Family Meet Dragon Princess

  His return was met with several small bodies trying to tackle him before bigger bodies lunged at him and pushed him to the ground. He greeted his family happily, spending more than half the week in the deadly ranges had been a tiring thing to do.

  He even contemplated staying in the city a day longer but decided against it, they were already late by the schedule he set. Thankfully, the preparation had been met with more carriages and horses bought to help them ever-expanding group travel.

  He planned to sleep for the night before heading to the capital the next day. Of course, the ladies decided to sleep in the same bed, though they didn't do any night activities, wanting to not tire themselves out the day they headed out.

  However, the next day brings several surprises to them. Firstly, the patriarch of the Tres Family came and apologized for his son, saying that he would make sure the family wouldn't make a move on him.

  He accepted it, wanting the bygone be bygones. Besides, the Tres Family was the only one to suffer because of their young master's desire to have Miriam.

  Secondly, he was able to meet with the Alten City Adventure Guild Branch Leader. The supervisor had told him about his rise in the cultivation realm, making the Branch Leader have some interest in him.

  The Branch Leader had offered him a chance to be a supervisor himself, one that he denied. The Branch Leader accepted it, before asking him to give his adventure badge, replacing it with a 2 star 1 diamond badge along with his token, saying he would know it's use when he get to the capital city. He accepted it before saying his farewell to the two men.

  The final surprise is he was summoned by the City Lord himself. Apparently, the captain he had met before had told the City Lord of the rising star, making him want to see him himself. The meeting with the City Lord can be summarised with two words, nerve-racking.

  In the end, the City Lord made a similar offer as the Branch Leader, which he denied too. The City Lord accepted it before giving him a token, saying it would give him certain privileges in the capital city. He accepted it before he exited the City Lord Mansion, heading towards his siblings who were waiting at one of the gates.


  "I'm so glad I lowered my head," the patriarch of the Tres Family thought out loud. To think the junior would receive an invitation from the City Lord and even meet up with the elusive Branch Leader of the Adventure Guild, truly his decision was a wise one.


  The City Lord remained seated, seemingly waiting for someone. Suddenly, the window opened before closing, the City Lord closed his eyes as he let out a tired sigh.

  "Do you have to do that every time?" he asked an empty space before it rippled to show another man, the Branch Leader himself.

  "Yes, but we don't come here to discuss about that right?" the Branch Leader said, his expression turned serious.

  "Yes, it's about what he saw at the 5th peak," the City Lord's tone was somber as he said it.

  "To think, someone could be lucky enough to survive the journey to the 5th peak and find out that 10 Genesis Stage 5 Beasts making their home in that place," the Branch Leader replied. To think his decision to meet with a new adventurer with great potential would result in him receiving such a piece of terrifying news.

  "Yes, his luck is beyond what could be thought off. Unfortunately, this city, no, the barony itself couldn't hold someone like him," the City Lord exclaimed.

  "True, if he can survive, he might rise to the highest echelons of the Guild," the Branch Leader agreed.

  "Let's not talk about the junior. We should make some preparation in case those lizard beasts decide to be bold," the City Lord said, the atmosphere turned dreary as the two most powerful figures in Alten City tried to come up with the appropriate countermeasure.


  "I hope those lizard beasts won't come, or at least the two could get some help," Ryker thought to himself.

  The decision to tell the Branch Leader had been made on a whim, mostly because the man decided to meet him and he thought it was appropriate to tell the top figure in the city of the potential threat, for unlike the Rock Bears, he had disturbed the Red Earth Lizard Dragon home, even taking the dragon heart.

  He let out a sigh, having no time to think about it, it would happen soon, with likely more powerful lizard beasts emerging from the 5th peak, the remains of a Saint Realm dragon more than capable of making a few of the beasts reach the 9th major stage of the Genesis Grand realm.

  In fact, he helped accidentally by grabbing the dragon's heart, making it harder for the more powerful lizard beasts to upgrade their bloodlines.

  Speaking of the dragon heart, he remembered the message he had sent to a certain dragon princess earlier. They agreed to meet up in the forest, the dragon taking care to not be found by the patrolling guards.

  He had also told them that someone would come join them. How Ina guessed it was a girl remained a mystery, his silence during that time answered his lover's question. They had asked questions about the new arrival but he refrained from saying too much, answering the new member will be the one to answer their questions.

  As they traveled, Ryker, Ina, and Era were on horseback while Miriam and the children were inside the carriages, clearly looking forward to seeing another new city. Ryker soon sensed her, Mashia likely stopped hiding her aura when he got close.

  "Mashia!" he called the dragon out, the woman nodding before heading towards his direction.

  As the dragon princess came into view, Ina and Era looked at her in curiosity, while Miriam's head popped out of the carriage, trying to see why they stopped.

  "Are you the new member?" if not for the fact he was not eating anything, he would likely choked. In fact, he choked air when Ina said it, her question could be misunderstood by the one in the know.

  Unfortunately, Mashia didn't know about it, "Yes, I'm a member," the other woman gave him some suspicious looks, one he ignored by giving a signal to the dragon girl.

  "Before we continue our journey, I like to tell you one thing," as he said it, Mashia removed her pendant, and her blue horns appeared out of thin air.

  "She is a dragon,"