Discussion of Hal Family Higher Up

  Ryker's mind went blank, having absolutely no idea what to do if he got a kiss. If it was one of his lovers, it would be a different story but Shuri is just a cousin to his friend. Not to mention he still has to talk to the other women.

  Not to mention their status. Ryker was a mere traveler while she was a young lady of a powerful family. So it would definitely make people talk. He decided to avoid the incoming conversation by letting his tired state hit like a rhino beast.


  Shuri could only blush as Ryker fainted, clearly exhausted by the ordeal. Her grandfather went towards them, before he looked at his granddaughter curiously, "Are you in love with him?" 

  The blunt question made her blush harder but she nodded nonetheless. After all, it was the truth.

  "You do know he has more lovers. Not to mention, he will leave this city, traveling to another nation," the elder asked. Shuri nodded. She had thought about such a thing. In the end, she wished to follow the young man who had stolen her heart, seeing the world with him.

  The elder sighed, while he was glad for his grandchild to found love, for her to fall in love with the powerful young man put his mind into turmoil, after all, he might never see his beloved granddaughter ever again.

  The ancestor looked at her before asking, "Why did the guards and even the elders look at him in reverence," he had spotted them looking at the young man, and couldn't help but question their action.

  "You have to ask the elders and the guards for that. Because what happened is so unbelievable that you wouldn't believe me if I told you," the young lady told them.

  Hearing her words, they nodded. Still, they couldn't help but wonder what could be so unbelievable that they needed multiple accounts to believe it.

  As more reinforcement arrived, the battlefield was soon cleaned up. The dead were put inside a wagon while the injured were sent to the infirmaries. Because of his status, Ryker was sent to a private room where he was healed by one of the top healers of the Hal Family.

  In the meantime, the two strongest members of the Hal Family began to ask the guards and elders for the account of the battle.


  "Unbelievable. No wonder she said we need to ask the elders and guards for us to believe her," the grandfather said, looking shocked by the report. 

  "True, which made him even more valuable. The only regret I have is that the Barony was clearly unable to hold him. Soon, he would leave the place to look for even more opportunities," the ancestor exclaimed, looking shocked but hiding it better than his son.

  "What should we do then, father, grandfather?" Solail asked, having been called to meet the two, as well as discuss the most appropriate action. 

  Shuri's father was also present, but he was currently filled with fatherly fury pointed towards a certain young man who had stolen his precious daughter's heart. 

  "The elders present for the defense all agreed to reward the young man. After all, even if the Genesis Core expert didn't make his move, he still turned the tide of the battle, allowing our forces to escape with minimal casualties," the grandfather gave his thought.

  The rest silently agreed. If not for him, the number of their death would be higher, weakening them to a certain degree. They owe the young man for his help.

  "He's like some kind of angel of our family," the other looked at Solail, surprised by what he said, "What, it's true. First, he saved Solance. Now, he saves the family from suffering a catastrophe. He always brings some kind of good luck to our family," 

  Hearing his words, the others nodded in agreement. His help, despite it being something he wasn't obligated to do, was the one that turned the wheel of fate, allowing the Hal Family to escape disaster after disaster.

  "What kind of reward should we give him? After all, his contribution is as big, if not bigger than when he saved Solance," Solail asked. 

  Hearing this, the ancestor answered quickly, "Do the same thing as before, just increase the scale. As for the treasure he would be allowed to take, let him take 4 treasures. It's only appropriate since he helped us so much.

  Also, give him my token. As for today, the young man is a friend of the Hal Family. If anyone caused him some difficulties, they will have to answer to us," hearing the ancestor giving his verdict, the rest bowed to him, "As the ancestor command!"

  "One more thing," before they could leave the chamber, the ancestor stopped him, "See if the girl truly liked the boy. If their love could blossom into something more, then allow it to happen," hearing his ancestor's words, Shuri's father gritted his teeth before sighing.

  In the end, it was his beloved daughter's decision to love him, and he wouldn't stop him. He could, however, try to threaten him so he would treat his daughter right.

  With the last word of the ancestor, the main line of the Hal Family exited the room, leaving their ancestor to his own thoughts.


  Ryker groaned, his body hurting slightly from the fight. He opened his eyes to the sight of a ceiling, "So I was sent to some room to heal," he said out loud, turning his head to spot Shuri, sleeping on a chair next to his bed.

  He looked at the young lady again, fully conscious of the feeling she had for him. Now, that he thought of her as a woman instead of Solance's cousin, he could see how beautiful she was. 

  Her white skin complimented her white hair. The white dress she often wore also showed all of her beauty while leaving some to guess. Her blue eyes were soft and gentle, clearly something she got from her mother as the men of the family all have yellow eyes.

  His musing was cut short by the groaning of the girl, who yawned and stretched herself. She didn't seem to realize he had woken up, Ryker thought with a hint of amusement. Deciding to slightly surprise the girl, he put one of his hands on her hand, the one that was put on the blanket.

  Surprised by the movement, she turned towards him, only to see him giving her a teasing smile.

  "To think the young lady likes watching me sleeping,"

  The blush on her face was worth it being hit by a pillow, repeatedly.