one in the wrong here. That man is a person that likes to bully the weak so you don't have to cry," she comforted the girl, the girl sniffling but stopped crying.

  "Now, let's go back, I have enough excitement for today,"


  By the time dinner was over, her master returned, looking slightly worn out. In comparison, Ina looked like she just went to a forest before getting bet up by everything inside, including the trees. 

  "Do you have fun?" her master asked, the children releasing a barrage of answers. She decided to sit down, exhausted from taking care of them. Oh well, now that he's here, he can handle the cute types.

  After the children calmed down, the couple cleaned up before playing with the children for a while. When the children tire themselves out, the three oldest people in the room get them to bed.

  "Era, tell me what happened today," his master told her. She quickly gave a summary of what happened, the man growled at the mention of the person messing with his siblings. 

  "Good job, go to sleep, dealing with them can be... a little handful," he said after some thought.

  She chortled at the understatement as she went to her room. She changed to a more comfortable sleepwear, the two had bought it for her after they completed their missions.

  As she wore it, she found something, a small marble of some sort. She wondered what it was before it showed a screen, Ryker and Ina on it while they do 'midnight exercise,'. Era blushed, trying to see how to turn it off. 

  Unfortunately (Fortunately?) she couldn't turn it off. Throwing it outside would let other people see her master doing it. She could stuff it in the wardrobe but the suggestive noise only makes things harder as her imagination goes wild.

  As she continued to hear the passionate lovemaking, her lower cavern began to flood, and she touched it as she imagined being in Ina's place. The image somehow made her body grow hotter before she couldn't hold it anymore, squirting love juice as she climaxed.

  She decided to watch it, seeing how Ina was being plowed in every way possible, somehow the other woman could still speak, somewhat. Ryker looked like he still could go on, oh, he continued, his spear entering Ina once again even after the girl looked like she already fainted.

  As the show continued, she fingered herself, imagining being subjugated in such a way, that her second climax soon came. As she lay down on the wet sheet, she covered her face, it so red that one could mistake her for a tomato.

  Mercifully, the screen stopped showing, allowing her to try to sleep. Except for the fact she still remembered everything vividly. She sighed, two things going through her mind, 'I likely couldn't sleep and where did the marble come from,'.