Aftermath of War

 As for the experts of the Mariz Barony, they had an important meeting, to discuss what to do with the territory they had won.

 "So, are we going to keep the territory we just gained?" the Hal Family Ancestor asked, causing the rest of the meeting participants to look at him weirdly.

 "Of course, if not, why would we even attack the territory and not even claim it as our own?" the ancestor of the Maza Family asked.

 The Hal Family ancestor gave his old friend a wry smile. "If we could even hold it. We don't have the strength necessary to hold down the territory, much less turn it into our own," 

 Listening to the Hal Family ancestor, the Maza Family Ancestor turned silent, as he hadn't thought about it.

 "What he said is true," the Baron suddenly said, making the rest of the participants of the meeting look at him, the awe at the fact they were in the presence of a Genesis Spring expert despite him being an old friend.

 "We couldn't even hope to turn this into a part of the Barony territory, as we don't have the force strong enough to hold it against possible enemy attack. And we can't hope for the kingdom to aid us without any return."

 The fact that the Baron threw at them made them give it some more thought. They all agree with what their leader said, after all, it was merely common sense. They still, even with their leader's current strength, is still a Barony, and a young one at that.

 Not having enough soldiers and experts to protect an area twice its previous size is understandable. But still, most of them felt bitter.

 "I knew we couldn't hope to hold it. But it still stings as we are the one to destroy the Esel Barony," the Hal Family Ancestor said, voicing what everyone in the room was thinking.

 "Unfortunately, we are just too weak to do anything, however, we could gain a bit from the territory," Now every single person looked at the Baron.

 "What do you mean?" the Gurdon Family Ancestor asked.

 "It will take some time for the Birak Kingdom to turn the stretch of land into what they wanted, a military district to pierce deeper into the Holos Kingdom. While they gathered the necessary men and resources, we could keep a watch over that territory, in exchange for the chances to gain some resources while we control the territory. 

 Once the Birak Kingdom had sent their forces, we would keep watch until they finished the full handover. That way, we would gain something from the territory," hearing the Baron's suggestion made the rest of the Genesis Source experts in deep thought.

 After much consideration, they voice their agreement, as they would gain something from the territory, even if for a short while only.


 Unsurprisingly, the Kingdom accepted their offers. After all, there was already a vassal nation nearby who could watch over the new territory while they prepared their forces to claim it as their own. The price they have to pay could also be called cheap, as it would take a long time to finish gathering all the resources in the Esel Barony former territory.

 With the chances to control and grab some resources from the territory secured, the Genesis Source experts began to negotiate with each other over with stretch of land they wanted. It soon turned heated as each one of them wanted to claim the resources-rich land.

 The negotiations took several hours before everyone in the room was satisfied with the distribution of the land. Even if they could only control it for a short time, the time it would take for the Birak Kingdom to turn the land into a military district would at least be half a year to 2 years, so they have plenty of time to grab as many resources as they can.

 After the negotiations between the Genesis Source experts, the Baron looked at the only person in the room who didn't contribute during the meeting, "What about you, Ryker, do you wish for anything?" the Baron asked the young man, who seemed to be in deep thought.

 "I want some resources of the Law of Lightning, Ice, and Darkness," he voiced his wants, making the baron look at him puzzlingly.

 "I don't know why you want the resources of those Path but it shall be done. Consequently, are there any other things you want? After all, you did such a great service, both to the Mariz Barony and the Birak Kingdom,"

 Ryker shook his head. Truth to be told, he wanted to ask for more resources related to the other Cultivation Art but doing so would make the Baron and the others ask more questions. So, he refrained from asking or buying the resources he needed, only focusing on the Cultivation Art first.

 The baron seemed troubled as he didn't want to feel indebted to the young man, but with the young man not asking for anything, he could only offer his more cultivation resources. That is until he thought of something.

 "Ryker?" hearing his name, he turned his head towards the Baron. "Would you like one of the war prisoners we got to be your slave?" hearing this, Ryker looked at the Baron with incredulity. After all, while he didn't hate the slave market, as most of the slaves were usually in debt or war prisoners, doesn't mean he liked it.

 Before he could reject the offer, the Baron continued, "Think of this as a gift from me. The slave in question is the daughter of the Baron of Esel. Surprisingly, she is rather well-behaved. As such, I think giving him to you would be appropriate. She also possessed strength at the 4th Stage of the Genesis Condensing realm.

 Please accept this gift, as there is nothing else I could give to you that you don't already have," he wavered slightly, as he didn't know what to do.

 He let out a sigh, "Yes, sir Baron, I will accept the gift," he hoped that it wouldn't bite him in the butt later on.


 With his agreement, the Baron led him to the dungeon, where all of the war prisoners were kept. Soon, they reached a rather big cell. A quick peek inside reveals a young woman with long blonde hair inside.

 She currently wearing some prisoners' clothing, a slightly better dress compared to the ragged clothing most slaves usually wear. Still, there were some tears that he could see. The guard opened the cells, where the prisoner soon came out, looking at him with a blank look.

 "This is your new slave, Rina Esel, the daughter of the Baron of Esel,"
